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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Pauper | Legal |
Pauper Duel Commander | Legal |
Pauper EDH | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Tiny Leaders | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Mesmeric Fiend
Creature — Nightmare Horror
When Mesmeric Fiend enters the battlefield, target opponent reveals his or her hand and you choose a nonland card from it. Exile that card.
When Mesmeric Fiend leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to its owner's hand.
BruhYouFarted on Pauper Curses
3 years ago
I would also recommend Marauding Blight-Priest , but I would like to recommend taking out Kalastria Healer and Vermin Gorger . How about switching the Gorger to another gorger: Savage Gorger . With all the pings, Ol' Savage is almost guaranteed a counter each turn. Vermin Gorger just doesn't have good hits beside Kalastria Healer ; which isn't great. Regarding the Healer, I would either swap it for Dusk Legion Zealot or; If you are counting to go into the late-game, Bloodrite Invoker could be a serious threat, pummeling for three with drain while still synergizing with the theme of the deck. If not, Dusk Legion Zealot could be a good one-shot card draw while still holding a chump. With stall-y decks like this, Withercrown doesn't seem great. Go with Cast Down instead. On that note, I feel that Paralyze is self-deprecating in this deck. With the extra mana they have, they can just pay the tax needed for Paralyze , and swing in. If you want to keep their baddies at bay, I would recommend Typhoid Rats (in the main board), a Oldie but a Goodie. The Rats do a great job on defense, and most-often trade up. (Kill a creature with a greater mana value or alternate cost.) Vampire Envoy doesn't do much in a pillow-forty deck like this, i would take it out for Sign in Blood .
Misc. Recommendation: Mesmeric Fiend / Toll of the Invasion - Both snatch your opponents best cards and leave a body, which can be a Mirror-Breaker. (Although Mesmeric Fiend is a bit risky)
BigChauncey on Orzov Hand Control (?)
4 years ago
Swapping back Village Rites for night's whisper for Mesmeric Fiend and Faceless Butcher stack fun. Adding two Dusk Legion Zealots for more regular draw. Dropping a DLZ, then using it to chump with Undying Evil or Village Rites isn't the flashiest play but it does seem to work pretty well.
BOXES_O_MOXES on Brood [Pauper EDH]
4 years ago
Thanks for the comment. I do appreciate the feedback. Before I started posting changes in the description I had run many of those cards you suggested and they were "meh" at best. Although I should probably run Fleshbag Marauder over Slum Reaper to keep costs down a little bit. I think I'll make this change to my paper deck and try it before I change it here.
I had thought about Mesmeric Fiend in the past. But I could never convince myself that it was better than some of the other creature choices I had. I'll re-visit that idea. I wanted to keep the emphasis more on board state disruption over hand disruption. I felt that if I was including hand disruption I would need to go all in and that would greatly reduce the idea of it being a creature deck that utilizes sacrificing my creatures as a key means of gaining benefit. (What I just said may seem a bit contradictory but most of the other hand disruption spells are simply spells and not creatures like Fiend). So yes the Fiend is a crit that I can sacrifice but if I'm going the way of hand disruption I would then have to include a lot more of those other spells and possibly have to remove other more important cards to fit hand disruption in those spots.
I like Death Denied over unearth as it nets me more of a return. When I'm able to return 4-5 creatures rather than just one, and a very situational (1) creature at that. I would prefer to be able to choose any creature in my graveyard.
I run Pestilence over Crypt Rats. There is a lot of creature destruction in the meta and a lot less enchantment removal. This is the only reason I run it over the Rats. I play Rats in other decks and it seems to be bolt bait more often than not. Yes, it's easier to get the rats back over the Pestilence but normally I only need to use it once to get myself out of a pickle. It is a solid card and to be honest should probably be in here over Pestilence and is most likely the "better" choice. I can be stubborn sometimes when it comes to being comfortable with how a deck runs. You know the old saying. "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
Feel free to post any more ideas you may have. I love to get opinions from other players.
Thanks again!
Dete on Brood [Pauper EDH]
4 years ago
why no Viscera Seer,Carrion Feeder,Ashnod's Altar,Bloodthrone Vampire/Nantuko Husk?
btw you could replace Slum Reaper for Fleshbag Marauder. Tortured Existence goes incredibly well with Grave Scrabbler and other dredge/madness cards, along with delve cards like Gurmag Angler/Sultai Scavenger.
you could include Mesmeric Fiend for the same reason you got Faceless Butcher, a great removal for black is Snuff Out being free and all, same goes for Hymn to Tourach and Sinkhole but they might be banned in your play group. Unearth/Crypt Rats are grate cards aswell.
theres probably more but idk what to say so yeah good luck
Phunlife on Torex Control
4 years ago
Hey! This is Phunlife from the MTG@Home server. Just thought I'd give you some suggestions, since TortEx is my 2nd favorite Pauper deck. I'm gonna get nitpicky, be warned.
I see you're pretty keen on shutting down Tron with the 3 Thoughtpicker Witch, Mesmeric Fiend, and Burglar Rat. I see where your mind is, since Tron is one of TE's worst matchups.
I don't like Cast Down as it's not a creature and thus, not repeatable. All the other spells the mainboard are fine except those and maybe Gnaw to the Bone.
I also think your manabase needs some work. If you live in the US, I have two more Jungle Hollows I could send you. You reaaaaaalllyyyy want to be tapping for one black mana at a time in order to activate TE, and if you don't have the versatility in your manabase, you're done for. In my experience you don't want to be playing more than 2 Golgari Rot Farms, since tapping for BG is always awkward with TE. I play 2 in my list, but that's because I have a bit of a higher curve.
griffstick on Mono Black PDH
4 years ago
Cards you could add for added devotion in place of those cards.
Leptys on Aluren Yarok
5 years ago
Hello, and thank you for the suggestion! Mesmeric Fiend is not something that I've even considered, to be honest. It's a bit more skill-intensive in that you have to know who to target in a given situation, and there's also the potential downside of giving the exiled cards back when removed if you use it as a standalone control piece. It's still a very viable candidate based on the pure information you get out of your opponents' hands, which can be a huge advantage.
Personally, I've found Yarok's Fenlurker to scale up incredibly well with Yarok himself, which is also something to consider. Getting 6 cards into exile for just BB is insanely good in my books at least, especially if the game has gone long and hand sizes have gone smaller. And as you have Yarok in your command zone, getting stuff like that is commonplace enough that it seems like a prime outlet candidate. Also, with an optimized manabase, double black is not that big of a hassle to assemble.
At the end of the day, it really depends on what kind of outlet you find useful as a standalone card, and Fiend could easily be a candidate for the slot. Yarok has a lot of options for outlets, so pick the one you feel to be the best for your playstyle and metagame!
WhattheDeck on [[Primer]] Gonti - Night Market Shenanigans
5 years ago
I played around with a similar build in my play group and had some feedback from experience:
This list runs a lot of targeted creature removal on high-cmc bodies, but lacks responses to non-creature-heavy decks. I put in Mesmeric Fiend and Thought-Knot Seer as more general removal instead of Duplicant and Ravenous Chupacabra . I usually ended up tutoring and reoccurring Meteor Golem , so even Noxious Gearhulk seemed a bit redundant. I'm considering replacing it with Brain Maggot .
Vulturous Aven surprised me and actually performed really well. With a few recursions, this was reliable, under-the-radar card draw that also acted as a sac-outlet for Kokusho, the Evening Star when reanimated together. Considering adding Dusk Legion Zealot and/or Disciple of Bolas for more ETB card draw. I might also replace Phyrexian Arena for another ETB card draw creature or probably just Dark Confidant
I put in Viscera Seer for the reliable, cheap sac outlet on a body (with card filtering).
Added Strip Mine and Blast Zone for more removal. Took out Cabal Stronghold and a Swamp.
Put in Thrilling Encore which creates a fun wincon with Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed and other creatures. Didn't get the combo off, but had a good a blowout with Thrilling Encore after a boardwipe.
Conjurer's Closet was expensive, always instantly targeted and never got much value. Probably going to replace with Abnormal Endurance , because these effects are so clutch and fun.
When playing opponents' cards from Gonti, they go straight to their graveyards, which often creates a powerful disincentive to using the main ability of the deck. For graveyard control, I'm looking for a place for Heap Doll and Withered Wretch . This lets me play opponents' cards with Gonti and then instantly exile them before someone drops something like Snapcaster Mage.
Adjusted the land base and ramp to include Fellwar Stone , Exotic Orchard , and Mox Opal to give more options for using activated abilities of opponents' permanents. Used Gonti to steal a Deadeye Navigator , which was hilarious and awesome.
Finally, the real fun/value/intrigue of Gonti from the games I played revolved around the mystery of what cards I'd exiled with Gonti, and less on what goodstuff creatures might be lurking in my graveyard. My opponents were always flipping through their decks when they tutored, looking to see if I snatched away key cards. The combo players at the table were especially anxious. I loved it. I put in Praetor's Grasp and Bitter Ordeal to play to this strength.
Great deck and definitely recommend anyone checking out this list give it a shot!