Epicure of Blood

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Epicure of Blood

Creature — Vampire

Whenever you gain life, each opponent loses 1 life.

chickeneyebrows on Path of Precons Blood Rites

6 months ago

11/01/24 - Update after a couple of games vs the other Precons (January, pre- upgrades)

As a value engine, Carmen is shockingly good. When people realized just how good she was she drew a lot of hate. People were sacrificing clues, treasures, fetch lands etc. and playing right into it. When I remembered she actually has a life gain ability i was cruising just above starting life total for a while. I think I'm justified in my choice to give her a little more protection.

Etchings of the Chosen was fantastic protection but ate a removal spell after one turn. I definitely want to keep that one in the deck.

I was able to avoid losing her to red interaction by saccing as much stuff as possible to sac outlets to make her too big to die to the damage but the issue was some of the other precons built up large board states which meant I had to use wipes and Carmen herself became so expensive to re-cast I could do little else on my turns.

I'm hoping once I've replaced the traditional wipes with mass-sacrifice effects like Single Combat and Cataclysmic Gearhulk I can easily deal with big boards while keeping Carmen.

Glass-Cast Heart was very good at both generating blood tokens which pump her as well as looting stuff into the graveyard, and also chucked out some helpful blockers at a pinch. I'm considering a Collector's Vault along the same lines (loots and provides a token to sacrifice).

The ability to bring the same creature back the combat after the main phase where you sacrifice it is very handy. I've been looking at Gravelighter as a perfect example of this, so I would cast the Gravelighter first main, sac it and force each opponent to sac a creature, grow Carmen by 4 power then swing in and return the Gravelighter - drawing a card, because it had died already - and forcing another three sacrifices growing Carmen by 4 again to 10 power. Its like a miniature board wipe. I think Gravelighter is definitely impactful enough to want to put into month 1 so I'm pulling out Cliffhaven Vampire for a later month. This is really only in there as a combo with Exquisite Blood and I have already decided not to bother with Epicure of Blood, my thinking is get the synergistic pieces in place first as the combo is something you're only going to draw into by chance so trying to force it in month 1 is a waste of time.

king-saproling on

1 year ago

You might like these: Oloro, Ageless Ascetic, Marauding Blight-Priest, Cliffhaven Vampire, Epicure of Blood, Wound Reflection, Bolas's Citadel, Pull from Tomorrow, Skirge Familiar, Jace's Archivist, Dream Salvage

Also just a heads up that Necropotence doesn't draw you cards, it exiles them then puts them into your hand from exile.

king-saproling on CARD DRAW EQUALS PAIN

1 year ago

Spark Double, Sakashima the Impostor, Sakashima of a Thousand Faces, and Irenicus's Vile Duplication can copy Queza so you can double the pain.

Here are some other cards you might consider: Well of Lost Dreams, Skirge Familiar, Dawn of Hope, Marauding Blight-Priest, Cliffhaven Vampire, Epicure of Blood, Vizkopa Guildmage

Also heads up that Hullbreacher is banned but maybe your playgroup is cool with it.

ladygaura on Sheoldred's Drawn Out Apocalypse (Primer)

1 year ago

We who are building Sheoldred decks need to stick together. I would very gently suggest a few creatures that are in the synergy, such as Bloodgift Demon, Defiant Bloodlord, Epicure of Blood, Marauding Blight-Priest, or Psychosis Crawler. If you have the time, please return the favor and put a few eyes on my deck too?

multimedia on Tariel wrecker of holes

1 year ago

Hey, you haven't really made a complete deck yet to begin optimizing? Since there's only 14 lands here and you have to know that's not enough lands for a Commander deck?

There's some good ideas here, such as stealing opponent's creatures, attacking with them and then sacing them, but you want more sac outlets for this strategy. Making opponents discard cards is good, but giving an opponent the choice of what card to discard can be problematic for Tariel since opponent is not going to discard a creature. There's some reanimation and lots of recursion here which is good in these colors, but there's few enablers to get your creatures into your graveyard.

Some causal budget deck building advice to get started.

To start add 36 lands, they can be all basic lands to begin, can change some to dual lands later. Have 36 lands so you fill all the spots that are needed for lands and to clearly see how many cards have to be cut for lands. The double faced cards represented as lands here are all terrible cards for the mana cost. Cut them all and replace them with basic lands?

To add more lands next cut all the Pacifism removal? This type of creature removal doesn't interact with Tariel, Reckoner of Souls because it doesn't kill opponent's creature putting it into opponent's graveyard. If you want to utilize Tariel's ability then your opponent's creatures have to be put into graveyards, not exiled or stuck on the battlefield unable to attack or block.

The next cards to cut to add more lands are the high mana cost creatures who don't do enough for Tariel, Reckoner of Souls. Tariel is the high mana cost spell you want to cast more than the rest, the other spells played should have some interaction with him or interact with opponent's creature in some way such as In Garruk's Wake. Keep Wake, cut the rest?

Cards to cut last are some that just aren't doing enough for the mana cost and don't have any interaction with Tariel, Reckoner of Souls or the other strategies being played.

All these cuts make enough spots for 36 lands. When you have enough lands then you can begin to optimize the rest of your deck. Good luck.

Murrow on Cycling is a Lifestyle

2 years ago


They are considerations of course. However a lot of them require me to build too linear like with adding Epicure of Blood and Cliffhaven Vampire. They’re absolutely great cards and if I wasn’t trying to be more adaptive in my deck building style and wanted to fine point the lifegain/loss strategy I’d absolutely add them. Same goes for Oloro, Ageless Ascetic lovely card but I don’t want to focus exclusively on lifegain/loss strategy. I know most people say to focus exclusively on a specific strategy but that’s just not my play style anymore. I like versatility and surprise! Haha

Lich's Mastery and Drogskol Reaver are great cards and easy wins. But I just don’t like playing like that with my friends so I stay away from those sort of things. I have added Peer into the Abyss and Necrologia as quick wins but more fair in my opinion.

Bone Miser and Psychosis Crawler are in my consideration pile in my deck box actually haha so you’re right on the money there! I’m also considering Shabraz, the Skyshark  Flip. I think I may be adding Sakashima the Impostor to my ninja deck now that you mention it.

Shadow of the Grave is a lovely card. I just always cut it at the final round of cuts for some reason. It’s in my maybe pile in my deck box though for sure. I still have to play test and work out the kinks of gameplay. So it may still make the cut in the end.

Bag of Holding would be lovely if it weren’t so easily destroyed. It’s also counterintuitive to the reanimator subtheme I have going in the deck.

Thank you so much for all your suggestions! It definitely reinforced some of my considerations :)

SoulTrasher626 on Melina, Ysmir of Nature (NEEDS …

2 years ago

First of all, the ability. I took them in as it's the basic combo of her deck. Her Commander Dina, Soul Steeper and within the 99 Sanguine Bond, Marauding Blight-Priest, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, Epicure of Blood and Defiant Bloodlord are cards, that go infinitely with Exquisite Blood once she gains life or an opponent loses life until all opponents in Game are dead (the combo only ends as soon as there are no more targets / players when it has started). Since all cards are already direct targets for removal, especially her Turn 2 Commander, I thought it would be good to have such a capability on this card so that the idea is retained, Especially with the Exquisite Blood combo in mind. Above all, I didn't want to create a second Exquisite Blood. And like TypicalTimmy said, with a tutor she can get exactly that from the deck, since it is the first goal of her deck.

Right now I'm also playing with the idea that she can be like this:

Melina, Ysmir of Nature Show

As already mentioned, counter-doublers are at home in the color combo (especially when you have played against Atraxa, it is very stressful to see some Planeswalker Ultimate in the round where they are played). And an emblem which is like part of the Dina, Soul Steeper + Exquisite Blood - combo I find myself too strong because you can't get rid of an emblem (as far as I know). How do you like this idea of rewriting? Better or worse than the basic idea?

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