Cauldron Familiar

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cauldron Familiar

Creature — Cat

DawnsRayofLight on Squirrel Combos

1 month ago

Ygra, Eater of All goes infinite with camelia and Experimental Confectioner

Using the above to explain my adds:

ADD (16)

Ygra, Eater of All

Krark-Clan Ironworks

Basking Broodscale

Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest

Ivy Lane Denizen

Delighted Halfling

Elvish Mystic

Birds of Paradise

Elves of Deep Shadow

Experimental Confectioner

Dosan the Falling Leaf

Phyrexian Altar/Blasting Stationfoil

Birthing Ritual

Braids, Arisen Nightmare

Fiend Artisan

Lively Dirge:helps to get cheap combo pieces

DROPS (need to drop a single card too to get to 100) 17

4x lands (this deck looks like it can run fine off of 30 if you add 4-5 0-1 cmc ramp pieces)


Prosperous Innkeeper

Song of the Dryads


Cauldron Familiar (unless I am missing the combo piece for it in the list)

Craterhoof Behemoth: may be a bit win more. don't see it doing much

Gala Greeters: meh card

Gilded Goose: meh

Tireless Provisioner: could stay or go

Toski, Bearer of Secrets: don't know how aggro this deck is, seems more combo oriented

Damnation: probably between MHM and fallout you have enough wipes

Nature's Claim: good removal but probably good on that

Woe Strider probably fine on sac outlets

May consider Protean Hulk piles as well

TannerP1997 on Ygra Consumes All

2 months ago

Just a few more suggestions I've found while brewing:

Night of the Sweets' Revenge: turns all your creatures into mana dorks and is a good finisher if you've generated enough tokens.

Blight Mound, Golgari Germination, and Ogre Slumlord: other enablers for the Cauldron Familiar combo, and Ogre Slumlord explodes when you wipe the board.

Feasting Troll King: worse version of Cauldron Familiar, but can be a second line if you have three of the enablers like Camellia, the Seedmiser, Experimental Confectioner, Peregrin Took, or the others listed before.

Cybermen Squadron: because you should always have an unnecessary card that does cool stuff.

TannerP1997 on Ygra Consumes All

2 months ago

Caustic Caterpillar and similar artifact removal creatures function as destroy target permanent spells. Not instant speed, but for 3 mana you get removal and two triggers for Ygra’s counters.

Manglehorn is removal and forced tap.

Collector Ouphe stops opponents from sacrificing their food(may be too niche, but could be good against the right deck)

Cauldron Familiar + Experimental Confectioner + sac outlet is infinite. It also provides an instant speed sac from the graveyard.

Seeds of Innocence may seem rough off the life gain, but when you can wipe the board for 3 and have an unblocked Ygra with 20 counters it doesn’t matter much.

Collective Resistance doubles as removal and protection for Ygra.

plakjekaas on Stumbled upon a decent combo

2 months ago

That's just Goblin Sharpshooter with extra steps!

Nah jk, nice find, I love deathtouch pingers. I used to, in Ikoria Standard, revive my Mayhem Devil with Call of the Death-Dweller, that truly gave a boost to the Witch's Oven + Cauldron Familiar combo.

BirdieGirlie on Black Parmesan

6 months ago

This is a very, very intriguing start of a decklist!!!! I was just looking at another deck that had the enchantment Skybind - I think it would be fascinating to do a black/white deck combining some of these very powerful ETB effects with the flicker effect of that card, multiplied by Panharmonicon!!!!

Just some random black, white, or black/white cards I think might have good ETB effects for this concept:

Gnawing Vermin

Thieves' Guild Enforcer

Cauldron Familiar

Blood Seeker

Burglar Rat

Corpse Knight

Corrupt Court Official

Dirty Rat

Gatekeeper of Malakir

Tainted Adversary

Basilica Bell-Haunt

Company Commander (I mainly play big casual multi-person games so this suggestion is with that in mind!)

Slumbering Keepguard

Soul Warden

Charming Prince

I'd make a list of all the cheap enchantments I think might work for this too, but I see I am already going overboard.

Tbh I am a fairly new player and very new to deckbuilding but thought I'd drop you a line!!!

wallisface on Jund sacrifice

9 months ago

I think the big issue you’re going to run into is that the deck looks really slow - you currently have nothing to do on turn 1 which is going to put you a full turn behind your opponent (a really dangerous place to be). I’d be suggesting running at least 8-10 1-drops that are playable on turn 1. As you’re a sacrifice deck, cards like Cauldron Familiar, Witch's Oven, Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar, and The Underworld Cookbook can all be very strong here.

WhatInTheWhoNow on Cut-CO knives are ehxpensive!

1 year ago


Good points! I'll replace Fae of Wishes and Memnite for Cauldron Familiar along with some other changes. Thoughts?

wallisface on Cut-CO knives are ehxpensive!

1 year ago
  • If the clocks too clumsy to run mainboard, then you really need to extend your sideboard to make Fae of Wishes more useful - at least10 of your 15 sideboard cards should be toolbox options exclusively for Fae. However, something in particular be aware that a 4-mana search card is really expensive, and Fae is going to mess up with your own tempo a vast-majority of the time. If the card it grabs can’t immediately shut down the opponent, then its likely cost you the game.

  • Cauldron Familiar could be a strong replacement for Memnite. Going down that route might mean you also wanting to find room for Witch's Oven to run that combo as a plan-B.

  • Unearth is still decent with only a low creature count, as you’ll almost always want to be bringing back Asmo or Manufactor anyway (nothing else is worth unearthing whether-or-not they’re in the deck). Also note that if you can discard Manufactor early you can bring it back turn 2 and have an absolutely explosive turn.

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