Horizon Spellbomb

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Horizon Spellbomb


{{2}}, Tap, Sacrifice Horizon Spellbomb: Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then shuffle your library.

When Horizon Spellbomb is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may pay {{G}}. If you do, draw a card.

Elf0491 on it's all ore nothing

2 years ago

Some suggestions:

In my opinion, the newer cycle of spellbombs is a lot better than the old one, since they let you do both options. For these colors that would be Horizon Spellbomb and Origin Spellbomb.

Ancestral Statue- Can get you an additional bounce effect on one of your splicers.

Triplicate Titan and Phyrexian Triniform- both expensive beaters that are resilient to most removal and generate a ton of value for you. Not sure what your playgroup looks like, but it didn't seem like you had many bombs in the deck, so these might fill that slot!

TempestArmor on Grave Tidings

3 years ago

It almost looks like you want to play some Battlecruiser magic! Battlecruiser is a strategy where your first half of the game is spent ramping and playing tight threat removal. Cards like Plaguecrafter , Mire in Misery , and Tribute to the Wild , or even Sedge Scorpion or Foulmire Knight play into this strategy super well... as long as you're ramping, too.

The second half of a Battlecruiser strategy is preparing for an alpha strike: that means waiting until the moment is right to play Muldrotha and not allowing her to be killed or countered before you're ready (she's expensive enough that you can ramp past her cmc and wait it out). You've got a couple effective synergies that become insanely powerful if you can do them the same turn you drop your commander, which is totally possible with cards like Daring Apprentice . Preparing for that alpha strike becomes a game of setup: you gotta be ramping, self-milling, getting those combo pieces into your graveyard while taking out the most dangerous threats. It's fun if you do it right! Just ramp ramp ramp!

Consider Renegade Map , Traveler's Amulet , Horizon Spellbomb , or similar!

Liam77 on Uril Thumper Deck

3 years ago

update REPLACE Horizon Spellbomb with Cinder Glade

PhyrexianGameplay on Dizzy Control

4 years ago

Twist35 I hadn't looked at this deck since Vegas last year, but the best option is probably Horizon Spellbomb, considering it can draw a card, as well as Gateway Plaza. You could also go up to two of each non-island basic, but that's probably too much.

bushido_man96 on A Gruuling Experience

4 years ago

Ok, Profet93, here we go on some card evaluation.

Bag of Holding : I've had this card actually do good work for me. Having the mana up to activate it usually isn't a problem, and it's easy to dump a bunch of lands in a turn, get the back, and dump them again. It's fun, and I like it, so I'll probably be keeping it. That, and getting as many effects to return chunks of discarded lands to my hand is good for this deck.

Grafted Exoskeleton : I could live without it. I thought that it would help provide another quick win condition towards the end of a game, but I think a better fit would be something like Illusionist's Bracers , which would double up the activations.

Horizon Spellbomb : Most likely was put in there as a low-budget option in the original list, and could probably be upgraded. It's low CMC, gets ammo into the hand, and can draw a card to replace itself. But it's easy to live without.

Wayfarer's Bauble : Budget ramp. Could be a Sol Ring , or something else. Open to suggestions, but it's good budget ramp.

Summer Bloom : This one stays. Running this many lands, it doesn't whiff.

Rites of Spring : Open to suggestions.

Mulch : It's ok. I usually hit at least 2 lands with it, but I admit I could replace it.

Beneath the Sands : Gets one land, or draws a card, so it's never dead. But it could be better. Open to suggestions.

I do have some thoughts on adding some more draw/ramp, but I'm staying budget here, so no Exploration , Burgeoning , Oracles or that other stupid expensive elf. I'm thinking along the lines of Mina and Denn, Wildborn , Font of Mythos , Llanowar Scout , Sakura-Tribe Scout , and things like this. I do believe I will splurge for a copy of Life from the Loam .

As for card draw spells, I want to shy away from sacrificing BoBo to get the effect, since his CMC is so high to start with. Return of the Wildspeaker will be good, but more is needed. May have to get another copy of Rishkar's Expertise , and also Keen Sense . I plan on adding Creeping Renaissance , too.

These are my thoughts so far, and I'm open to other suggestions, too. Thanks for all the help!

pokey, those are good points, and worth considering, but I don't know how much I'll net land cards through his damage trigger. Wheel effects might be worth considering, though, so thank you for those suggestions!

radio414 on Sasaya, Orochi Ascendant Combo (EDH)

5 years ago

Yeah, I thought about that a little too. It seems tempting, right? I mean, Evolution Charm has a slot, and that card's generally a forest with extra steps, so why not Traverse? One could easily just go -1 Forest +1 Traverse the Ulvenwald and it'd probably be worth it, right?

It isn't really, unfortunately. The problem is that there aren't that many ways to get Delirium either before or during the combo turn. There are only three relevant artifacts (Horizon Spellbomb, Armillary Sphere, and Wild-Field Scarecrow) and nowhere near enough other ways to dump cards (unless they start printing a lot more cycling lands). I have a hard enough time getting Spell Mastery for Nissa's Pilgrimage, and at least that card has a better fail case.

Evolution Charm earns its spot by being a regrowth for whatever casualty you had during the early turns. Sometimes you just need to play out an Eternal Witness for example, or getting back Wild-Field Scarecrow to get an extra land. Traverse, unfortunately, doesn't do any of that.



Spirits on Glissa, Scrap Trawler $50 EDH

5 years ago

Hi bushido_man96,

Traveler's Amulet and Wanderer's Twig are very good in this format, I do use them frequently in $50 budget decks (example 2C Mardu Alesha, Boros' Crust.

Whip of Erebos is very important in this format, often because combos are less prevalent, and often you will be killed through having your life reduced to 0. Lifelink is powerful in $50 budget commander league. Also, it's an artifact so can avoid removal, plus it allows me to recur creatures like Fleshbag Marauder/Slum Reaper/Merciless Executioner/etc that I can't recur, to trigger my Glissa, the Traitor ability to return my artifacts. Sangromancer to can gain quite a bit of life in an Barter in Blood/Mutilate/Etc type situation.

I did opt-in things like Golgari Cluestone/Horizon Spellbomb/Etc because of draw or LTB triggers as well (on stuff like Mycosynth Wellspring for example. I thought I needed more tutors Razaketh's Rite/Diabolic Tutor but you might be right where I need more ramp now. I'll try and get some reps in, I have 4 $50 commanders now, so i usually randomly choose, but I can select, last season, and this season Glissa, the Traitor runs a 33% win ratio (in 4-player pods), so it is fairly consistent.

Graveborn Muse recently added has been doing tons of work for me, giving Bone Picker a chance now, really like the deathtouch.

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