Bone Miser

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Bone Miser

Creature — Zombie Wizard

Whenever you discard a creature card, create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.

Whenever you discard a land card, gain .

Whenever you discard a noncreature, nonland card, draw a card.

DarkKiridon on Any discard payoffs on mono …

6 months ago

There's also Dark Deal and the Waste Not on a stick for yourself creature: Bone Miser.

The Raven Man

Megrim is the other Liliana's Caress for one more mana if you need it.

Painful Quandary

Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip if you're feeling mean? :)

Rise of the Dark Realms

DeinoStinkus on I Must Posses All, or I Possess Nothing

6 months ago

Brainstealer Dragon is a bit on the end of the curve, but seems definitely worth it. Also, Dark Ritual. Never a bad time for a Dark Ritual.

I think the worst thing you left out is Bone Miser. My black heart sobs at this exemption.

KayneMarco on Lands Don’t Matter…They Kill

9 months ago

Esparza93: Waste Not only works when opponents discard. The Bone Miser works when I discard lands to deal damage or to draw cards or gain life with windgraces abilities. And the combo idea isn’t bad but I only want the deck to win through discarding or playing lands.

Rhadamanthus on How does Bone Miser work …

1 year ago

The game will start another cleanup step and you will have to discard again. This will keep going until the game doesn't need to start any additional cleanups.

If something happens during cleanup that causes abilities to trigger or state-based-actions to be checked, the game will go through the process of dealing with them and will start another cleanup after the current one is over.

514.3. Normally, no player receives priority during the cleanup step, so no spells can be cast and no abilities can be activated. However, this rule is subject to the following exception:

514.3a At this point, the game checks to see if any state-based actions would be performed and/or any triggered abilities are waiting to be put onto the stack (including those that trigger “at the beginning of the next cleanup step”). If so, those state-based actions are performed, then those triggered abilities are put on the stack, then the active player gets priority. Players may cast spells and activate abilities. Once the stack is empty and all players pass in succession, another cleanup step begins.

Decks built around The Gitrog Monster like to take advantage of this rules interaction. Bone Miser offers a similar opportunity.

wallisface on How does Bone Miser work …

1 year ago

When you’re in the cleanup step you only discard down to 7 cards once. This will cause abilities to be put on the stack such as Bone Miser, which will resolve once you’ve finished discarding down to 7. There won’t be additional cleanups after this in the turn, so even though Bone Miser might draw you back up to 8-or-more cards when its ability resolves, you’ve already finished the forced-discard, and don’t do it again that turn.

Be_Jamin on How does Bone Miser work …

1 year ago

Bone Miser is on the battlefield and my turn goes to the discard step where I have 8 cards in hand. I discard a noncreature nonland card which triggers Bone Miser's third ability causing me to draw another card. That then brings me to 8 cards in hand again. Does the discard step happen again since I have more than 7 cards in my hand or does it trigger the one time and the turn goes to the next player with my hand having 8 cards in it? If the discard step happens again can I repeatedly discard a noncreature nonland card triggering the third ability-drawing a card?

Darsul on Thought and Talon

1 year ago


 If your looking for input and/or Suggestions you need to help us out and give and ideal what your looking for. Raffine, Scheming Seer is a great open ended commander that it's hard to help out w/out know the direction you aiming for. That said, what I found/find out with my deck and no matter how you play him you want to be attacking every turn, this tends to leave you open on the back swing so War Tax cards like Propaganda and Ghostly Prison or flip side play things like Heliod, God of the Sun and Odric, Lunarch Marshal (+ Vigilance toon out). Long story short your deck looks weak to the crack back.

 Another thing I find is the Wonder is < Filth + Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
. Most of your team is sporting fly as is.

As for real suggestions how do you want to take him? +1/+1 you could play cards like Tenured Inkcaster or Oona's Blackguard
                                                     Reanimator Unburial Rites or Vohar, Vodalian Desecrator
                                                     Discard    Bone Miser or Faith of the Devoted
                                                     wheel      Queza, Augur of Agonies or Feast of Sanity

anyway, cheers and GL

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