Dire Fleet Hoarder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dire Fleet Hoarder

Creature — Human Pirate

When Dire Fleet Hoarder dies (is put into the graveyard from the battlefield), create a colourless Treasure artifact token with " Sacrifice this artifact: Gain one mana of any colour."

DudeMan1031 on

2 years ago

Shambling Ghast over Dire Fleet Hoarder? Cheaper to cast and can be removal in a pinch. Also maybe Call of the Death-Dweller instead of Resourceful Return? A menace counter on Syndicate Trafficker seems pretty nice.

Niko9 on Elenda Deck Help

2 years ago

She's an awesome commander, no doubt :) I'm a huge fan of Elenda in flavor, in design, and in game too. Even now when we have vampires in wedding dresses and things, Elenda is still the most classy one around. There are a few things I can think of that might help with the deck. Not sure how amazing they are, but here's some ideas:

Blade of the Bloodchief is almost made for Elenda and can just be a good play just to have it on board with it's super low cost.

gravepact I mean, it's grave pact, and it's the best at being grave pact.

Nether Traitor and other creatures that you can recur over and over are pretty great. Just scooping it back to power the sac engine can be well worth it. Bloodghast is good too, and I think there are a few zombies with similar effects. I mostly run traitor because the price tag on a lot of this type of card is kinda up there.

Deadly Dispute is such an awesome card. It is going to do everything you want and then some.

Hero of Bladehold can be a great way to make creatures. She works best with some kind of evasion, but just getting two free bodies per turn can be very good.

Seraph of the Scales can take out the best flying threat on the board and give you two spirits on the other end.

Dire Fleet Poisoner is a card I really love, and I get that it doesn't always work and it requires adding pirates, but when it works, it's excellent. Flash in deathtouch on their blocker and then get a deathtouching blocker of your own can really make a big swing. Changelings or Dire Fleet Hoarder work so well with the poisoner.

Lingering Souls Soul Warden and Soul's Attendant are good cards from modern soul sisters that can work in commander. One mana for warden to gain you maybe 10 life and also give you a body is great. And if they really have to use removal on your one mana creature, that's almost better.

Vampire of the Dire Moon anything with deathtouch works well with Elenda and if you give dire moon something like the blade of the bloodchief to make her an attacking threat, it will start pinging small creatures left and right.

Karn's Bastion might be a good utility land to put extra counters on walkers and Elenda. Manlands might also be good to give you creatures if you get flooded. Mutavault Inkmoth Nexus Mishra's Factory pretty much anything that can give you mana early and be a creature to sac late game is useful.

Trading Post is one of my favorite sac outlets. It will give you creatures or sacs as you need. Also, it pairs with Unwinding Clock if you have enough tap artifacts to make it worth it.

Pyre of Heroes can be amazing if the deck has enough CmC and same types to make it work. When it does though, sacs plus tutors is solid.

Lolth, Spider Queen when she's good in a sac deck, she's really good, but when she's not, it's hard to justify her in the deck. May not be great, but I have had times where she was just the best card.

That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure there's a lot of ways to go with this one. You've got a great looking deck, these are just the things that came to mind. You might also find that it plays better to remove some staples for things that go along with the theme. Like, Esper Sentinel is really great, but you might actually get more value in a game out of Soul Warden And, when I play Elenda I always try to give her evasion somehow or use Sanguine Bond to make her lifelink into damage. Sometimes she can get really big and not actually do a ton, I feel like.

Hope you have fun tuning up the deck :) I'd be interested to check in and see how it goes. Looks like a fun one.

KibaAlpha on Teysa Karlov’s Double D's

2 years ago


I've only had land issues a small number of times. There have been a few times during play testing where I have had to mulligan several times. However it isn't often or frequent enough for me to want to add additional lands or ramp.

All you need is 2 lands in your opening hand unless you get Sensei's Divining Top in your opening hand as well then you could get away with 1 land in your opening hand. Once you have 4 lands in play you should be able to have an explosive turn on turn 10.

Teysa Karlov I only play when I'm ready for an explosive turn, typically she comes out on turn 10. She's a value engine and not necessary for the deck to function or win.

I've considered and tried out Pitiless Plunderer and Revel in Riches, both fell short of expectations.

Dire Fleet Hoarder and Shambling Ghast are good considerations if I needed the extra mana something I am finding myself not needing.

Thank you for you comment and suggestions. They are appreciated even if they aren't used at this time.

EPICSpider23 on Teysa Karlov’s Double D's

2 years ago

Do you find you have problems with land in this deck? I know your curve is pretty low at 2.28 but 29 still isn't that much. I just playtested this a bit and consistently had to mulligan and only pulled out Teysa in like 1 of the 6 games. Not sure what your thoughts are but perhaps some cards like Pitiless Plunderer, Shambling Ghast, Dire Fleet Hoarder could go a long way in this deck? Revel in Riches as well if you're intereted in extra wincons but I understand if you're not.

MaltOMeal on Absolute Theocracy

3 years ago

Sup lobsternips!

As a baseline, you'll need to add lands, which I'm sure you know. Since you're making Treasure and Gold tokens in this deck you'd probably be good with roughly 34-36 lands, leaning more to the most mana color you'll need, say like a 25/25/50 split if thats what you're going for.

- We'll cover your cards to include by type, so lets start with creatures. I like the Angels, Demons, and Dragons subtheme, if you were considering it I'd try and include Kaalia of the Vast if you can get your hands on one, otherwise just slim down on the tribal stuff, reaching too far into each different theme could result in inconsistencies and clunky play. I've been there, it sucks a lot. (Unfortunately, you can't run Shalai, Voice of Plenty since she has a Selesnya color identity)

-When it comes to your Dragons, I think you hit the nail on the head, nothing I would really change or take out. Allows for Magda, Brazen Outlaw to have a decent outlet if you don't want an artifact.

-Finally, the other things you've got going. Dockside should just be an auto-include, albeit a heavy price tag, but if you can get one you should definitely include it.

  • Dark Impostor , while mana intensive is still a decent mana sink that can function effectively as targeted removal. Definitely keep your edict creatures, they are super useful and trigger Negan, and thats what you want.

  • Starnheim Aspirant is useful if you go super heavy into the Angel theme, but if you skimp on the Angel theme this could very often be a dead card.

  • Storm-Kiln Artist , I like this a lot for this deck, can be a beater, and generates value.

  • Vault Robber , seems bad, and bad to do. Synergizes with Magda and makes Treasure tokens, but thats really it... PLUS it requires you to have a creature in YOUR grave. I'd cut this, but if you have a reason to play it I'm not seeing immediately play it in your deck.

  • Viscera Seer , good card, good sac outlet, not much else to say.

  • Creatures I'd include based on what I've seen: Solemn Simulacrum , Burnished Hart and Mayhem Devil . Some good ramp and a decent damage dealer if you'd like to play a cheap one. Plus the Devil is great at just 3 mana.

First thing I wanna point out is the abundance of them, its good, but its quite a few. I like the variety of them though, from token generation to mana value, all of them are GOOD in a sense.

  • Angelic Renewal is basically a one time effect. While good, there are better recursion spells out there, but this one does fit the Angel theme so thats really cool. :D

  • Land Tax : Definitely play this if you want more inclusions in your deck and want to play less lands, but don't forget to have a focus on more basic lands for the landbase.
  • Luminarch Ascension is subject to removal by other players, and somewhat makes you a target, but with Divine Visitation and your non-Treasure generators make this super useful.
  • Aside from that, I think that's a decent spread of enchantments. Nothing to add really, love the inclusion of the Sagas and Revel in Riches .

    I'm sure you'll add more later, but here are some I'd DEFINITELY include:

  • The three signets for your colors, Arcane Signet as well.

  • Goldvein Pick : hidden tRAESurES!!!
  • Inspiring Statuary for a low mana investment, you can effectively keep your Treasures around, or use your Gold tokens twice(tap it for colorless, then sac it for colored mana).
  • Panharmonicon to double up on edict effects.

  • Not much in this category outside of removal or token generation.

  • Wouldn't run Secure the Wastes strictly because it doesn't put Humans into play, play the sorcery option Martial Coup instead if you want a token creator with some OOMPH.

  • I'd recommend more removal, but with everything else considered I think you're pretty much good here. Really like the Crackling Doom and Vona's Hunger inclusions.

    OOOOkay, lots to look at here.

  • Mortuary Mire : Get that creature back in play!
  • High Market : Useful when Dictate of Erebos is in play.
  • Sanctum of Eternity / Command Beacon : You never know when you might need to use them. Negan can get expensive real fast.
  • That basically does it for my brief review, hope I was of some help!

    thirteene on [黑] Marchesa's Infected Treasure

    3 years ago

    I know you have a ton of decks, but arcane signet and commanders sphere likely belong in every deck.

    36 lands/4 mana rocks seems too high. General rule for me is 35 lands - 1 for every 2-3 mana rocks. This deck also has a low cmc and generates treasures so it seems like you are ~3 lands too high. I would start cutting the 5 color lands and if you bump your cmc up at all, consider adding signets for minimal ramp at the cost of a lands at a 1/3 ratio.

    Castle Locthwain - low oppurtunity cost for high value. your deck is half black and this can get you back into a game where you run low on resources

    Yawgmoth is a heavy combo card, I dont see a combo for him, he would likely be better in anafenza where you can combo with persist creatures and bolster and all that. the proliferate is powerful, but checkout the options under infect.
    Brazen Freebooter Captain Lannery Storm Corsair Captain Dire Fleet Hoarder Pitiless Plunderer Prosperous Pirates Rapacious Dragon Sailor of Means - you already have enough draft chaff in the random infect creatures, revel in riches win is accomplished with a single board clear, or ~2 turns of attacking, they are not required for revel in riches.

    If you wanna go revel in riches
    Phyrexian Tower - sac outlet and fast mana. see also Westvale Abbey  Flip
    Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch/Anger - lets you attack after a board clear
    Mikaeus, the Unhallowed - this may be in another deck for flavor reasons, but basically makes all non humans immortal
    Last One Standing - This basically a better damnation in rackdos. This should replace bontus last reckoning or just be an
    additional board clear if you wanna go reanimator with mikaeus, hell even Nevinyrral's Disk is better than bontus
    Phyrexian Scriptures ^ all those reasons, mild shoutout to Chain Reaction Blasphemous Act Spell Swindle/Storm the Vault  Flip/Brass's Bounty any of these will replace all of the draft chaff and free up some card slots
    Curse of Opulence - ramps and duh
    Hellkite Tyrant - likely in another deck, but consider it

    If you wanna go infect
    Karn's Bastion - proliferate the counters and infect counters
    Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth + Filth - another way to get unblockable. Wonder/Levitation also make blocking hard
    Tainted Strike - the best thing about this card, is the fact you can cast it on your opponents creatures. This also combos well with reach creatures like Judith, the Scourge Diva/Syr Konrad, the Grim allowing you to kill your opponents w/o attacking. Does not apply to Blood Artist because life lose does not deal infect damage.
    Move Drana, Liberator of Malakir to the mainboard, shes too synergistic to leave behind
    Warstorm Surge - deal infect damage without attacking Stalking Vengeance is a worse version
    Sword of Truth and Justice - prolly the best sword for this deck.
    Bident of Thassa//Coastal Piracy - unblockable means free cards
    Open Into Wonder/Mogis's Marauder - moar unblockable
    Guildmages' Forum - synergy land
    planeswalkers go up a ton with proliferate, Chandra, Flamecaller is a board clear, filter and damage engine. you will pretty much be able to ult Dack Fayden the turn you cast him. Liliana, Dreadhorde General looks amazing in this deck. ulting Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast for the win? just lul
    Geode Golem - consider him if you think you need marchesa for the deck to work
    Cyclonic Rift - likely in another deck, but another way to go unblockable River's Rebuke/Profaner of the Dead budget options
    the vivid lands work with proliferate

    Vigean Graftmage - may be better in your twiddle deck, but you can do a number of infinite combos with this card if you wanna go that direction. not very recommended with your current build

    Buffstu on Garna Combo

    4 years ago
    This deck is not going to be the fastest out the gate lets get that clear right away and nor is it going to be drawing nervous glances around the table early on as you turn your vast army sideways, but what Basic this can do is put some ever so slight pressure on someone who has decided to play creature-less or is just playing mana dorks as this deck does run a few token creators and can get some beats in on an unprepared opponent...But lets be real most of the time early game we are gonna try and get into a stable mid game, try and not look like the weakest or the strongest at the table and start setting up some of engine pieces and mana to begin looping for value. This means finding sac outlets, mana reducers, mana rocks and draw cards are gonna be part of this phase of the game.
    Now once we have enough mana and/or mana reducers to play something from our hand and Garna with a sac out let we are in business next stop value town, we play the card from hand and Sac it then play Garna, responding to Garna's ETB by sac'ing her while her ability is on the stack, then Garna's ETB will resolve and put back to hand both the first card you played from hand ( and any other cards that hit your graveyard this turn) and Garna and that is a basic loop ( What I will refer to as Looping). So now the question is what is the point of all of this Looping?

    Here is were I will explain what we can do with the basic loop premise to gain value: Is the creature we are casting from hand a token generator? like Weaponcraft Enthusiast or Goblin Instigator or even Doomed Dissenter if we can keep looping these cards then we will end up with more and more tokens to play with.

    Is the creature we are Looping creating mana via treasures or Eldrazi Scions? Dire Fleet Hoarder,Wily Goblin,Carrier Thrall then everytime we loop we are building a stockpile of mana for our future turns.

    How about more cards? Dusk Legion Zealot,Phyrexian Rager

    But we can get more than just value from the creature we are sac'ing oh much much more, how about value from the sac outlet it self? Viscera Seer Start scrying through your deck for your combo pieces ThermopodAshnod's Altar Help you generate more mana for more cards to be cast from hand for multiple card loops Carrion Feeder Keep adding +1/+1's to make a threat that needs to be dealt with before it spirals out of control Spawning Pit why not add more tokens to this to create a potential army of 2/2's that can snap into existence at instant speed? Greater Gargadon How about ticking down a clock to a 9/7 coming to smash your enemies into small digestible pieces?

    You think we are done with what value we can get from Looping? not even close, what about other effects that occur when they see cards getting sac'd for greater good of value? Zulaport Cutthroat,Falkenrath Noble,Syr Konrad, the Grim This will start putting pressure on opponent's life totals whenever you sac a creature, or cast in the case of Bontu's and special mention to Syr Konrad as he also does damage when they go back to hand from your yard...oooh that value.

    You want card draw? we got it,now its not as clean as blue draw and it does have a distinct smell of decomposing flesh but hey we will take it. Smothering AbominationGrim HaruspexMidnight Reaper even Hazoret's Monument as you do cast in a loop and remember all discard cards will be put back to hand via Garna's ETB.

    Mana? Sifter of Skulls,Pitiless Plunderer we got you covered

    You might be wondering with all this value being gained from sac'ing creatures what could we do to sac more of our own creatures per turn? I like your thinking and that's why we have multiple creatures that replace themselves mana wise. Cards like Priest of Gixor Priest of Urabrask or Cathodion even Overeager Apprentice and Bog Witch ( remember we will get the discarded card back via Garna's ETB) the fact that Garna gives haste also allows Basal Thrull and Generator Servant to be able to activate their abilities the turn they come down as long as you do it when Garna is in play and therefore you are probably doing it in response to her ETB as your about to sac her to get her to go to your hand.

    What all this mana positive and mana neutral creature casts lets us do is frankly more of the same, play multiple creatures a turn to make multiple treasures or make multiple tokens or scry multiple times it all depends on the set up you have at the board at the time but the more creatures to sac the more effects, the more the merrier the bigger the better.

    So its gotten to the later stages of the game, hopefully we find our selves in value town but how do we actually win? Well this deck has a few options for you to choose depending on what cards end up in your hand.
    DeathrenderThis is the Big daddy of the combo's we have, so big in fact that Hoarding Dragon is here mainly just to get this card in our hand and to be honest so is Dimir House Guard. The combo starts like this: Deathrender on the field and attached to any creature, a sac outlet and enough mana to cast Garna we start by sac'ing the creature attached to Deathrender and then we put another creature from our hand onto it, repeat until all creatures are out of hand, then sac the last creature and flash in Garna in response to the deathrender trigger on the stack, and then respond to this by sac'ing Garna, now Garna's ability will be on the stack and resolve and get back every card that hit your graveyard this turn, including herself. Now resolve the Deathrenders ability and well now you have a full hand of creatures ready to be sac'ed so pick one of them to be attached and begin the deathrender sac fest all over again and this is an infinite loop since you can keep getting Garna's ETB from deathrender. An important thing to note is that when getting Garna to the battlefield via the Deathrender ability is to make sure there is allays at least one other creature in hand when you put Garna to the battlefeild, since the way the ability's will stack is that the deathrender ability will pull something out ( that being Garna in this case) then that will trigger any ETB's and we will respond to that by sac’ing Garna, this will trigger the deathrender trigger and this will occur BEFORE we can refill our hand with Garna's ETB, so we just need one creature in hand to be pulled onto Deathrender and then everything will go back to hand and we can keep sac'ing and looping infinity.

    We now have an infinite loop going and this deck can use this in multiple ways to end the game. Refer to the infinite loops section to see all the options

    You have seen the best now lets get on to the rest, another combo that has far more hoops for the same payoff. It begins with Zombie Infestation in play and at least 4 creature cards in hand, with a Pitiless Plunderer in play, and just a smidge of mana reduction in play, actually you need at least 3 total mana cost reduction for specifically Garna, oh and a sac outlet, got all that? good then lets gooo So now we discard all 4 creatures with zombie infestation, creating 2 zombie tokens, don't get too attached as we immediately sack them via our sac outlet and create a black and a red mana via Pitiless Plunderer now with a black and a red mana and our mana cost reducerd Garna is free to cast! so we play her and sac her as her ETB is on the stack and get all 4 creatures that we discarded and Garna back to hand to begin the Loop again.
    So we have found yourself in an infinite loop via the methods above^^ how do we win?

    Do we have Zulaport Cutthroat,Falkenrath Noble,Syr Konrad, the Grim any of these with an infinite loop will end the game

    Do we instead haveDesecrated Tomb or any creature that creates tokens as part of our loop? make sure to end the loop with several millions tokens created and stop the loop with Garna in play, all your tokens now have haste.... Good game? This can also be done is a few other more janky ways using Spawning Pit and either Ashnod's AltarPitiless PlundererSifter of SkullsBlood PetCarrier Thrall and clever use sage of sac'ing for counters and then sac'ing for mana ( or just allays sac'ing for counters if Plunderer or Sifter are in play).

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