Chainer, Nightmare Adept
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Chainer, Nightmare Adept

Legendary Creature — Human Minion

Discard a card: You may cast a creature card from your graveyard this turn. Activate this ability only once each turn.

Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, if you didn't cast it from your hand, it gains haste until your next turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Mount Velus Manticore
Gilt-Blade Prowler
Sanguine Morass
Shady Traveler
Barbarian Horde
Necromancer's Familiar

TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

3 weeks ago

Vrathor, Horn of Mogis

Legendary Creature - Minotaur Barbarian

Minotaur you control get +2/+2 and have menace

Other Minotaur you control have Escape - Pay life equal to this creatures mana value, exile one other card from your graveyard.

Whenever you cast a Minotaur spell from your graveyard, create a 2/3 red Minotaur creature token with haste.


Everybody here should know by now that Minotaur is my favorite tribe, and that they are dramatically underrepresented in Commander.

The hardest part is that once the good ones die, they're mostly gone forever unless you pack your deck with recursion or reanimation spells.

Strangely enough the "BEST" Minotaur commander for that reason is Chainer, Nightmare Adept.

So I took the challenge and also emulated my own previous challenge because I really disliked Escape as a mechanic as a whole.

By no means is Vrathor a good Commander, nor is tribal a niche.

But I think we can all agree that Minotaur tribal is exceedingly niche.

Make Chainer, Nightmare Adept into a Planeswalker who can be a commander.

SteelSentry on Strange Combinations

5 months ago

I have an artifact creature deck built around Goblin Welder that's migrated from commander to commander as I try out different colors, none of which particularly care about artifacts. My last one was Hofri Ghostforge, and the next version I'm trying is Chainer, Nightmare Adept.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Your favorite, wait this works! …

11 months ago

Chainer, Nightmare Adept and Shaman's Trance.

They do work together, don't they? Because everytime I think it should work I simply assume I have to missing something.

legendofa on Henzie and the big creatures

1 year ago

I don't have any personal experience using or facing Henzie, so I might be overlooking something, but this is what I can offer.

Conduit of Worlds allows you to cast a creature from your graveyard each turn, as does Chainer, Nightmare Adept. These will let you recycle blitzed cards, and you can pay their blitz cost for them.

I might suggest adding a couple more sacrifice effects. Henzie "Toolbox" Torre's in kind of an unusual space for a commander: you want to cast it repeatedly to get the biggest discount possible, but the commander tax builds up quickly. Myth Unbound is worth considering to help with that. Burnt Offering can turn a discounted blitzed creature into more discounted blitzed creatures.

This is a pretty good looking deck where it's at.

Abaques on Favorite creature recursion in Rakdos

1 year ago

Chainer, Nightmare Adept is great, and probably really good redundancy for Garna. I'll also second Archpriest of Shadows in a combat focused deck. With haste that can mean two reanimation triggers in one combat.

pyyraus on Magar of the Magic String Cheese

1 year ago


-More mana ramp

-For an instant/sorcery deck, there are too many cards that synergize with creatures

-Getting this deck to a really good point is going to take a lot of testing and thinking to figure out the balance of several details; off the top of my head, effects that make your tokens attack better (deal damage, stay alive, gain double strike, etc.), effects that put such cards into your graveyard, mana ramp to activate Magar's ability consistently, protection for Magar, and actual 'payoff' cards

Cards I would immediately drop:

-Professor Onyx- has decent synergy with her static ability and +1 but apart from that doesn't do much; it's also 6 mana in a list that already needs a lower curve

-Waste Not: an awesome card in general but you play almost no effects that make your opponents discard cards

-Footfall Crater: synergies pretty much only with Anje Falkenrath and just has very bad rates

-Lightning Bolt: iconic Magic card but I am on the side that believes it is straight up not good in Commander

-Temple of the False God: I don't play this card anymore; it's a dead draw until usually turn five or six and at that point, it does so little especially in a deck like this where you don't desperately need a mana source producing two colorless

-Ignite the Future: a decent card in a deck where you cast it from the graveyard but you will rarely do that here; Magar's ability does not make you cast it from your yard and it just does not have a good rate

-Bone Shards: I see why you're playing it here (its extra cost can easily be paid with a face-down instant/sorcery you're done with) but in this deck you do NOT want your face-down instants/sorceries dying because you can repeatedly cast them when they deal damage; there are so many better removal spells in red and black that do not require such an akward cost

Cards that Can be Replaced with Better Ones:

-Chainer, Nightmare Adept: the free, instant-speed discard ability is amazing, don't get me wrong, but the ability its activating does almost nothing for your deck; there are better (sometimes cheaper) free, instant-spped discard abilities like Zombie Infestation or Skirge Familiar

-Dark Ritual: I personally don't like Dark Ritual except in mono-black decks that really need it and here; it's an amazing card turns one through maybe four but after that, it is probably going to be a dead draw; a mana rock would be much better in its place

-Seething Song: same argument as Dark Ritual but this spell is best on a different range of turns

-Blood Money: this is a pretty cool card to get for free from Magar but I am not too sure how much benefit the tapped treasure give you; I am mainly saying this because I would run Blasphemous Act first but this is all pretty subjective

-Tuktuk Rubblefort/Fervor: these are two of your current three cards that give all your creatures haste; I think three may be a bit much and Urabrask the Hidden is definitely the best of them

Max_Hammer on How should I upgrade this …

1 year ago

Here is the link to the Millicent spirit precon. It is bad.

I have four precons here that I'm upgrading: Ghired, Conclave Exile, Anje Falkenrath who is being swapped out for Chainer, Nightmare Adept, Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer who I just posted another help request about, and lastly the spirit precon here.

This one is by far the weakest and worth the least, and quite frankly spirits aren't great to begin with. Now, this question is really a matter of opinion I suppose, but it'd be great if someone could recommend a commander or some cards to really boost up the power level, but not ones that are super pricy.

I mean, sure, fetch lands and duals and Smothering Tithe + Rhystic Study would make it stronger, but if I had that money I'd just buy a whole new deck.

The main problem with the deck is that it's hard to get set up, and once you are set up, a board wipe is basically impossible to recover from. Not to mention that if I am set up and not hit with a wrath then my 1/1s will only do so much.

The deck also seems to have some tapping synergy as well as investigation. I'd be more than willing to mostly revamp the deck, but I kinda need some suggestions first because I have zero clue how to start.

Sidenote ranty tangent here Show

keizerbuns on Assailing Archeology

1 year ago

Thank you so much for the feedback aholder7!

You bring up a lot of really good points here. I suppose I could just get the same result of mana ramping if I just used Rakdos colored stones. I was using green because originally I had 4 copies of Ravenous Squirrel for saccing my creatures so I did need the green to activate its ability, but since I've decided to drop the squirrels I guess there isn't much need for green beyond needing it for tutors and for the occasional time I use Bala Ged Recovery  Flip. Speaking of the tutors, I do think having at least a couple is really necessary for finding Void Maw, which I feel is a really important combo piece in this deck. I've also found that it's surprisingly easy to get the delirium effect of Traverse the Ulvenwald off even with only 3 fetch lands, but if I really want to keep the tutors I guess I could just add a couple more Profane Tutors, or maybe even the new Diabolic Intent.

I've also been noticing too that Bone Shards isn't really enough early game interaction, so maybe adding a few more 1 drop removal or burn spells might help the early game consistency. Jaxis, the Troublemaker has been an absolute superstar in this deck so adding at least 1 more couldn't hurt anything.

As with Chainer, Nightmare Adept, I don't think it hurts to have just a 1 off of him since he doubles as a way to recast my important non-artifact creature combo pieces should they ever get removed or dumped into the graveyard from my library, on top of him just being a great source of free discarding. I actually feel like I would need him more if I were to remove green from the deck since I wouldn't have access to Bala Ged Sanctuary  Flip anymore.

Last, I don't know if I would add the fenlurker, the rat, or the zealot just cause I feel like they would be taking up space for more useful cards. I also don't actually like the idea of using Sundering Titan in this deck since it can very easily backfire and force me to blow up my own lands if my opponents don't have any black or red basics.

I really like all of your suggestions and your reasoning for dropping green is pretty sound. I do like how the deck feels right now, but I'm going to make a new version of this deck with the changes you suggested and see how much more I like it. Chances are you're right about the changes that I need to make here and I'll probably end up overhauling this version to match the version you suggested.

Thanks again for your comment, it's much appreciated!!

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