Zhentarim Bandit

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Zhentarim Bandit

Creature — Halfling Rogue

When Zhentarim Bandit attacks, you may pay 1 life. If you do, create a Treasure token. (It's a colourless artifact with ", Sacrifice this artifact: Add one mana of any colour.")

Crow_Umbra on Burakos's Crew

8 months ago

No prob dnthymamai! Totally understandable regarding the infinite combos; I know they can be polarizing among players. If your playgroup ever changes their mind, I'd recommend adding that combo for sure.

If you're looking for more graveyard/aristocrats hate, I'd recommend:

I think you can probably swap out Changeling Outcast for something else. Since Burakos can fill any role in the party, they have less need for Changelings than Nalia de'Arnise might. Zhentarim Bandit or Preacher of the Schism could be some options for more Treasure support or draw. Preacher as a 2/4 with Deathtouch for 3 mana alone is pretty nice.

Crow_Umbra on Take this, take this, TAKE THIS

1 year ago

Nice deck! I had a chance to play test Skyhunter Strike Force this past weekend, and recommend it as a replacement for Adriana, Captain of the Guard.

Zhentarim Bandit could also be a potential replacement for Burnished Hart.

Idk if you have had a chance to play this deck irl yet, but your curve is just a little high. If you've played it irl and haven't had much issue with it, then no worries. If you had some consistency hiccups in that regard, I'd recommend maybe cutting a few cards at the highest end of your curve for a bit more 2 mana rock ramp like Talisman of Conviction or Rakdos Signet.

Hope these suggestions are helpful.

Crow_Umbra on The Ghost of Kamigawa

1 year ago

I think Tome of Legends would definitely be a solid addition. I haven't played with Robber of the Rich as much, but it's hard to overlook a creature with Reach, Haste, & steals resources.

In terms of other 1 & 2 drop creatures:

Pheardemons on Mishra's Relentless Horde

1 year ago

Crow-Umbra - First off thank you very much for the comment, as well as looking back through old comments to see if things have already been mentioned. Definitely appreciated when someone is willing to do that.

Second, not sure if you meant that joke to be as funny as it was, but I definitely laughed loud enough where people were looking at me haha. Honestly, I truly believed I had Professional Face-Breaker in the deck. Not sure what kind of dream that was, or maybe I meant to put him in and forgot. I remember setting it aside to try and make the cut. He's not even in the maybeboard. Not sure what happened there.

Brazen Cannonade is a thought. I think I remember considering it but I believe I went with Kardur, Doomscourge instead since it was a body that can attack. "Hoping" that the creature dies isn't the most efficient strategy but not one to completely take out of the running. It is a thought thank you.

Fervor may not completely be out of the running but it isn't a priority. I get your meaning on the less steps than Anger, but also it is one of those cards that I could say "enter combat" and they respond by destroying it. I feel like the extra loops with Anger makes it a little better since it is harder to get rid of (in theory). Question though, in your deck as well as here, isn't Hammer of Purphoros strictly better? It gives the options of making creatures. Thought for both of us.

Goblin War Drums is not a bad thought, but I feel like I might choose War Cadence over it. I've actually been trying to find a place to put War Cadence in the deck as of recently.

Inquisitorial Rosette I didn't know existed; I like it though. That is definitely a thought. Captain Lannery Storm is one I put behind Professional Face-Breaker but you're probably right. They both deserve a spot for the ramp since the deck is a little higher on the CMC cost. Zhentarim Bandit I think is behind both of them so I'm not sure I'll consider that right now.

With these thoughts, what do you suggest I take out for Professional Face-Breaker, War Cadence, Captain Lannery Storm, and Inquisitorial Rosette?

Of note, I have been debating on switching out Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs with Great Unclean One since most people simply won't attack me with Kazuul out, wait until the token doesn't affect their attack, or he'll just bait a kill spell. Grenzo, Havoc Raiser is also on the maybelist. He's there for me to get around infinite life. Taking their cards isn't bad either, but at least there is an option. I haven't playtested this deck enough to gauge whether he's a wasted spot or not.

Crow_Umbra on Mishra's Relentless Horde

1 year ago

I did a quick check through your comment archive and Notable Exclusions to make sure I wasn't listing something already covered in one of those.

I am a bit surprised you don't have Professional Face-Breaker. Kinda like a mono-red Tymna the Weaver if you squint hard enough lol.

Although you are excluding ETB and Aristocrats damage producers, Brazen Cannonade might be of interest. Adds an additional wrinkle for your opponents to decide on blocks, plus gives you some additional card advantage.

This a personal preference of mine I developed when playing Alesha, Who Smiles at Death, but I like Fervor as a Haste anthem a bit more than Anger. Mostly saves a couple extra steps to get the Haste online. Goblin War Drums is also an option if you wanted a generic Menace anthem. There's also Inquisitorial Rosette for menace and creature token creation.

Lastly, Zhentarim Bandit and Captain Lannery Storm are a couple more mana accelerants that work with the aggro elements of your deck.

Worrad75 on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

Thanks for the suggestions! These are all fantastic. You certainly know your way around an Isshin list!

I had Hammers of Moradin in my original list in my notes tab, not sure how it didn't make it; I'll swap that in for Commissar Severina Raine as a budget option. It seems better in the midgame anyways, where people have some blockers but not a massive boardstate.

i feel silly for not thinking of Ogre Battledriver sooner! I had it in my old krenko deck and it's an absolute HOUSE. Its coming in. Fervor not being a creature and Ardoz not giving things other than the 1/1s haste seem like deal breakers for the moment.

Zhentarim Bandit is one I haven't seen and I think I'll swap it in for Honored Crop-Captain for now; My only reservation is that the 2/1 body seems a bit too fragile to attack with unless I have something to give it evasion/protection, so it seems conditionally good. That being said, its a 2 drop and mana is good at all points of the game so the floor is probably higher than that of crop-captain, although the ceiling is lower.

I like Tocasia's Welcome, but I think I prefer Thorough Investigation just because I happen to have 2 other really good venture cards, and in my goldfishing I've run into a couple situations where I have tons of mana and no card draw, so its a bit of a hedge. It also works as a nice plan B if I can pair it with Emberwilde Captain and play psuedo pillowfort in a pinch. Certainly an option after more field-testing though.

I like Inquisitorial Rosette but not sure what i'd take out for it. Maybeboard for now.

I've flipflopped a lot on the etb damage trigger cards, another card I've considered in that slot would be Goblin Bombardment. They all just seem like win-more cards in this deck, haste enablers would result in roughly the same amount of damage and have a higher floor. Also since I'm taking out Severina Raine for the moment, the group slug subtheme is more just Mishra at this point (finger's crossed I get to double his melded attack trigger at least once, that would be epic!)

Crow_Umbra on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

Sweet deck! You have a very solid creature core going here. I have a few recommendations for your consideration:

  • Tocasia's Welcome - Works well with creature token production, and about 15 (including Isshin) of your total 35 creatures would trigger it. Could be a potential swap with Thorough Investigation, mostly because the Clue tokens still need mana investment to draw with them.

  • Inquisitorial Rosette - More token production and a Menace anthem to boot.

  • Zhentarim Bandit - A slightly cheaper Captain Lannery Storm, plus its trigger is a "may" one, so you can opt out as needed.

  • Hammers of Moradin - Probably one of my favorite cards in my Isshin deck. Helps clear lanes for aggro swings.

  • Ogre Battledriver, Ardoz, Cobbler of War, and Fervor - A mix and match trio of Haste and Power anthems. Especially helpful for either keeping your creatures aggro, and adding a bit more beef behind creature token swings.

  • Impact Tremors and Witty Roastmaster - Especially if you're leaning into creature tokens, and to compliment your Winota and Fireflux squad. Also helps round out the group slug elements you have with Severina Raine and Mishra.

Isshin is by far my favorite commander of the past year. Always happy to see more lists.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions CommanderNeyo, also cool user name. Kind of a shame we didn't see more of Commander Neyo in later seasons of Clone Wars.

You have some pretty interesting suggestions, mixed in with a couple of cards I have played before. I'll do my best to address my thoughts on each. Of your suggested cards, I do have Breena, the Demagogue & Mardu Ascendancy in my obnoxiously convoluted Maybe List. A long response for a long post:

  • Mardu Ascendancy has been on my radar since the earliest days of this deck's creation. I agree that it could fit right on, but haven't been able to decide what to swap it for.

  • Breena, the Demagogue used to be in earlier versions of this deck. I swapped it out for Tymna the Weaver a few months ago. I think I swapped it out because there are 2 Breena decks in my meta that I play against semi-regularly, and I wanted to cut down on potential confusion with multi-Breenas out. Agreed though, I have had rotations in the past where I'd draw multiple cards. Might revisit this and swap Tymna back out, especially since Professional Face-Breaker fills a similar function as Tymna.

  • Fiery Emancipation is cool, but I'm a bit more inclined to play that in something like Tor Wauki the Younger, which is more pinger damage focused. The triple color pip investment is not my favorite for 3 color decks. Cool card though, I can definitely see the value as a rec.

  • Dismantling Wave and Wear / Tear - I've been running both of them in my 99 for this deck since its inception more or less. I like removal options that are versatile, and/or can hit multiple targets at once without necessarily being a wipe. I like both cards. Dismantling Wave feels helpful and relevant each time I've played it, & usually takes care of at least one value engine per board.

  • Death Tyrant is an admittedly funky inclusion. Definitely a more experimental and flex spot that I've changed around the most over the past 10 months. I do play in a pretty token heavy, go-wide meta. I frequently play against the likes of Jetmir, Nexus of Revels, Xyris, the Writhing Storm, Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver, Chatterfang, Squirrel General, and Krenko, Mob Boss. I've seen Death Tyrant pop off for the Wilhelt deck. I've tempered my expectations that it would do a fraction of that here. Definitely a spot I could try something else. Possible landing spot for Mardu Ascendancy?

  • Boros Charm is great. I liked it a lot in my Osgir, the Reconstructor deck when it was still built. I think between Teferi's Protection, Akroma's Will, and Flawless Maneuver I feel pretty decent on instant speed protection. Definitely something I've considered, especially with the other modal options. I love modal spells lol.

  • Ramp overall feels fairly solid. Admittedly, I don't like the Signets as much because of the activation cost. My deck is fairly low to the ground, and rarely have felt the need for it. Zhentarim Bandit and Captain Lannery Storm can really gas things up with 1-2 swings each. Each time I've played Sword of the Animist, I wasn't the biggest threat until a couple turns later, and most of my Basics are on board now.

  • Austere Command is a top end removal option I've gone back and forth on. I recently added Ruinous Ultimatum to the deck as my top end nuclear option. It sat in my hand during a game I played this past weekend where I had the 7 mana, but one of the mana generators was Liquimetal Torque lol. On paper, I like Ruinous Ultimatum as a problem solver, but am not a fan of the very specific color pip investment.

  • Segue to Liquimetal Torque - I run it in most of my decks as just a rock. There's been a couple of occasions where I was able to turn something into an artifact when a Vandalblast went off. Not often, but still cool to know the option is there.

  • Guild Artisan and Veteran Soldier - I honestly hadn't considered them at all. I don't attack with Isshin often. The times I do, he's wearing Boots or Greaves, Dolmen Gate or Iroas are on board, or I have some kind of protection in hand ready to go. I try not to risk him in combat if I don't have to.

  • Combat Calligrapher was in one of the earliest versions of the deck that had more "pillow" effects like Marchesa's Decree. I played it once or twice, but my opponents would swing with it a couple times to get their Inklings, then kill the Calligrapher so they could then attack me with the creatures I gave them. One of the aforementioned Breena decks in my meta runs Calligrapher. They have had similar things happen to them lmao.

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