Gatecreeper Vine

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gatecreeper Vine

Creature — Plant

Defender When Gatecreeper Vine enters the battlefield, you may search your library for a basic land card or a Gate card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

JAEK on Shrine on you crazy diamond

11 months ago

Thank you for your comment and suggestions mtgplayer903, I've got an explanation for a few of my choices here:

  1. Birds of Paradise over Ornithopter of Paradise is purely a preference of mine. I adore BoP and it finds its way into all multi-colour decks that I make. OoP is a great choice too and budget friendly, but I went with the birds this time round.
  2. Eternal Witness is just a much better card than Skullwinder if I don't have to give my opponent the recursion but can get it myself with E-Wit then it's a no brainer for me personally.
  3. Riftsweeper is in the deck to retrieve Maze's End for me. I have had people blow up Maze's End a few times on me and then Bojuka Bog my graveyard, so I needed a way to make sure I could get it back from exile. Admittedly, Rift does need some support from tutors to make it properly effective at this.
  4. Nature's Claim vs Assassin's Trophy is a great suggestion. I'm not sure I have an A'sT to hand, but I will check and update that.
  5. Vindicate is in over Beast Within because I already run Generous Gift and I find that I don't really like giving my opponents a 3/3 beater to come back at me with. The sorc speed hasn't really bothered me yet, but maybe BW will come back eventually after more playtesting.
  6. Explore is dirt cheap and Exploration is a little pricey. I know it just got a reprint and I am hoping to get one soon, once I do it will be back in the list. I do use Exploration on MTGO though.
  7. Tolaria West is a great tutor for Maze's End, Maze of Ith and Reliquary Tower depending on what I need from it. I find that a card like Ash Barrens is nice, but I don't think it's quite right for my list as it stands.
  8. Gatecreeper Vine is out of the list now and Open the Gates is just a neat lil gate tutor so it'll stay in as the Gates theme is key to what I like about this deck.

Unlife on Land Search?

2 years ago

Explore the Underdark, Circuitous Route, District Guide, Open the Gates, Gatecreeper Vine all tutor specifically for gates. I'd also recommend an Amulet of Vigor if you can afford it.

multimedia on Treasure Hungry Korvold

3 years ago

Hey, sure, consider cutting cards that are single effects such as sorceries for cards that have repeatable effects? It's not just Priest that's good with repeatable token sources also Korvold, Pitiless Plunderer / Ruthless Knave , Butcher of Malakir , etc. therefore expanding on tokens helps all these cards.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some cards that are okay, but could be upgraded with budget options:

Some budget land changes to consider:

TheVectornaut on When The Wall Is Up Against You

3 years ago

I have a lot of experience with mono-green Assault Formation in modern and legacy casual, so I'll toss in some of my thoughts.

Perfect curves certainly aren't necessary, but you should be able to accomplish something on each of the early turns of the game. More than just playing any old card, it should be something that fits in with your overarching gameplan. I agree with cutting Adventurous Impulse as a 1-drop for this reason. It can't get you Formation, Bow, or any other noncreature combo piece you happen to be running. I'd usually run a Llanowar Elves style dork instead in a ramp list. Still, in walls, I think there are even better options than that. My personal favorite is Traproot Kami since it adds an early defender to the pool and can become a serious threat with Formation if the game goes long. Plus, it works well with the lands-matter strategy that Oran-Rief Hydra is also part of. Other options I've had less success with are Jaddi Offshoot for life, Portcullis Vine for cards, and Saruli Caretaker for slow mana. On 2, Sylvan Caryatid, Gatecreeper Vine, and Wall of Roots are all ramp options, but you're probably fine with just Battlement and Vine Trellis. Wall of Blossoms, however, I view as a must-have if you want to maximize your mana without running out of gas. The ability to up the defender count while replacing itself is so good that I even run a playset of the slower Carven Caryatid too, but this could be excessive depending on the deck. The last defender I'll mention is Tree of Redemption. It's more expensive, both in CMC and in dollars, but it is an undeniable threat with Formation. Higher toughness also makes better use of tricks like Sheltering Word and Feed the Pack.

For the top end of the curve, you might actually be underestimating how much mana the ramp walls can net. With your current setup, you only need 2 of either Guardian or Battlement and 1 other wall to have 9-11 mana on T4. Removal is obviously the biggest obstacle to this being a reality but it seems like you're preparing for a counterspell-heavy meta in a big way. Either you use your protection on the walls and win with Formation when they stop your bombs, or they wait to remove the bombs and you have protection saved up to stop them. Honestly, it feels like you might have too much defense in the mainboard but I'll touch on that later. My point here is that you are likely to have more than enough mana to cast threats much more substantial than the Hydra, and that's without modifications to your suite of defenders. In the current version of my deck, it isn't strange to have a game like: T1-Forest+Traproot Kami, T2-Forest+Overgrown Battlement, T3-Forest+Wall of Blossoms+Axebane Guardian, T4-Forest+Genesis Wave for x=9. Oran-Rief Hydra is a totally fine card to top off at if you build around it, but right now I don't even see it being better than Terra Stomper in a lot of games (and Stomper even has built-in counter protection now that I think about it XD). To get more value out of the Hydra, I'd swap the cycling lands for cheap fetches like Evolving Wilds to double up on landfall triggers, and I might also consider some +1/+1 synergy cards in the vein of Hardened Scales or Hydra's Growth. On the subject of landfall, Vinelasher Kudzu is an interesting option that fits with the plant/wall cards, at least thematically. Mechanically, Undergrowth Champion, Rampaging Baloths, and Avenger of Zendikar are all probably better. I've already mentioned Genesis Wave, but some other options for finishers that I've seen are Archetype of Endurance, Hydra Broodmaster, Primordial Hydra, Vigor, End-Raze Forerunners, Colossus of Akros, pretty much any eldrazi, and any red x-spell that can target players. If you choose something with x in the cost, having Umbral Mantle or Freed from the Real to generate infinite mana is beneficial.

The last thing I'd like to talk about are your noncreatures. As I mentioned before, 4 countermagic blockers seems a little excessive in the main 60. I personally struggle much more with Path to Exiles, Fatal Pushes, and Searing Bloods than Counterspells on most days, so I'd usually prefer the Vines of Vastwood or the flexible Veil of Summer. However, I don't know what your meta looks like. If countermagic is a big problem, another way to get around it is to add in plenty of redundancy. Instead of running only 4 bombs, run 8 so 1 is more likely to slip through. Savage Summoning and Insist are fine answers, yet they run the serious risk of becoming dead cards if your opponent isn't playing blue. Of your instants though, Subdue seems to be the weakest to me. It looks like it will usually be a bad Awe Strike or an inverted Berserk that can't contribute to damaging the opponent. If you had cards to benefit from toughness outside of combat like Kin-Tree Invocation, it could at least serve a similar role to Glyph of Destruction in Wall of Blood/Rite of Consumption decks. The final card I might reexamine is Bow of Nylea. generally, mass deathtouch is at its best when you either have a way to force damage (like Lure or Thornbite Staff) or when you want to create a disincentive for your opponent to block (like when running a Curiosity deck. The thing about a high power is that it already allows you to kill multiple blockers and the thing about trample is that it already discourages single blocking. Deathtouch on such a creature is therefore a little redundant. Sure, it's better to have it than not have it, but it might not be worthwhile if it comes at the cost of 3 mana and a card. I'd want some concrete way to take advantage of the Bow's activated ability to justify running it. For example, my G/W enchantment lifegain deck from Theros standard used the gain 3 life ability to buff Ajani's Pridemate. In your case, the +1/+1 might be the best choice to build around since it can overlap with the Hydra's trigger.

Idoneity on Korvold's Feast

4 years ago

Ah, yes. I have a Jund sacrifice deck myself with Mr. Oakenshield at the helm, though Korvold is quite the powerful engine.

I see a few things problematic with the decklist. First, a distinct lack of ramp. Two, a lack of early game, which can be fixed by ramp. Three, there are a lot of places to fit creatures to die.

So, what I would recommend:

Mana dorks are fantastic in aristocrat decks, for they can be sacrificed if they must. Birds of Paradise, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic, Fyndhorn Elves, Elves of Deep Shadow, and Boreal Druid each fill the best role at one mana. I've enjoyed Skull Prophet greatly, for it fills the graveyard with fodder.

Other than that, two mana ramp is best. But you're in Green! Get those Arcane signets out of here. Rampant Growth, Nature's Lore, Into the North (try a few snow basics), Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach are all lovely.

Then, of course, there are some includes that should go in most aristocrat lists:

  1. So, Yawgmoth, Thran Physician is the single greatest card for this style of deck. It offers draw, murder, sacrifice, and cannot be tapped by Aphetto Grifter. Run it despite the ten-dollar price limit.

  2. Midnight Reaper and Grim Haruspex each fill a smiliar role, though Liliana's Standard Bearer is one I have much enjoyed. Dark Prophecy does much.

  3. More sacrifice outlets! Goblin Bombardment is fantastic, Carrion Feeder is cheap whiles growing massive, New Erebos draws some cards, Rankle is an engine by itself, and Yawgmoth is the best.

  4. There are some things that offer much to die. Goblin Rabblemaster and Legion Warboss each fill the board apace.

  5. So, let's add far more creatures than is deemed sanely necessary. Satyr Wayfinder, Gatecreeper Vine, and Sylvan Ranger can fill the slot of a land. Reclamation Sage can be a removal spell.

  6. Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip transforms far too eath in strategies such as this. Grisly Salvage can fuel graveyard chicanery. And Once Upon a Time is something I put in literally every green deck I own, for it is most potent.

  7. Living Death ends games. It gets back all from the bin, then murdering all opponents withal Blood Artist.

Alright, now upon what I would ablate:

Chittering Witch is too slow for fodder and the sacrfice ability is not gratis. Thrashing Brontodon is too much mana. Mazirek just doesn't do enow; she wishes to put counters upon creatures that are meant to die. Deathsprout is too much mana. Deflecting Swat seems lacking. Find / Finality is just too much to cast. Taste of Death is actually just useless. Witch's Oven is too limited.

Okay then. That shall be all from me! You may peer upon my list here if you care.

Happy snuffing!

dichia on Tribal Plants

4 years ago

I considered Wall of Roots in the building. Eventually I chose Gatecreeper Vine because it gives me a land to drop with Explore, which would be useless if I don't have additional lands to play.

I see that Wall of Roots would mean having five more mana turn 3 though, which could help me getting a higher rate of turn 3 Avenger of Zendikar. I will try it out.

For Genesis Hydra, I was thinking of reducing its copies to 2 because to get some value out of it, it has to be very expensive and it still has a chance of not finding what I look for.

Thanks for the help

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