Fangren Marauder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fangren Marauder

Creature — Beast

Whenever an artifact is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you may gain 5 life.

Spisepinden on Do death triggers happen if …

1 year ago

Assuming the creatures die from the first strike damage, and assuming that you survive the first strike trample damage, your creatures will be sent to the graveyard and their abilities will trigger before the second damage step begins.

Furthermore, because first strike and normal damage is resolved in two different steps, all players get a turn of priority in between the two. This means you're free to cast instants/spells with Flash, as well as activate abilities before the normal damage step begins.


I have 3 hit points left, and I've got a tapped Fangren Marauder and three untapped Copper Myrs on the battlefield.

  1. My opponent moves to their combat phase and attacks me with three 1/1 creatures with double strike and trample.
  2. I block with my Myrs.
  3. The first strike damage step is resolved, killing my Myrs.
  4. Fangren Marauder sees them hitting the graveyard, triggering its ability 3 times. I gain a total of 15 life when those triggers are resolved, putting me at 18.
  5. The normal damage step is resolved, and I take 3 damage from the attacking creatures because they have trample, putting me at 15.
  6. I pat myself on the back for knowing the rules.

The double strike rule Show

legendofa on Artifact Tokens but its Opposite Day

2 years ago

Next thought I have is, what is the intent behind Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers and Shizo, Death's Storehouse? The deck doesn't have any legendary creatures to use the ability.

Finally, to make room for Creeping Corrosion, two of the cuts should be the Fangren Marauders. They can be sideboarded, but you already have good beaters with Bloodvial Purveyor and Wanted Scoundrels, and the life gain is probably the least useful payoff.

Rhadamanthus on Pauper Reanimator?

2 years ago

I think Eldrazi Devastator would be a better choice over Hand of Emrakul. I used to play that in Pauper Tron several years ago alongside Ulamog's Crusher. I also ran Fangren Marauder and Maul Splicer but I don't know if those would work as well for what you're doing here. Greater Sandwurm could also be an interesting option for you.

SirChancelot on Glissa, the Traitor

2 years ago

Sly Requisitioner seems really good here maybe that over Fangren Marauder?

chilbi on Consumption Junction, Food Malfunction

2 years ago

Love all the little synergies in here - Fangren Marauder? What a blast!! Definitely a +1 from me!

Boza on Mystical teachings style deck?

5 years ago

Or you could play Fangren Marauder , Chromatic Star , Chromatic Sphere , Ancient Stirrings and play green-based Tron. There are endless tron possibilities.

Valengeta on Artifacts

6 years ago

É mais facil dizer o que deixava no deck: Brass Squire se jogas varios equipamentos mete mais um ou dois, Kuldotha Forgemaster, Myr Retriever, Phyrexian Revoker, Platinum Angel, Psychosis Crawler se nao tiveres muito draw nao vale a pena, até porque tu queres jogar coisas e portanto a mao nao vai ter muitas cartas e a criatura fica fraca, Signal Pest, Spire Serpent nao metas 4, mete pai 2, Fangren Marauder tambem mete pai 2, Memnite, Ornithopter, Gust-Skimmer é ok quando equipas merdas mas tens melhores early drops, Darksteel Forge, Darksteel Plate, Flayer Husk percebo a ideia mas ve la se nao tens outros equipamentos tipo Bonesplitter ou assim, se bem que o Living Weapon é bue OP, Strandwalker um pouco caro mas o equipamento nao é mau, Sword of Vengeance, Pennon Blade, Mirran Mettle isto ate podes meter mais

de resto aconselho:

Darksteel Citadel, Seat of the Synod, Tree of Tales, Silver Myr, Copper Myr, Counterspell, estas cenas deves ter, depois arranja outras criaturas com mais valor, e spells tambem como já tinha dito. Principalmente removal ou protecçao para as tuas merdas. Atençao a mana curve, deves meter pelo menos 22 terrenos, talvez 23 ou 24 consoante os teus custos. Ve tambem se nao tens mais copias das coisas boas, senao o deck fica inconsistente.

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