Orchard Strider

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Orchard Strider

Creature — Treefolk

When this enters the battlefield, create two Food tokens. (They're artifacts with , , Sacrifice this artifact: You gain 3 life.")

Basic landcycling (, Discard this card: Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.)

artaud21 on Azusa goes Turbo(land)

1 year ago

Boundless Realms - This spell can only find basics which are not that plenty (especially when drained with fetches), they ETB tapped and overall it's not I'm focused on. Using it for Scute or Avenger is just overkill as I only need to crack a fetch 3 times to get 64 insects or 6/7 plants to finish the game. I'd rather play Reshape the Earth which has game ending potential on its own (Field of the Dead + 9 lands) even if it costs 2 more mana.

Scapeshift - I'm considering this but I would need to find room for mass-land returners (World Shaper) to make it more of the ramp spell than quality one. Azusa with Crucible effect may not be enough to return all sacced lands in short period. Obviously would be much better with Cradle which I don't possess though.

I've been playing Genesis Wave for a long time with great success (Turn 4-5 wins happened) and it was hard decision to cut it but I need to keep big-spells count as low as possible especially I can play combo now. As for Sol Ring I'd rather use Mana Crypt for T1 Azusa but still it gets negated by Ouphe, destroyed by Bane and doesn't trigger landfall effects.

Rude Awakening - I don't see it as part of the combo as it requires 3 parts (only 2 can be tutored for) and 11+ mana to run (which is a lot) and there are cheaper effects to untap lands. As for wincon it doesn't generate that much pressure as even 20 2/2 land-creatures can only kill one player and I'm not eager to lose any of my lands in combat.

Petrified Field - I did run it for a long time but needed to cut less important utility lands for Forests as I found myself color-hungry too many times.

Regal Force - it's definitely a powerhouse but I need to keep rigor in amount of cards in each mana slot. CMC 7 has 3 creature slots already occupied by Avenger (wincon), Hulk (combo) and Wurm (pet card). It's definitely viable for people not fond of Diune series (Shai-Hulud) or Wurms as a species ;)

Garruk, Primal Hunter - I did play him back in a days but I prefer cheaper (Life's Legacy) or repeatable (Greater Good) effects for card draw (even if I lose a creature in a process). Its ability can be weakened by killing biggest creature and Return of the Wildspeaker is better anyway.

Castle Garenbrig - it's good indeed except for occassions when I don't have Forest or a fetch in my starting hand which happens from time to time. It's obviously better with mana doublers but can be ok in my build as well. I don't have it currently but I will and test it.

Sensei's Divining Top - I've tested it already. Sure it ordered my top for Augur and friends but fetches "do" it anyway and sometimes I wished it way another card - that could ramp me for instance. I'd rather play Winding Way than it.

Elvish Aberration - I'm currently testing it. The thing is it can be cycled Turn 2 to keep the momentum for next turn Azusa and can produce infinite mana with Ashaya + Quirion combo. The second one didn't happen yet but it's possible. Anyway this slot is still interchangeable as there are so many 6 CMC creatures to use in a deck that finding a perfect one is hard. It can be Duplicant, Ulvenwald Hydra, Kogla, Sweet-Gum Recluse or even Orchard Strider as long as it won't clog a hand and can be tutor target in some occassions.

Panglacial Wurm - It's a pet card of mine and effective one to boot. Combat trick/End Step fatty is one option but more often than not it's used for power-matter draw effects. Mana flood is not that scary when you can cast it from library by cracking a fetch. Bonus points for Shai-Hulud esque.

Shigeki, Jukai Visionary - it's perfect T2 play before T3 Azusa and can be used right after dropping 2 bonus lands to ramp. Channel ability is super useful even if little costly.