Ominous Seas

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ominous Seas


Whenever you draw a card put a foreshadow counter on Ominous Seas.

Remove eight foreshadow counters from Ominous Seas: Create an 8/8 blue Kraken creature token.

Cycling : (, discard this card: Draw a card.)

Taida on Shorikai Drift

2 months ago

Maybe you can include Unctus, Grand Metatect so you can dig even deeper. Midnight Clock can also help both being a mana rock and letting you draw quite a lot of cards. I also saw you have Minn, Wily Illusionist, and I think it could be in the mainboard. It cheats a lot of things into play with the illusions, and with Shorikai, Genesis Engine you draw the cards needed to trigger the ability.

Mystic Remora is also a very good card that you can consider. Although you will eventually need to sacrifice it, the card advantage it gives you is insane. If you also go for the route of mass drawing, Ominous Seas can flood the board very quickly, but you may need to include some cards to have no max hand size.

Another planeswalker that fits VERY well is Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim, and the illusions it creates are amazing with all the card draw from Shorikai, Genesis Engine.

Btw, amazing deck, I still have to upload my Shorikai deck here, but it is much less flavorful, just centered around tapping and untapping Shorikai, so I love the much more dedicated vehicle theme, it is definitely a +1.

king-saproling on i like draw card

3 months ago

Looks good. Personally I would make these swaps:

Kefnet the Mindful -> Apprentice Wizard
Teferi, Master of Time -> Vodalian Hexcatcher
Lorthos, the Tidemaker -> Ominous Seas
Stormtide Leviathan -> Atemsis, All-Seeing
Tidal Force -> Dramatic Reversal
Arcanis the Omnipotent -> Universal Automaton
solemn simulacrum -> Unstable Obelisk
burnished hart -> Relic of Legends
steel hellkite -> Martyr of Frost
Master of Winds -> Malevolent Hermit  Flip
cloudkin seer -> Voidmage Prodigy

thefiresoflurve on Counter Spells & Draw Cards

1 year ago

This looks like a really fun commander! So, right off the bat, there's a cool way day/night interacts with this commander and your opponents: if you can force it to night consistently, you'll more heavily punish your opponents for playing spells, since they're going to switch it back to day and power up your commander. The easiest way to do that is by playing more instants / at flash speed.

Desperate Ravings / Thrill of Possibility / Big Score + Unexpected Windfall all help positively synergize with your "draw" effects like Ominous Seas and Teferi's Ageless Insight, and also help you trigger the day/night change by electing to play on other people's turns instead of your own.

Seize the Spotlight gets an honorable mention for being great, if you find the slot for it.

For cuts, I would consider: Pouncing Shoreshark (low impact)

Laboratory Maniac - Kind of an all-or-nothing strategy, and sounds like from your description that you'd rather win with combat.

Khenra Spellspear  Flip - doesn't fit with commander, since you want to be able to force it to night whenever your turn rolls around.

Boon of the Wish-Giver - sorcery speed is kinda meh IMO - I imagine people will be trying to kill your commander before it makes this cost.

Mulldrifter - there are instants and sorceries that can draw more for the same cost.

Happy building!

Squidcod on

1 year ago

Interesting read given my nekusar deck. Drawing Cards Friendly Like

Mine is a bit more symetrical than yours, but there are a few bits that might be handy. Jaya, Venerated Firemage or Torbran, Thane of Red Fell will basically be lightning rods as they double/triple your damage output.

Also in my Combo category is a bunch of creatures that benefit a ton from card draw. Chasm Skulker Ominous Seas Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim and The Locust God could be beneficial if you don't find yourself fielding enough creatures to block/swing when someone is open.

wallisface on Krakens

1 year ago

BurningSparrow my issue with Thing in the Ice  Flip was not how easy/hard it would be to flip - but that flipping it hurts you. It removes all your other creatures from play, none of which are particularly low-costing to cast (and none of which have etbs that would make you want to recast them). Furthermore, it permanently removes all the tokens generated from Nadir Kraken or Ominous Seas. I can see a lot of scenarios where your opponent lets it flip just to reset your own board-state, and then Fatal Pushes it afterwards.

btracy199012 on Yer fond of me lobster V.4

1 year ago

The name alone was enough to get my vote! Why'd ya spill yer beans?

That aside, have you considered Thing in the Ice  Flip and Ominous Seas ? I'm also trying to put together a build for Runo. I like the reanimator cards being used, do you think it's worth it to lean more into that with cards like Buried Alive ? The deck looks like a lot of fun!

thefiresoflurve on Tekuthal Counters and Stuff

1 year ago

This looks really fun! Kappa Cannoneer would be a great addition, I think - but not sure what you could cut for it.

Wizard Class is a pretty easy include here, I think, as well as Rogue's Passage - if your commander has evasion and easily sustained indestructible, I think it makes sense to have both of these for a backup win condition in case your artifacts are exiled.

If you need more creatures: Ominous Seas could be awesome.

Temporal Distortion + Contagion Clasp == everyone else might as well concede.

Iceberg might be nice since your average CMC looks a touch on the high side. I would prefer running more proliferate effects, probably, unless you feel you need the mana.

Tolaria West is a must-have in monoblue since it can tutor any land for you.

Happy building!

LandoLRodriguez on Talrand No-kens

1 year ago

thefiresoflurve First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to look over my list and put some real thought into these last cuts. I truly appreciate it. I understand all of what you had to say, and was having some of the same thoughts myself. As I said before, all these cards made it through several rounds of cuts so I have my reasons for them still being here. That said:

Minn, Wily Illusionist is still here because I like playing the quirky legendary creatures in my colors. There's not much else here that pumps the team the way she does and she would interact nicely with Murmuring Mystic. All this still probably isn't good enough reason to keep her though. Unless I'm drawing 2+ cards on each opponents' turn (which I'm probably not), her token output comes up short. Whispering Wizard is on the block for the same per-turn production limitation. Plus, I don't have much as far as scary permanents to cheat out with her second ability (nor a reliable way to kill my illusions to do so). It'll hurt to cut one of my token producers, but yeah, she's on the block for sure.

Wizard Class because I loathe having to discard for hand size, and I plan on drawing a lot of cards. Taking this one out means I'm left with only Reliquary Tower, Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, and possibly Venser's Journal. I suppose that the amount of draw I hope to produce means I'll come across one of those other options, but it still worries me. Probably still not a good enough reason to keep it in though.

I like Capsize because I love having repeatable options in commander decks, and because it can target any permanent. It's great to have options to bounce a troublesome land if the need arises. Paying 6 total mana to do so (and keep Capsize) is probably not worth it though. I included Field of Ruin and Strip Mine to deal with problem lands, and I have Boomerang and Cryptic Command to bounce any permanent still.

I really like Guile because it does a lot of things for me I think. Besides its mega-menace, I like that it exiles my opponents' spells should I choose not to cast them. I'm guessing that opponents may steer away from casting big splashy spells while Guile is out though for fear of having them turned against them or losing access to them in exile. It also provides just a little bit of mill insurance with its last ability. I hate mill as a strategy and while I'm running a few recursion spells, I'm not going to have much graveyard interaction. I suppose Nexus of Fate does the same thing much better though, since ideally I could cast it every turn if I wound up being milled down to 1 and it would wind up back in the library. Anyway, I was excited about running Guile as I was putting this together but you may be right, might be more than I need.

Ominous Seas I figure will drop its token every other turn on average if the game is going at all the way I want it to. While I should be pumping out an army of small tokens, I figured it would be nice to have some big chonky bodies out there as well. Without trample existing in the deck though, an 8/8 without flying is no different than a 1/1 tentacle as long as you've got a plant to block it. You're right, probably win-more. I do want to win more though...

I certainly understand that Aetherflux Reservoir really shines in storm decks (which no, this one most certainly is not). While I wouldn't be working it as well as storming does, I do plan to cast a lot of cheap spells, sometimes several in a turn in a good game. Something mono-blue is not good at is gaining life, so I really want to include at least one or two pieces that can do that for me for matchups that are pinging down the whole table. So the reservoir serves both as a way to gain life, and as a possible alternative win-con in a pinch. Between reservoir and Venser's Journal though, I probably lean towards the journal to retain as an emergency life gain option. I run it in my Pheldagriff deck and it has proven itself a workhorse.

Finally, I see Psychosis Crawler as another possible win-con. At my LGS where I play at least, I run into a lot of decks that efficiently pump out tokens. This means that if beating face with tokens is going to be my only strategy to win games, there's gonna be some games where that just won't get me there. I can see crawler coming out late-game when life totals have dwindled, and being able to finish everyone off with a big Gadwick, the Wizened or Blue Sun's Zenith cast. I was honestly seeing crawler as a mortal lock to make the final cut, but you've given me something to think about for sure.

Thanks again for your input, I really do appreciate and you've definitely helped by reinforcing some stuff I was already thinking and giving me reasons to think about cutting some stuff I was not.

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