Tajuru Blightblade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Tajuru Blightblade

Creature — Elf Rogue


wallisface on

1 year ago

I think you need more 1-mana ramp cards. At the moment you only have Llanowar Elves as a mana-dork, which means in a lot of games you're going to be missing that card and starting the game really slowly. Almost all of your ramp-cards should cost 1 mana, as this will help you very-quickly be able to cast your higher-mana cards. At the moment you have too many of your mana-creating cards costing 2-or-more mana, which is going to reaaally slow you down.

I'm also not sure what Forced Adaptation is doing here. If the goal is to ramp quickly into something big, then this enchantment serves no purpose imo. Same goes for Tajuru Blightblade.

ThatTroutThing on infect/deathtouch

2 years ago

First thing I'd suggest is cutting a lot of creatures, and maybe changing your commander. 45 creatures is a lot, especially considering the fact that you have virtually no removal except for your deathtouch keywords. You have several one mana drops that are just 1/1s and dont provide nearly as much value or potential as a kill spell or board wipe would. If you refine your creature base, and add instants and sorceries that ramp and kill, you'd probably have a better chance for more consistent games. Maybe add some creatures that generate value off of other creatures, like Beast Whisperer. They will help you keep up card advantage and keep your hand fueled for more plays. To make room, remove your cards like Tajuru Blightblade, Moss Viper, and Typhoid Rats. Thieves' Guild Enforcer can also go, they don't provide much utility for your gameplan, despite being a powerful card in some scenarios. The same goes for your commander. Other than having deathtouch and being able to recur Contagion Engine, they don't have much, if any, synergy with poison counters, which look like your main wincon. All in all, my suggestions narrow down to these three things:

-Focus on the goal of your deck. Look for cards that can either drop lots of poison or proliferate and prioritize them.

-Cut low-value cards. Cards that have zero or low synergy levels and don't generate value can be easily cut from your deck. If all of your cards get good value in your deck, that's better than flooding the board with low-value cards that barely contribute.

-Add ramp and removal. You need to be able to ramp into big spells and card draw to get your engine going quick and outpace your opponents. On the other hand, you also need to be able to reign your opponents in if they start getting ahead.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Kaldheim Golgari- Go Elf Yourself

3 years ago

Not a terrible list. There are some subpar cards in here though, although I'm sure some of them fit the "legendaries I like" bill and so that's just down to fun vs winning.

Forever Young is not usually great recursion. It seems good, but it messes with your draws. You'd rather just have other cards drawn or spells that bring creatures back onto the battlefield. The two runes are just kind of okay. There's no obvious downside, the power level is just a tiny bit shy of where cards should be in Constructed formats. Tajuru Blightblade is also low power. You want something with abilities that will benefit the rest of your deck, not something that trades with anything that blocks and leaves with no other value. Jaspera Sentinel is a little slow, and there are better elves to look at for an elf deck. Sarulf, Realm Eater is very slow for a sweeper and hits your own creatures as well, most of whom in the elf package are small. Sculptor of Winter is decent ramp, but you don't need it. An elf deck should be fast and aggressive, and in this one you can have your larger creatures as a backup plan later.

For elves you should be looking at, Skemfar Avenger , Elvish Warmaster , Wildborn Preserver , and possibly Canopy Tactician are all good.

Poison the Cup is subpar removal. Heartless Act and Bloodchief's Thirst are better.

ImaginitiveRascal on Slow Drip

3 years ago

I might suggest either more elves for Elvish Warmaster , or to cut it entirely. Without any other elves, it is just a Bear! Mind Rot and Ironscale Hydra have no real synergy with deathtouch, and those could be cards you swap in for elves like Tajuru Blightblade . You might also consider better lands, such as Fabled Passage , or Slitherbore Pathway .

harkness on Tyvar Kell Reclaims Skemfar

3 years ago

While in the commander deck, the Crown of Skemfar is not standard legal. Also 4 Tyvar Kells? I feel you only need 2 especially with Harald. Speaking of, Id bring the Harald's up to 4, add in 4 Tajuru Blightblade instead of the 2 Grizzled Outrider and 2 Elven Bow if Fliers are going to be a problem, I'd put the bows in the sideboard IMO. I feel Broken Wings can be switched out for something lke Canopy Tactician if you have access to it. I'd also remove the Skemfar Elderhall entirely, the ability is expensive even with your nice ramp.

Harald Unites the Elves is a must for this deck, you'll have a ton of elves out there its really great if you can pull it off.

Otherwise very similar to my own deck, I use King Harald's Revenge on Tajuru to great effect.

multimedia on Elves of Eldraine (Budget)

3 years ago

MrBoombastic, Wildwood Tracker is fine, but I don't think it's better than Tajuru Blightblade 's deathtouch. He could for sure replace Skyway Sniper who I've cut for Toski, Bearer of Secrets . Tracker could also replace Jaspera Sentinel if you want to go more aggressive, but I like the ramp that Sentinel can provide especially to put more counters on Perserver tapping the Elf that triggered him after it ETB.

Geimhreadh22? Because I'm not playing Harald Unites the Elves than that means I'm not playing any of the good Elf cards? What kind of logic is this? You haven't played with Elvish Warmaster yet? Why would I not play more creatures than anything else with Elves? Since the beginning of Elf decks in Magic and still today they're all creatures because you need Elves on the battlefield for the tribal synergy.

Harald Unites the Elves is a trap card, it's too slow and you need a board presence. It's good when everything is in place (Elves on the battlefield and an Elf/Tyvar and/or mill an Elf/Tyvar in grave). As a turn three four drop it consistently does nothing for four mana if I don't mill an Elf/Tyvar in top three cards. Unites is too much of a gamble when cast early and I don't like that. Playing 4x Tyvar would help to make it more consistent in milling him, but I'm not playing 4x Tyvar for budget reasons.

Have you played Lead the Stampede with creature strategies? It's most definitely not lackluster and in fact is played in all Pauper Elf decks and some budget Modern Elf decks as Collected Company replacement. Tall order to replace Company and Lead can do it. Lead is good early game, mid/late game. Unites is not good early game, fine mid game and best late game. Lead is more consistent at giving me value at all three times of the game.

Toski, Bearer of Secrets has been added main deck, he's over preformed and is a better four drop mid/late game for Elves than Unites. He also wants a board presence, but with Elves I can get a lot more value quicker for four mana and Lead can potentially find him.

MrBoombastic on Elves of Eldraine (Budget)

3 years ago

Lead the Stampede seems like a fun inclusion. For some reason I haven't seen that anywhere else (totally forgot it was Standard legal).

Have you considered Wildwood Tracker as an aggressive 1-drop? It should be an upgrade to Skyway Sniper and/or Tajuru Blightblade .

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