Burglar Rat

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Burglar Rat

Creature — Rat

When Burglar Rat enters the battlefield, each opponent discards a card.

BirdieGirlie on Black Parmesan

4 months ago

This is a very, very intriguing start of a decklist!!!! I was just looking at another deck that had the enchantment Skybind - I think it would be fascinating to do a black/white deck combining some of these very powerful ETB effects with the flicker effect of that card, multiplied by Panharmonicon!!!!

Just some random black, white, or black/white cards I think might have good ETB effects for this concept:

Gnawing Vermin

Thieves' Guild Enforcer

Cauldron Familiar

Blood Seeker

Burglar Rat

Corpse Knight

Corrupt Court Official

Dirty Rat

Gatekeeper of Malakir

Tainted Adversary

Basilica Bell-Haunt

Company Commander (I mainly play big casual multi-person games so this suggestion is with that in mind!)

Slumbering Keepguard

Soul Warden

Charming Prince

I'd make a list of all the cheap enchantments I think might work for this too, but I see I am already going overboard.

Tbh I am a fairly new player and very new to deckbuilding but thought I'd drop you a line!!!

stwnrpwnr on Look Mom, No Hands!

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions, they're awesome! I wish I could use Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip but it's banned in the league. I'm going to mull over these cards and figure out what changes I want to make. I'm definitely adding Burglar Rat. I cant believe I missed that one in my search for discard triggers.

thefiresoflurve on Look Mom, No Hands!

1 year ago

Hey there!

Rogue's Passage is a good, cheap staple for decks looking to win via commander damage.

Kaya's Ghostform is awesome for providing basically an extra life to dodge removal.

I'd look at replacing some single-use, low impact discard like Mind Rot with some better stuff that affects multiple opponents like Syphon Mind.

Burglar Rat is a straight upgrade to Corrupt Court Official.

Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip is on the expensive side for the budget, but so, so good. Similarly, The Haunt of Hightower would be really good as a "backup commander".

Heartless Pillage can be replaced with Unnerve

Ill-Gotten Gains might be a good card to help pump your commander's power quickly.

Hope that helps, happy building!

Kret on Blackness EDH

1 year ago

Hello from a covert discard enjoyer. My suggestion is that the discard itself won't win you the game and If I were you I'd cut some discard spells that target only a single player like Duress or Invoke Despair because they are quite inefficient in a 4 player game as well as some discard spells that only discard one card like Burglar Rat because again they are quite inefficient. Bad Deal isn't what you want to be doing for 6 mana. Instead, I'd add Painful Quandary because it has a static effect and in a low resource environment your opponents will have to start paying 5 life to do anything and that feels really miserable. Discard goes well with reanimation, I'd add all 3 versions of Animate Dead -> Dance of the Dead and Necromancy. Unfortunately discard players often get focused by the table so I like to add something like Gray Merchant of Asphodel to keep life total high. Consider also Bone Miser, Soul Shatter, Sign in Blood, Rankle, Master of Pranks, Bottomless Pit, all versions of Plaguecrafter, Asylum Visitor and Containment Construct. In general I'd prioritise static discard effects (like discard one card every upkeep etc) over single dicard effects.

aholder7 on Assailing Archeology

1 year ago

I like the feel of this deck and it seems fun but I have some questions and comments.

First, is green bringing enough to the table? you are playing 8 green cards if you count the backside of the flip land. They are also cheaper cards which means you would need to assure having access to green early consistently. You are devoting more than just a small splash to it, but all you are getting out of it really is some minor ramp. something like Mind Stone or Talisman of Dominance would probably serve you better. without delerium, traverse could be replaced by a basic. With delerium its a great card but in order to do that you need to get all 4 of your types (Land, Sorcery, Artifact and Creature) into the grave. Artifact and Creature are fairly easy but with as few fetches as you are playing you need to have already gotten a Cathartic Reunion or similar off before you have a consistent chance at delerium.

second i think you need a bit more interaction. you have Bone Shards which is a nice way to also get cards in grave. but as a 3 of, you aren't going to be able to respond to many things. I'd suggest throwing in Lightning Bolts but there are a number of cheap removal options like Disintegrate or Go for the Throat if you prefer those.

I think Jaxis, the Troublemaker is one of your best cards here. 3 mana with no warning to drop a leveler or combustion. if you can keep him around you can provide value by continuing to drop threats.

I don't see you hard casting most of your larger threats so Chainer, Nightmare Adept seems like they'd only be able to be a discard outlet and you have plenty of those.

it sounds like you are enjoying Void Maw so i'll skip commentary on it.

overall i think you lack early game presence or a way to stabilize if you manage your way through it. This is especially true if you are using Bone Shards as a way to get value out of unearth targets instead of putting targets in the grave. some basic cards like Yarok's Fenlurker/Burglar Rat/Dusk Legion Zealot can be a blocker and manage resources a bit.

I also don't think your tutors are entirely required with threats and filtering.


-1 chainer

-3 solemn

-4 rampant growth

-2 traverse

-2 profane tutor

+2 Jaxis

+1 combustible

+4 Mind Stone

+2 Sundering Titan as a scarier unearth target.

+3 Terminate

Last_Laugh on Which non-partner commanders would you …

2 years ago

To elaborate on my Marchesa + Reyhan, I picture stuff like Verdurous Gearhulk allowing me to abuse any 3 etb/death triggers and itself on EVERY turn instead of once per round. Stuff like Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Kokusho, the Evening Star for life drain, Burglar Rat and Elvish Doomsayer for discard, Grim Haruspex for draw, and god knows what else I could come up with in sans white. That'd be a fun deck to brew...

Last_Laugh on Looking for a good card …

2 years ago

Elvish Doomsayer, Noxious Toad (oracle text is each opponent), Burglar Rat, Elderfang Disciple, and Liliana's Specter are all 2-3 drops that put in their work already or do when they die.

ClockworkSwordfish on Creature Discomforts

2 years ago

Hey, discard can be a solid strategy now that there are so many cards to support it being a win condition, but there are a few aspects of your deck that stand out to me as maybe needing work!

The biggest problem is bound to be Ashiok's Adept - he only makes your opponent discard a card if you target him with a spell, and you currently have zero ways to do that. As is, he's just a 1/3 for three mana... not too exciting. Probably it's better to just cut him out rather than try to remake the deck to support him!

Another odd inclusion is Bridge From Below, which only has an ability so long as it's in your graveyard. How do you plan to get it there? Target yourself with Liliana? Probably this isn't the right home for it, either!

For your creatures, there are a couple upgrades I can think of that wouldn't be very expensive. Hypnotic Specter has got to be the best specter in the game, and I'd strongly recommend him over Abyssal Specter. Guul Draz Specter is a good alternative, too. If you're running to run a cheap guaranteed-discard critter like Ravenous Rats, then Burglar Rat is a small upgrade!

Mind Rot is also a card with lots of solid alternatives. Stupor, Unburden, Heartless Pillage and Demogorgon's Clutches are all just flat-out better!

Overall you have a solid chassis here. My main advice is to get the deck down to 60 cards and cut out anything that doesn't support your main strategy!

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