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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Artifact Creature — Construct

When Cathodion dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), gain .

Azoth2099 on

11 months ago


Hey dude! Gonna try to keep this brief and not go down a brewing rabbit hole lol.

Have you considered extra combat phases? Your Commander's strategy obviously hinges upon you being able to attack with it, so doing it multiple times a turn is the way to go imho.

Although I wouldn't go overboard with it, there are a few worth thinking over such as Aggravated Assault, Combat Celebrant, Breath of Fury (extra good if you're running creatures that want to be sacrificed on your way to drawing cards via your Commander, Cathodion for example), Seize the Day, Savage Beating & World at War.

Creatures that sacrifice themselves could also be great, stuff like Ball Lightning, Groundbreaker & Lightning Skelemental can do a lot of damage. Blood Pet, Goldhound, Reckless Barbarian, Generator Servant, Tinder Wall, Wild Cantor & Basal Thrull draw and ramp you at the same time, which is pretty neat. Eldrazi token generators like Sifter of Skulls, From Beyond & Awakening Zone can help you keep that engine running in longer games. Haywire Mite, Caustic Caterpillar &Cankerbloom draw, control the board and replace their presence on your own board for a great rate.

There are a few value pieces worth thinking about as well, like, Pitiless Plunderer & Korvold, Fae-Cursed King.

Lastly, you need a lot more mana dorks, my guy. As many as possible.

Sorry for being so long-winded! Cheers!

Delphen7 on Nekrons Dismembered

1 year ago

Illuminor Szeras seems very strong.

You can upgrade your way to big threats really fast, especially if you include Technomancer.

My inclination would be use cheap mana like Dark Ritual and Sol Ring to ramp out a t1, t2 Szeras. Next is a card like Cathodion to net postive if you immediately sacrifice it, all of which culminates in high mana threats and X spells like Torment of Hailfire

Trazyn the Infinite also seems powerful.

Chromatic Orrery and Basalt Monolith in the graveyard go infinite with him (generating infinite colorless mana and infinite card draw), and Buried Alive/Entomb/Unmarked Grave/Final Parting all get you there fairly easily. Prismite makes infinite colored, and I'm sure something could be pieced together there. Torment of Hailfire perhaps?

drbishop05 on Teshar cEDH

2 years ago

LeonSpires Always love seeing how people build decks and having their own flavor in it. I just used Perilous Myr with jank recursion and like Cathodion for infinite mana. The myr was just a placeholder for Walking Ballista because I did not own it at them time. Hope the deck treats you well. Looks like some fun cards are coming out in the new set that might be able to slot in. I've had a few cEDH decks but got out of magic due to finances, but when I'm set again I look forward to building some more cEDH and other fun jank decks.

KBK7101 on Feldon of the Third Path - Loran's Smile (v1.4)

2 years ago

Thanks for the response!

I'd love Phyrexian Altar for a handful of my decks but the high price point has kept me from getting one. Hopefully it gets a reprint sometime soon. Su-Chi is on the Reserved List, so the price for that one will probably never come down. Cathodion is as close as we will probably get to it. Ashnod's Altar is a card that I should have a handful of, but have somehow never gotten. Might need to fix that sometime soon because it's a great card.

Bloodfire Colossus is pretty similar in effect to Ryusei, the Falling Star. Ryusei's effect is slightly cheaper, though, as it doesn't require an activation cost and just has to die. Leyline Tyrant, Altar of Dementia and Impulsive Pilferer are also great, but all of mine are in other decks at the moment.

I'm not terribly interested in infinite/game-winning combos as a whole, so I'll have to pass on Thornbite Staff related stuff.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Feldon of the Third Path - Loran's Smile (v1.4)

2 years ago

Great list! I don't have time now to elaborate all the thoughts I have these suggestions, but maybe just take a look. I'll try to elaborate later:


Thornbite Staff

Phyrexian Altar

Ghired's Belligerence

Impulsive Pilferer

Ashnod's Altar

Leyline Tyrant

Scuttling Doom Engine


Altar of Dementia

Bloodfire Colossus

rshistorysmuf on Infinite Combo for Monkey Cage?

3 years ago

Sharuum the Hegemon + Nim Deathmantle + Ashnod's Altar

Yes I can see this working but maybe with a Sculpting Steel or Copy Artifact , coupled with Cathodion and a Su-Chi (expensive) with a Junk Diver and a Scrap Trawler ?

However, with Metalwork Colossus because when the Monkey Cage enters and with Ashnod's Altar that is a total of 8 mana, then add in Nim Deathmantle Metalwork Colossus can be retuned to hand and cast for free, creating 11 Apes when sacking the Monkey Cage .

Think we are on to something here.

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