Staunch Throneguard

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Staunch Throneguard

Artifact Creature — Construct


When Staunch Throneguard enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.

BOXES_O_MOXES on Ardenn-Esior Caw Blade [Pauper EDH] "Contest Deck"

3 years ago


Thanks for the reply. I'm confused though. There is quite a bit of card draw and tutoring in the deck. Granted, this is an older build that hasn't underwent any changes since Commander Legends. This was a contest deck built solely for that purpose with what I believed to be at the time the best cards for this deck in specific.

When you note, "I don't see a lot of draw in this". I'm wondering if you really looked the deck over. I noted in early playtesting that it was lacking draw so I added as much as I could without concentrating solely on drawing cards. Examples below.

Bonder's Ornament

Cartouche of Knowledge

Fall from Favor

Ophidian Eye

Pentarch Ward


Dizzy Spell


Muddle the Mixture

Merchant Scroll



Azure Fleet Admiral

Drift of Phantasms


Pondering Mage

Sea Gate Oracle

Staunch Throneguard

And on top of these, Flicker effects can blink Archaeomancer or Mnemonic Wall to get you back your Ghostly Flicker plus an Anticipate, Impulse, Ponder, Preordain etc over and over.

So I mean, There's plenty of draw and pseudo "draw" with transmute and tutor effects. There have been some other cards printed since that should probably be reviewed but I didn't intend on this being a deck I would really spend a lot of my time on. It was built primarily to showcase partner commanders. Especially those being newly released.

I'd be more than happy to hear out any changes that you think should be made. As far as I can tell the best pauper draw spells that are in this deck's color pie are already included in the deck. (Providing they were available for use when CMDR Legends was released).

wisegreenbean on Pathrazer of Ulamog pEDH

3 years ago

Slagwurm Armor and Echo Circlet don't help you do MORE P U N C H, and therefore I think are unworthy of your handsome deck.

Orazca Relic is another worse mind stone, but mind stone is so good that you probably want the bad versions too. And Spare Supplies is GASP almost as good as Divination.

Staunch Throneguard is pretty risky, but I also don't know that you can turn down any form of repeatable card draw.

Bone Flute is pretty bad, but it's called bone flute, so you gotta give it some points for that.