Surestrike Trident

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Surestrike Trident

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has first strike and "Tap, Unattach Surestrike Trident: This creature deals damage equal to its power to target player."

Equip (4) ((4): Attach to target creature you control. Equip only as a sorcery. This card enters the battlefield unattached and stays in play if the creature leaves the battlefield.)

IHATENAMES on Akiri, Fearless equipment

5 months ago

I have a draft and I like a lot of what going on Surestrike Trident won me 2 of the 3 games I've played so I highly suggest it. Beyond that here a few things that should translate well to your build.

A few holes i noticed is boardwipes hurt our own plan alot I think 1 is fine Single Combat is what im eying so far but not sure where to cut. I think the Goblin Bombardment was a bad suggestion on my part I imagined more token being in play but most of them are forced to attack so they die easy before they can build up. Skullclamp feels bad but in theory should be good with so many tokens could just be weak here. I couldn't find Imposing Grandeur on mtgo so i didn't play it but assuming your build plays like mine it could be a great midgame card t7 i generally had 2 card in hand. I think the tension between wanting tokens and equipment is a hard line to balance but its really cool when it works.

My list

IHATENAMES on Akiri, Fearless equipment

5 months ago


Bedlam spicy card creatures cannot block. Agro your opponents out.

Imposing Grandeur neat wheel that let's you draw 6 and your opponents probably draw 2 or 3.

Surestrike Trident w/a free equipt cost your creatures tap to deal dmg equal to their power.

Forging the Tyrite Sword slow ramp w/ a equipment tutor.

Skullclamp can be op with all the tokens. Yes most aren't 1 toughness but they will die alot.

Goblin Gaveleer big creature when you add equipment

Goblin Bombardment alot of tokens to throw around

Bitterthorn, Nissa's Animus Sword of the Animist ramp 1 is a living weapon too.

Most x and y Swords are expensive but feel free to consider them.

Although these are interesting ideas I went back through your list and i think you need more interaction.

Think anything from Wasteland type effects to Path to Exile or grave hate Soul-Guide Lantern protection Blacksmith's Skill I'm sure you have some favorites. I'd add at least 3 or 4 more. I personally like it when even If I don't draw my answer to a problem I at least have one in my deck.

Especially grave hate. I don't think I'd suggest Rest in Peace but I really think everyone should run 1 or 2 pieces of grave hate recursion is so popular and powerful these days you need to have an answer or you aren't playing the game.

Happy brewing!

SufferFromEDHD on BANE! (Maraxus voltron)

1 year ago

Wow. Proper card analysis Rasaru!

I haven't taken this deck for a spin since last summer but I clocked in a lot of games.

A. Storm-Kiln Artist This is not a spellslinger list but I thought the few instants/sorceries would create mana. It made 1 or 2 maybe 3 treasure. Your suggestion of The Reaver Cleaver is the perfect replacement.

B. Nettlecyst was really strong. Puts Bane easily on a two turn clock sometimes one and done. Your suggestion of Sword of Forge and Frontier is too good not to include so I will find another cut.

C. Great Furnace + Goblin Welder is one of those simple synergies that makes me love MTG. I'm going to keep it in. That said, you are right about upping the snow-covered mountains for Valakut triggers and your assessment of the other non-basics.

D. Endless Atlas was made for mono Red, White and Boros. Going to continue running it for now but Seize the Spoils seems really good and I'm already running Big Score so why not?

E. Wow... neat! I'm already running Soul's Fire and Chandra's Ignition, Surestrike Trident seems very appropriate.

Thanks for spitballing ideas. I'm going to update based off your analysis and test again.

Rasaru on BANE! (Maraxus voltron)

1 year ago

How has the deck been playing recently? Any weaknesses to note?

I absolutely love this deck list, but have a couple of questions and/or suggestions for you.

A. It looks like you have a total of 16 instants/sorceries. Do you ever have an issue with producing treasures with Storm-Kiln Artist? It's an excellent card, but I'm unsure (since I haven't played this list) that you would get enough value here. In it's place you could play something fun like Kazuul's Toll Collector or something that helps you cheat equip costs like Brass Squire. Imagine paying only 3 mana to play a creature, then immediately attaching 3-4 equipment to it for free! lol

B. Although I've played my share of Nettlecyst, I think you have some better options here. It has the opportunity to pump your commmander a great deal, if you're able to take advantage of your treasure generation and get some equipment on the battlefield. But what happens when you play this after all your artifacts get destroyed or exiled? I think in the long term, you'd get more value out of Sword of Forge and Frontier and/or The Reaver Cleaver. The sword costs the same, provides protection, card advantage and has the ability to pump your commander by playing additional lands. While the Reaver Cleaver is not only on theme, but helps put treasures back onto the battlefield, pumping your commander and progressing your Hellkite Tyrant alt win-con strategy.

C. I have some suggestions on your landbase

Great Furnace -> Snow-Covered Mountain - "2008-04-01: A permanent that’s more than one of these types (such as an artifact creature) counts only once." So an artifact land would only pump Bane by 1/1. Ditch this land for another snow-covered mountain to increase your chances of utilizing Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle in the mid/end game.

Darksteel Citadel -> Snow-Covered Mountain - See above comment

Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance -> Snow-Covered Mountain - I appreciate that this can make blockers (Bane should be the only attacker you care about), but cards like Bedlam make them irrelevant. Let's add a snow-mountain to continue to improve our Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle potential.

Cathedral of War -> Command Beacon - Bane is going to be a target. Why bust treasures, when you can just send him to your hand and cast him for way less.

Bonders' Enclave -> Valakut Awakening  Flip - besides your commander (who is going to be a major target), you only have 4 other creatures with 4+ power. You don't want to have to spend mana to equip something, just so you can turn around and spend 4 more mana, to draw a card. This mdfc offers at least 1 card, for 1 less (floor), which is already better.

D. While, Endless Atlas can stick around for awhile, I think (maybe) you might get more immediate value from Seize the Spoils. It's only once, and yes it's sorcery speed, but you get 2 cards immediately, 2 treasures to pump Bane, and can feed your graveyard, giving Goblin Engineer and Goblin Welder more targets.

E. A fun card you could consider, and is a pet card of mine, is Surestrike Trident. It's so fun to watch people's faces when this hits the battlefield and they read what it does :D

jarncards on Hungry Man

1 year ago

Go for like 38 lands minimum and add some fetches. You're in green and if nothing else it will help the scute. use the staple ramp like Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Sakura-Tribe Elder

probably dump Thud, its too slow. consider Kazuul's Fury  Flip instead

Valakut Awakening  Flip to wheel. and its also land

Fiendlash and Surestrike Trident seem to do what you want to do here.

Ervefel on Itty Bitty Critty Kitty

1 year ago

Thank you for the suggestions, a couple of the ones you made were in the orginal build but decided against them for one reason or another. Like Skullclamp isn't in the deck because i dont like adding it to decks that i cant abuse it with (like i can in my Chatterfang, Squirrel General deck), as im trying to avoid Balan from dying as much i dont think i could get the full value from the card. Which is why i adding cards like Sword of Fire and Ice, Mask of Memory and Endless Atlas as they would be more reliable forms of draw.

I put Divine Reckoning in the deck over Tragic Arrogance because i wanted to advoid losing all my equipment and having to rebuild again, plus the added bonus of it being reuseable. But i agree with you that Divine Reckoning might not be good enough so i thought that Promise of Loyalty might be a better fit as it gets around indestructible with the sac effect like Tragic Arrogance does but also means i get to keep my equipment and protects me from the creatures that survive.

Steelshaper's Gift was going to be in the deck orginally but i switched it with Enlightened Tutor instead as it gave me more flexibility with being able to search up any artifact or enchantment instead of just equipment. But i do think the deck could do with more tutor effects so i think im going to take your suggestion and add Relic Seeker to the deck and remove Kemba, Kha Regent, like you i feel she doesnt pull her weight like she used to.

Both Crush Contraband and Return to Dust are good cards but i feel that it can be quite situational which is better.

I agree with you that Oblivion Ring should come out the deck and i feel that Grasp of Fate would be a great replacement as i've enjoyed seeing what it can do in my Brago, King Eternal deck.

I also agree with you on Finale of Glory not fitting the deck and even though it pains me to say it that Caged Sun might be to slow for the deck. So im going to take your advice and add Surestrike Trident and Ironsoul Enforcer as they're both interesting cards that i think could fit the deck nicely and i'd love to see how they do.

IHATENAMES on Itty Bitty Critty Kitty

1 year ago

I started edh in mono white forged in stone intro deck so I'm a big fan of balan. I have one I'm going to compare to this one a little later too see if there are any things I'd like to add. However. No Skullclamp ?? This is a tragedy. Seriously though I'm surprised you don't have it in your list. Overall:

Looks reasonable but kinda slow. Maybe a tad short on lands? A few easy swaps/upgrade if you can get the cards. A few cards I think underperform I pointed out below. Vultron ftw.

Few notes:

Divine Reckoning looks alot better then it is in my experience. Letting your opponents choose what they keep can suck. Tragic Arrogance hits your other perms too but you choose.

Steelshaper's Gift 1 drop open the armory. I'd run both.

Relic Seeker equipment tutor

15 equipment might be on the low side. Maybe shoot for 20 by running some less impactful but still great equipment that can make dorks into threats

Oblivion Ring has plenty of easy upgrades. Skyclave Apparition to make it a creature. Grasp of Fate to hit each player. Council's Judgment to make it permanent removal.

Crush Contraband is a better Return to Dust I think.

Finally of glory is kinda meh here. Your goal is Voltron. If you had more token support sure. But your only other token support is Kimba who I've never seen do good in years. You would be better with a alternative wincons like Felidar Sovereign or janky equipmentlike Surestrike Trident to hit face if you were going to stray a tad from the vultron idea.

Caged Sun is fun. But hard to cast here. T6 you play it hope it lasts and then maybe your ok. You can maybe find a few cards to reanimate it and that would make it more valuable but not great. I find when I play vultron you want to be killing someone around turn 5 to 7 to not get overwhelmed by valuey decks like simic and combo.

Ironsoul Enforcer interesting new card I've been trying to force into my deck. No luck yet. Maybe you'd like to try it.

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