Carrion Feeder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Carrion Feeder

Creature — Zombie

Carrion Feeder can't block.

Sacrifice a creature: Put a +1/+1 counter on Carrion Feeder.

DreadKhan on EDH Merens Reanimator

3 months ago

The OG Fetches are very good cards in almost any deck, and as I mentioned in my first post, I don't know if it would be easy to improve this deck without either adding Fetchlands or increasing the power level.

The easiest way to increase the power level a deck like yours is to add a combo, but your present power level is high enough that you'd need to add a fairly efficient combo, something like Protean Hulk to find a complete combo (ideally via a single pile), this would leave you at a strong 8, not quite cEDH but it's fairly hard to make Meren a cEDH deck at this point, her ability is too slow/grindy for cEDH games. cEDH Meren lists are likely to make use of something like Razaketh, or possibly a Phyrexian Devourer combo. Razaketh uses something like Life / Death to turn your lands into creatures so you can keep tutoring until you find both your combo of choice as well as the mana to play it. Razaketh decks love stuff like Lion's Eye Diamond, which is extremely pricey and does very little other than combo off. You'd also want Dark Ritual type cards, and possibly things like Lotus Petal and Elvish Spirit Guide. The main problem with Razaketh is getting him out early, but something like Final Parting can get you there by putting Razaketh in the bin and a Reanimate into hand. Similarly, you can reanimate a Protean Hulk (which you then sacrifice) to tutor up a game ending combo, the advantage of Protean Hulk is that it's easier to cast when you're desperate, but the upside of Razaketh is that you can tutor up any cards you want, Razaketh just gives you a new hand in exchange for a few creatures. I think Protean Hulk is the best of the lot, but Phyrexian Devourer isn't a bad option, you use Triskelion with it by getting both into your graveyard, with a Necrotic Ooze on the battlefield, you then just exile cards to put counters on your Devourer, and the only real drawbacks are your limit on individual MV (Devourer dies if it gets too big), and you'll need enough total MV to actually kill everyone (this isn't too hard if you go off fairly early, but it can suck if you take all game to get into position and can't kill everyone because you don't have enough cards left. Another upside to Devourer is that Triskelion also wins the game with Mikaeus (you ping Triskelion with the last counter so it dies (without any counters left) and has Undying). Oh, with Protean Hulk the 'smallest' pile I am familiar with involves Disciple of the Vault, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, Lesser Masticore, and Carrion Feeder/Viscera Seer, with that pile you don't even need Activated Sleeper to nab a second Protean Hulk (with only 3 MV after you account for the Sleeper). The main drawback of this pile is that the cards are individually bad IMHO (I would run Feeder and Seer, but none of the others fit in a generic Meren deck), and the lack of redundancy (Melira and Masticore aren't used in a lot of other combos in Meren decks afaik) makes it less stable than some lists. The final one I feel is worth mention is Demon of Dark Schemes, Mitotic Slime, and Phyrexian Altar nets you infinite mana, ETBs, death triggers, Energy, and all the creatures in each graveyard can be reanimated by you. The nice thing about the Demon is that it's only 6 mana (so technically Hulk can find him), and it can do a lot of work in certain situations since it can wipe small creatures as well as reanimate cards from anyone's graveyard. It's one of the better generic reanimation effects that can go infinite, and it's sheer range of utility makes it worth looking at even if you didn't use Mitotic Slime. The Slime btw is very good in most Meren decks since it offers a plethora of tokens for only 5 mana, while Phyrexian Altar (or Pitiless Plunderer) are both amazing cards in a deck like this.

If you feel like adding a combo, I wouldn't have more than ~2 trees/paths to work with, unless the cards are shared between multiple lists.

I can go into more detail if it would be helpful, I have a Meren deck on here you could take a look at, it's a lot more combo oriented than your list, but it's combos aren't optimal, they're all made with stuff I already had.

RufusTheGrufus on Gonna Need A (Myrkul)

3 months ago

Okay, Necramus, as promised here are some 'spicy' suggestions for you to think about:

-Yawgmoth, Thran Physician: A creature-based sac outlet, source of card draw, and a way to incrementally whittle down opponent's creatures; I really like Yawgmoth in Myrkul personally.

-Similarly, while I see you are running Viscera Seer, you may also benefit from running other creature-based sac outlets such as Yahenni, Undying Partisan or Carrion Feeder. Fanatical Devotion is another interesting sac outlet I've considered running but haven't taken the time to playtest yet.

-Syr Konrad, the Grim: triggers twice, once when your creatures die, and also when you exile them to make enchantment tokens with Myrkul.

-Ondu Spiritdancer: With Myrkul, Lord of Bones and Grim Guardian on the battlefield, playing Ondu Spiritdancer and finding a way to kill it will infinitely ping all opponents to close out the game.

-Tyrite Sanctum: Offers a backup way to give Myrkul indestructible

-Windborn Muse: Build-your-own Ghostly Prison on a creature with Myrkul

-Loxodon Gatekeeper: Build-your-own Kismet on a creature with Myrkul

-Stinging Study: offers a big burst of card draw while also lowering your life total to make Myrkul indestructible.

-Options like Plumb the Forbidden and Deadly Dispute could be fun to both sacrifice creatures to turn into enchantments with Myrkul as well as generate card advantage.

In my tinkering around with Myrkul I can definitely relate to wishing that you could run more than 100 cards; I had the same problem with both Myrkul and Anikthea! They're both pretty open ended and also lean into super supported strategies, (enchantments, graveyards, tokens), so there's an over abundance of fun cards to build with; and ultimately I just ended up messing around with multiple builds for both of them. Overall I think your deck looks like a lot of fun to play, +1 from me!

ThatWeirdPerson on It's Just a Flesh Wound ($100 Meren)

5 months ago

Hey Juniordrc! Thanks for the comment, I should probably have been more clear over how the combo works in case people haven't seen it before. Basically, you sacrifice Lesser Masticore to Carrion Feeder, which triggers Disciple of the Vault and pings each opponent. When Lesser Masticore dies, persist triggers, returning it to the battlefield with a -1/-1 counter, however, Melira, Sylvok Outcast does not allow the -1/-1 counter to be placed on Lesser Masticore and so persist is free to trigger again some other time. This allows you to repeat it from the beginning and keep pinging each opponent for one, all the way up to infinite damage. Here is a commander spellbook link to the same Protean Hulk combo just using Viscera Seer over Carrion Feeder. Hope that helps!

Profet93 on Drivnod's Desecration

5 months ago

How important is making colored mana for gravecrawler? Energy Refractor and Prismite are 2 slots dedicated to making colored mana for gravecrawler if you have ashnod's out. Perhaps there is a combo I'm missing?

One niche suggestion is Carnival of Souls. It triggers on opponents as well so be careful but it can host a variety of combos....

Zulaport Cutthroat/Blood Artist + Reassembling Skeleton + Carnival of Souls + Phyrexian Altar/Ashnod's Altar

Carnival of Souls + Gravecrawler + Carrion Feeder + Zulaport Cutthroat/Blood Artist

^ Perhaps Carrion could swap would viscera seer to add to your zombie count. Although, scry is more helpful and viscera can block.

Ayara, First of Locthwain - Another drain effect that has draw built in. It's devotion is helpful for gray merchant. It also combos as such

Ayara, First of Locthwain + Carnival of Souls + Gravecrawler + Carrion Feeder

Karn is mostly just a suggestion to remove artifacts consistently. THe one sided null-rod is just a bonus. Not to mention it can recur your exiled artifacts. Since it's a PW, they will be force to remove it, either with a removal spell that they could have used on something else or combat damage in which you want creatures to block and die anyways.

Infernal darkness is mostly to stall for like 1-2 turns. It's very effective when you are in a winning position. It also forces blue players to counter it or else they are out of luck (unless they have artifacts, which Karn could deal with). It's not an entirely serious suggestion but worth mentioning.

Regarding your draw point, both Corpse Augur and Grim Haruspex are solid options as their mana cost is low. Grim Haruspex is particularly effective in your deck.

SabbothDLOA on Killing with (Konrad)

6 months ago

Limited Combo: Fielded Syr Konrad, the Grim & Carrion Feeder then cycle Gravecrawler. Syr Konrad will do damage as Gravecrawler is summoned from the graveyard by it's own ability, and do damage again as Carrion Feeder selects Gravecrawler as a sacrifice to make Carrion Feeder stronger... you are only limited by the number of mana available, but you use to gain a +1/+1 and do 2 damage.

legendofa on Golgari Pauper Sacrifice Aggro v1

6 months ago

I have a pretty similar deck here with less of a sacrifice subtheme and more pure aggro. How well does the Carrion Feeder plan work for you?

Masterful on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

8 months ago

jelwell Bartolome del Presidio is a good sac outlet, but we don't really need any more, and he's worse than any of our current ones. We already have a good amount of sacrifice plus lots of tutors to make sure we have them. We also only need one on board and multiples have no value. I think his real value is as a commander honestly. Always having access to a 2-mana sac outlet that gets super big like Carrion Feeder is an insanely strong utility.

Calum13395 I would say Hallowed Spiritkeeper is stronger overall because it can make a ton of tokens the turn it comes down, making it much better mid-lategame. Elenda's Hierophant seems better than Ministrant of Obligation though and could be in a future version of the deck if I want more 3-mana death triggers. I don't think it'll ever replace spiritkeeper though.

DreadKhan on Chatter

9 months ago

I feel like your Commander would like One with the Kami and Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest. You just need a free sac outlet like Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Woe Strider, Dimir House Guard (does double duty as a tutor for MV 4 stuff), or Sadistic Hypnotist. Most of these don't have a very good payoff other than killing a creature, but some have useful upsides.

I wonder if you could shave a few lands by running some of the following: Golgari Rot Farm, Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, Castle Garenbrig, Guildless Commons, and Mosswort Bridge. Most of those are fairly budget, and getting a ramp effect out of a land feels extremely good in my experience. The best options also help with fixing your mana.

If you want to add something really pushed, Pitiless Plunderer is really good with your Commander, it looks like it's had a reprint, but it's still up there for a single card. Another card to keep an eye out for is Swarmyard. Toski, Bearer of Secrets is a solid Squirrel pick, if not the cheapest. If you often have 1/1 creatures you aren't super attached to their is always Skullclamp, it's a few bucks but it can do a lot of work with 1/1 tokens.

I'm not sure how desperate you are for tokens/are afraid of flyers, but I always have fun with Sandwurm Convergence. Transmogrifying Wand is a nice way to put pressure on your opponents' creatures, it plays well in budget decks. Grim Haruspex is a pretty nice card if you expect to lose creatures, it doesn't even charge life.

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