Commune with the Gods

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Commune with the Gods


Reveal the top five cards of your library. You may put a creature or enchantment card from among them into your hand. Put the rest into your graveyard.

Altoman on Pauper power

10 months ago

I always like to play this combo. Here are some suggestions:

You need the Aura in order to pull off the combo. You need things like Heliod's Pilgrim and/or Commune with the Gods to find it as fast as possible.

You need to keep Midnight Guard alive for a full turn. Protect it with Gods Willing or Vines of Vastwood

This one is personnal, but I like the alternative with Ivy Lane Denizen + Devoted Druid. It works the same and can take opponents off guard.

Spell_Slam on Slime Golem

10 months ago

Cool! I feel like your deck could benefit from some self-mill, as you don't mind getting those first few SAHs in the graveyard, I bet. Satyr Wayfinder and Mulch come to mind as easy ways to both give you card advantage and fuel the graveyard. Commune with the Gods coudld also help you find the important enchantments. Greater Good would be busted here, as always.

Cloud Key could be another, weaker version of Semblance Anvil. Still seems playable.

Balaam__ on Reusing and Abusing the Dead

11 months ago

Looks like great fun. I was going to suggest Commune with the Gods as a replacement for Tapping at the Window, but wonder whether the Flashback lends your pick more overall value.

DreadKhan on Dances with Bears

1 year ago

I'm not sure if it's a good enough card, but I've always been fond of good old Werebear. It can be nice and beefy sometimes, but it's also a mana bear. There is also Bearscape, both Werebear and Bearscape care about cards in the graveyard, so you can look at cards that put the unwanted cards in the graveyard rather than bottom of the library, so something like Tapping at the Window or Tracker's Instincts over your Commune With Spirits, there is also Commune with the Gods, which puts an impressive 4 cards in the graveyard. I like the idea of a bear deck that does some scavenging/generally makes a mess, but there is nothing wrong with what you're already doing.

legendofa on I need help coming up …

1 year ago

Rhonas the Indomitable's combat restriction and activated ability strongly support a stompy-style deck. I'm not trying to dissuade you from building the deck you want, but I do suggest at least considering other indestructible options like Anara, Wolvid Familiar + a partner, Nylea, Keen-Eyed, or Toski, Bearer of Secrets, each of which offers a different dynamic in addition to indestructibility. Neyith of the Dire Hunt can be played as mono-green if you want to lean into the fight angle, and Kogla, the Titan Ape is another potential commander there.

TurboFog can be built in mono-green. Aside from the Fog effects like Moment's Peace, Sunstone, and Tangle, cards like Arboria, Elephant Grass, Silent Arbiter, and Crawlspace restrict attacking options. Orbs of Warding and Witchbane Orb offer more protection. Heroic Intervention should be a given if you have access to one, and there's a good number of instants that grant single-target protection. You're going to want to draw heavily, so look at artifact-based draw, top-deck searching like Commune with the Gods or Vessel of Nascency, and Sylvan Library, Harmonize, and Greater Good.

Green's win conditions are heavily based around creatures and attacking, and that's only gotten more true in recent years. Helix Pinnacle works as an alternate win con for a slower game, and artifact combos are always applicable.

Icbrgr on Mortal Kombat

1 year ago

I love trying to make cards like Mortal Combat work; it can really get the juices flowing for finding other tech cards you may not see commonly to help the strategy; and that's also just fun to see.

I do think something like Commune with the Gods would be a great addition here.

Necrosis24 on Calling all Graveyard lovers

2 years ago

I like Doom Whisperer quite a bit given enough life you can chuck usually about half your library into your graveyard while keeping essential cards on top. Otherwise some one time uses are Benefaction of Rhonas, Gather the Pack, and Commune with the Gods

Tomb Robber, Undercity Informer, Sanguine Spy are nice as they are also outlets for discard and sacrificing respectively.

For indiscriminate mill I use Splinterfright, Nyx Weaver, and Perpetual Timepiece.

If you are running creature heavy Altar of Dementia (Doubles as a win con) and if you run big creatures I like Greater Good.

Songs of the Damned, World Shaper, and Skull Prophet are usually an auto include for me if I'm chucking creatures into my graveyard.

keizerbuns on Graveyard Bash (Bloodbond March Deck)

2 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions kamarupa! Fiend Artisan seems super strong in a deck like this, I'm just not sure if I have room for it. Do you have any suggestions on what might be a good swap for it?

I do also like your suggestion of having some protection spells, but I'm not entirely sure if I need them since I have Eternal Witness and Nyx Weaver to fetch things back from my graveyard, and Commune with the Gods to dig into my deck to find another creature or enchantment. But if you have a suggestion for what to swap out for some protection spells I'll give it a try!

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