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Witch's Cauldron
, , Sacrifice a creature: You gain 1 life and draw a card.

Swebb87 on tezzeret, betrayer of flesh multiple …
2 years ago
Slightly confused by the wording on his static ability? Does it mean it reduces each activated ability by 2 of each artifact or just one artifact? So if I had a Basalt Monolith and a Witch's Cauldron would they both get reduced by 2?
DreadKhan on
Cheat Death
2 years ago
Probably my best piece of advice for Meren is that I've noticed you either have to build around not caring about her ability all that much, or you have to build around having creatures in the graveyard to make her ability start working turn 1 ideally. The first build doesn't run very many creatures, but I think the other build should run at least 45, and ideally way more. Meren's ability is quite strong if you run things like Viscera Seer to ensure you have a body in the yard to recur (even if it's just the Seer). Really competitive decks avoid lots of cards that care about her ability and instead run stuff that's always good, even if Meren is never cast. I prefer the later, and in that deck Hell is having Meren out and have drawn essentially no creatures, or too few.
I'd also run as many 1 drop ramp creatures as you can, so probably just Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic and maybe Elves of Deep Shadow is still cheap enough, not only do these ramp you, you can just sacrifice them whenever, and Meren can recur them with only 1 XP. As I said in my other post, actively look for creature versions of your effects, Dockside Chef can be reanimated with Meren/can generate a death trigger when you sac it itself compared to Witch's Cauldron, which is toast in your yard and can't be sacrificed for value. You can also repeat the Chef.
ClockworkSwordfish on
3 years ago
Looks fun! I like building around Bogbrew Witch and her posse, since they're such unusual effects in Magic. Plus, wearing your opponent down by sacrificing stuff is also pretty fun - it's like winning by remote control. Having said that, I can think of a few ways you might be able to improve this build!
Witch of the Moors is a very cool way to bring stuff back, but since you only have a couple and she's a lot of mana... well, you probably can't always rely on her. Since you're running lots of ways to sacrifice guys, it might be wise to invest in little critters who can bring themselves back! Reassembling Skeleton, Persistent Specimen and Gutterbones are all solid examples, though depending on your budget, Bloodghast and Nether Traitor are probably upgrades.
Since you're trying to wear your opponent down via sacrificing little critters, there are a number of ways to ensure it happens at a good pace - Bastion of Remembrance, Zulaport Cutthroat and Blood Artist are all classic options!
You might also prefer Vampiric Rites to Witch's Cauldron. The flavour isn't quite as appropriate, but being able to use it multiple times in one turn is bound to come up at some point. Enchantments usually seem to get blown up less frequently than artifacts in my experience, too!
Bejay on
infinite +1/+1 mutate
3 years ago
Yeah, so three colours is not the way I would have gone about this, but it's a nice little standard combo. It doesn't always end in a draw; I put four Witch's Cauldron s in mine, so that I could end the loop before combat. It's very particular and unuseful as a wincon, but if you last 'till the late game, You might get it off. https://www.moxfield.com/decks/aAT3M5zsOUimUVtUcgshIg is my deck.
RebelGenius on
Ball Lightning Never Dies
4 years ago
Gobo-Sharpie I'm glad you like the deck! Witch's Cauldron would definitely be nice in the deck for some better card draw and the life gain would be nice in the slower games. Phyrexian Tower seems pretty good but this deck needs a lot of colored mana for it's creatures so I don't think it would be super useful until later in the game. Assault Strobe seems fun and it could be a powerful finisher. I'll play around with with the cards you recommended and see what I like. Thank you for the suggestions!
Gobo-Sharpie on
Ball Lightning Never Dies
4 years ago
I really like your deck :)
Witch's Cauldron as a card drawing engine for all those creatures you will sacrifice at the end of your turn anyway I would drop Cathartic Reunion for it.
Phyrexian Tower let's you also get more mileage out of your creatures after having used them and is a land.
Assault Strobe could be nice too to.
thecodyack on
Ratdos - Sacrifices for the Vermin Gods
4 years ago
ExpozeD I think Weaponize the Monsters can work well as a sacrifice outlet and helps to provide removal/board wipe protection (if they board wipe, you burn them as much as you can) and overall plays into the aggro/burn theme of the deck. My problem is that it does not help us draw cards to create rats with Mad Ratter which is how I use the deck. It does however let our tiny 1/1 rats trade up well and we will still have a lot of rats to sacrifice. Overall I think it could have a place and could substitute a few copies of cards like Witch's Cauldron, Bastion of Remembrance or Heartless Act. Thanks for the feed back!!
SnakeByte77 on
Rotation Proof Recursion [Budget]
4 years ago
Peatearpan Yea, I literally put this deck on here a couple of days before the ban, so it’s unfortunate, I’d probably sub in some Serrated Scorpion and maybe some Fiend Artisan Since Witch's Oven loses peak performance with the Cat ban, I might swap it out for Witch's Cauldron since the food tokens down really do much for the deck other than to Revive the Cat
Hope this helps :)