Stinkweed Imp

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stinkweed Imp

Creature — Imp


Whenever this deals combat damage to a creature, destroy that creature.

Dredge 5 (If you would draw a card, instead you may put exactly five cards from the top of your library into your graveyard. If you do, return this card from your graveyard to your hand. Otherwise, draw a card.)

Wirmy on The Nine

2 months ago

I’m loving what you have got going so far! I suggest considering these cards for your deck: Darkblast, for mill purposes primarily, but it can always help clear the field of any 1/1 chaff or give you an unexpected edge in a fight; Stinkweed Imp, this is primarily a defensive card, but it’s got a very useful Dredge 5 mechanic. Cauldron's Gift, since you are monoblack; Millikin, to help you cast Ringwraiths; Corpse Churn; Mesmeric Orb, this card is certainly too expensive to really be an option but I saw it and thought I’d mention it.

wallisface on Why Do Some Players Keep …

3 months ago

jethstriker i‘m not convinced that legendaries were ever deliberately made to be more powerful because of their inherent drawback - this feels like something that players would intuitively expect to be the case (because it would make sense), but looking through magics history of the strongest cards in formats, we don’t see that to be true - moderns past is littered with staples like Snapcaster Mage, Tarmogoyf, Death's Shadow, Siege Rhino, Arcbound Ravager, Goblin Guide, Bloodbraid Elf, Stinkweed Imp, Fury, Solitude, and Orcish Bowmasters. Yes there’s stuff like Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, but I don’t think there’s enough density/evidence to conclude legendaries are inherently built stronger.

I would also be sceptical of this being the case because it would be weird for Rosewater to be wanting to remove the Legend rule if it served a mechanical purpose

This might be a question for Blogatog?

jamochawoke on Uurg eats everything

6 months ago

This is a super fun little combo deck! But it can get shut down pretty easily. I'd suggest putting some key Commander pieces in that you're missing... and thankfully there's a TON of things that work with a land-based deck archetype like this in those colors.

First off, you need to complete your Cultivator combo with Splendid Reclamation for getting all those lands out of your own yard in a very big way (Cultivator probably becomes the biggest thing in your game at this point)!

Centaur Vinecrasher or Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar are superb alternate or additional beatsticks for Cultivator with tons of synergy with your commander that also dig themselves out of the graveyard after they get immediately removed like in my games!

Terravore is nice if you never hit Cultivator in your games (or it gets hated out).

Constant Mists basically you get eternal fog in a deck like this whenever you want if it doesn't get countered.

Entish Restoration, Dig Up, and Beseech the Queen for synergistic tutors.

Kagha, Shadow Archdruid, Elvish Reclaimer, Grisly Salvage, World Shaper, Circle of the Land Druid, Stinkweed Imp, Winding Way, Life from the Loam, Scapeshift, and Satyr Wayfinder for digging through the deck faster while also rotating lands. Life From the Loam is ESPECIALLY GOOD for its dredge ability in this deck so you can keep casting it. Scapeshift is the single most powerful cycler you could run but it's very $$$ and doesn't synergize completely with this deck (it's more for landfall decks, but it can still work with this too).

The utility lands Witch's Cottage, Mortuary Mire, Memorial to Folly can help get your creatures back out of the 'yard.

The utility lands Witch's Clinic, Rogue's Passage, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, Wasteland, Field of the Dead, Thespian's Stage, Restless Cottage, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Takenuma, Abandoned Mire would all help your deck's overall resilience and ability to deal with threats.

Either Abundance or Rishkar's Expertise could be a game-ending bomb for you. Rishkar's is great if your commander has enough power. You can draw a ton of your deck, likely hit a tutor you cast for free, then if your hand is flooded with lands you discard down to 7 putting all those lands in your 'yard making your commander even bigger! Abundance isn't as synergistic, but is basically a creature tutor spell for Cultivator Colossus if you decide to not run any other beaters or utility creatures.

Assassin's Trophy for instant-cast targeted removal of EVERYTHING.

Tear Asunder and Abrupt Decay are less-good Assassin's Trophy but at least Decay can't be countered.

Casualties of War for when you need to get rid of a lot of different pests that turn.

Return to Nature for instant-cast targeted removal of Enchantment/Artifact or Graveyard card.

Drown in Filth for a land-synergistic targeted removal that gets around indestructible.

Terror Tide for land-synergistic boardwipe that also gets around indestructible.

Nurgle's Conscription, Froghemoth, and Bojuka Bog for some enemy graveyard hate.

Rain of Filth for a MASSIVE spike in mana for that turn.

Worm Harvest for generating a TON of tokens off of the lands in your 'yard.

Titania, Protector of Argoth or Rampaging Baloths for much, much bigger tokens.

Gitrog, Horror of Zhava and The Gitrog Monster for super frog-land-pseudocycling synergy!

Brawn since you're putting things in your 'yard anyways you might as well give your commander and other beatsticks Trample for free! Trample has saved me so many times in games. No reason not to run it in this deck tbh.

Erinis, Gloom Stalker, Ayula's Influence, and Old Rutstein for more synergy with your commander's ability.

Life / Death for making an army out of your lands or pulling something out of your 'yard.

The planeswalkers Nissa of Shadowed Boughs and Vraska, Golgari Queen can give you alternate win-cons while also being synergistic with your commander.

If you don't need more combo stuff and just need another big beatstick alternate for the Colossus it's hard to go wrong with Yargle and Multani's power (plus the stained glass alt-art is sick!). But unfortunately it doesn't come with the cool yard recovery abilities of the other beatsticks I mentioned and doesn't have trample or evasion, but it does have more power than Emrakul!

wallisface on Dredgevine

6 months ago

Some thoughts:

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Graveyard Maverick - My Tortex Brew

1 year ago

Made some adjustments to the deck to modernize a little; classic toolbox Golgari-style Tortex seems to have fallen slightly out of favor for Abzan aggro, but we don’t need no white mana!

+2 Eccentric Farmer, +2 Kitchen Imp, +1 Writhing Necromass

-1 Stinkweed Imp, -1 Perilous Myr, -1 Thoughtpicker Witch, -1 Barren Moor, -1 Tranquil Thicket

Eccentric Farmer does double duty filling our graveyard and recurring lands to meet our drops, so traded out one Stinkweed Imp and a Thoughtpicker Witch (who I’ve almost never needed to use in playing this list). With Farmer helping us meet our land drops better, dropped the two cycling lands to make room for a pair of Kitchen Imps to push early game aggro. Lastly, ditched the Perilous Myr for a big beatstick in Writhing Necromass to contend against the likes of Gurmag Angler or potentially even bigger creatures.

legendofa on Grave Infestation

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, CaptainGuppy! As I see it, the plan is to use Squee, Goblin Nabob, Master of Death, Genesis, and Stinkweed Imp to fuel Zombie Infestation and Cryptbreaker. If this is right, I'm not sure Bastion of Remembrance and Feaster of Fools are quite right for this deck.

Since your return-from-graveyard-to-hand creatures can only recur themselves at your upkeep/draw step, and since Cryptbreaker is a mana+tap effect, I expect this deck to be putting out maybe 2-3 Zombie tokens each turn, at best. I would suggest focusing on making those tokens bigger and better. Diregraf Captain would be a replacement for Bastion, and something like Corpse Cobble for Feaster. Corpse Cobble also has flashback, so it can be discarded to Infestation and still be used. Cemetery Reaper is another source of Zombies that can eat your opponents' graveyard.

Genesis feels a little redundant; its most worthwhile target is the Cryptbreaker. If you like the effect, maybe try Wonder.

thefiresoflurve on Aunt Kathy's Keyword Soup

2 years ago

Hmm... almost want to say Stinkweed Imp. It's definitely on-theme, but it looks like you really have enough cards that fill your graveyard. If you did add it, I'd probably replace the Perpetual Timepiece, unless you feel you need the graveyard rescue effect.

wallisface on

2 years ago

I'm not sure you're packing enough ways to quickly fill the graveyard here... perhaps something like Stinkweed Imp would help your engine (as well as providing a deathtouch blocker in case the opponent plays some kind of massive flying Murktide Regent).

Grim Flayer feels like a weird choice here just because of how unreliable it looks to give him delirium in this build, paired with how difficult it will be to actually get him providing some kind of benefit.

18 lands feels super-low considering you'll probably need at least 3 in play to reliably cast 2 creatures to trigger Vengevine. I'd suggest going up to 21-22. If fetches are in your budget, they'd also be great here for fueling Bloodghast.

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