Spore Frog

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spore Frog

Creature — Frog

Sacrifice this: Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn.

Elhoggerino on Blood Blatter Beast of Bhaal

2 months ago

I also don't really understand Fog or Spore Frog but I know you like politics so maybe they'll be fun in order to get favours from people. Loads of card draw which is nice but again I can see you running out of creatures to sac for Village Rites and Deadly Dispute type cards. You generally need to draw cards while behind and while behind you might be suffering from graveyard hate agaist your skeletons or other effects - just something to consider. Also Damnation might be something to consider switching for a different boardwioe if you are gonna put some regenerate creatures in (Toxic Deluge turns off regenerate aswell - but it's such a good card it's probably worth it)

In terms of cuts to make to make space for more dummies, Shadow in the Warp doesn't really fit much in the deck - you have so many cheap creatures that you'll probably be casting more than one a turn and it will rarely help that much - and the 2 damage is pretty insignificant compared to your other effects. I would favour Llanowar Elves type cards over Fertile Ground as again, creatures are what you want and they give you the oppurtunity to sac them if you need.

Some good cards to consider:

Victimize - brings back your Sakura-Tribe Elder type cards and is a sac outlet at the same time

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - just great value aswell as triggering Bhaal. A good reanimator target aswell.

Recurring Nightmares - Reanimator + sac outlet + it doesn't die? This card's great.

Dread Wanderer? Not the best but helps you out in a pinch if you have a Village Rites and nothing else

Nether Traitor - I don't know why this isn't in there already

jonjonhholt on Jund at Home

11 months ago

Normally not a huge fan of general midrange but I FUCJINBG LOVE THIS LIST. so clean. so powerful. only card that sticks out to me is Spore Frog, has it been a powerhouse in testing? otherwise the list looks gorgeous great stuff

DreadKhan on Meren Reanimation

1 year ago

I have a lot of fun using Meren in an EDH deck, maybe some of my EHD concepts translate?

I really liked stuff like Diligent Farmhand, Dawntreader Elk, and of course Sakura-Tribe Elder are very useful. There is also Elves of Deep Shadow, which is useful if you use the 'trick' of running lots of green ramp that finds Swamps/makes black mana and run less black sources because you only need a few. A few black ramp creatures are Blood Pet and Blood Vassal, Vassal is probably worse. A card I used to use in Meren that might work here is Street Wraith, it'll eat up a bit of life, but it gives Meren something worth getting back if she has low/no XP, I settled on running enough ramp-that-dies to not worry about Meren having nothing to do. Death payoffs like Grim Haruspex to draw some cards when things die might help too.

One really funny trick that's very easy for Meren to pull off (and that's way better in 1v1) is abusing Spore Frog, this also builds up XP fwiw. I think Dawnstrider is a lot worse in 1v1 than Spore Frog, but it is also a discard outlet so I run both in EDH.

If you want another 'backup Meren', there is also Hell's Caretaker, this is a bit cheaper than Meren and can actually reanimate big stuff on it's 2nd turn (usually much sooner than Meren), but it does eat a body each time.

Another trick I liked using was Gravecrawler + any sac outlet, as long as you've got another Zombie you can just reuse your Gravecrawler, even if you don't want to splurge on something like Phyrexian Altar or Pitiless Plunderer to make it infinite, it can still be pretty good to have a recursive (and cheap) creature.

MadMork on Pattern Recognition #269 - Hidden …

1 year ago

Spore Frog and Muldrotha, the Gravetide were my first foray into the world of EDH. That little critter could cost and I'd still run him all day long.

Licecolony on Mono-Green SuperFriends!

1 year ago

Heyo! Never seen mono green superfriends. Seems like a cool idea. I'd suggest running more land ramp Nissa's Triumph, Nissa's Pilgrimage, You Happen on a Glade

Recursion: Bala Ged Recovery  Flip your mana base is solid. You can use this.

Mass removal options: Fade from History, Rampage of the Clans.

Defense options: Arachnogenesis or Jaheira's Respite or Spore Frog

Card I'd consider removing:
Nyxbloom Ancient. The deck has a high average CMC. But by the time you can cast this card, that's not much of a problem anymore. This card is great when you have mana sinks. Which you do not.

Omnath, Locus of Mana. It's a big creature. Your win conditions sound more in line with tons of small creatures and an Overrun like effect.

Seedborn Muse. Yes it's good with three of your artifacts. I think the slot would be better served with something else.

Gauntlet of Power. You don't need this. It's slow.

Sol Ring. You run so few artifacts/Enchantments, you may just be better off running less of them yourself so you can use mass removal.

Nyx Lotus. Let your lands and creatures do the ramping for you.

Garruk, Savage Herald. You have 22 creatures in your deck. The +1 has a 80% chance of doing nothing the turn you play it. The -ability doesn't matter because most of your creatures are there to support planeswalkers.

Vivien, Arkbow Ranger. Again, lots of small creatures.

Vivien, Champion of the Wilds. The first ability is rather pointless, the static ability only affects creatures. The last ability is occasionally draw a card. Better replaced with something like Worldly Tutor or Natural Order or Chord of Calling.

Sylvan Anthem. Replace this with a win condition like Craterhoof Behemoth, Thunderfoot Baloth, Overrun, Tribal Forcemage, Kamahl, Heart of Krosa, Song of Freyalise, Pathbreaker Ibex, End-Raze Forerunners, Overwhelming Stampede

FormOverFunction on I Need Help Making Edric …

1 year ago

My opinion here, your mileage may vary, and it will surprise no one. One surefire way to make a deck weaker is to focus more on theme. Replace some of the less-spy-like stuff (Trygon Predator for example) with things like Spy Kit or whatever. You have a ton of great flavor in there already, and the theme is going to position you well for victory anyways. It might really bother you to take value cards like Spore Frog out, but replacing value with fun conversation pieces is the point of the exercise; try to position yourself to be the person that people are excited to see what weird thing they’re going to cast next. It’s a lot of fun, surprising people with themely cards that no one at the table had ever seen played before (because they’re “not good”). I closed out a game killing one of my friends with a Banshee this Wednesday. One of the other people had never seen that card to begin with, and the other had never seen it used successfully like that... because it’s a crappy old card. But it fits perfectly in my crappy haunted house deck, and it’s refreshing to be casual! I’m a fan of your deck, and I’m excited at your attempt here!

DawnsRayofLight on Muldrotha's Relentless Combos <<CEDH>>

1 year ago

Gennova10 I see you point. Though I will say Last_Laugh also makes a point that it helps to mill yourself. There are also other sac outlets you could use like Greater Good and Phyrexian Altar

Still, it may not be needed as the list seems solid as is. I think it is helpful to have an alternative win con in case the thoracle stuff doesn't work but you've got a strong list, great control and recursion.

Also, Spore Frog and Elephant Grass can help with the aggro / stax match-ups.

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