Kessig Recluse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kessig Recluse

Creature — Spider



Thevenom on Power and Poison

7 months ago

just a suggestion, trade Kessig Recluse for Necrogen Rotpriest

Rorolith on itsy bitsy spider

3 years ago

As a lower curve, I would take out Blightwidow as you are not intending to win with poison counters and creatures with infect can only do damage in the form of poison counters. You could add in Sporeweb Weaver. I might also consider cutting Juvenile Gloomwidow and add Snarespinner as it is much more likely to outright kill flyer than to just die and give it a -1/-1 counter. I would also cut Kessig Recluse as you are trying to win mostly by using Assault Formation (I assume) and you already have Deadly Recluse and Basilisk Collar for the deathtouch protection. In its place Chainweb Aracnir and you will have a much more aggressive curve to swarm your opponent with and cast Arachnogenesis. You will probably need to add some card draw as well so that you don't run out of fuel. Harmonize or Lead the Stampede in place of Accorder's Shield will make it better. The reason I chose Accorder's Shield is because to bring it out and equip it the same turn will cost and so will bringing out and equipping Slagwurm Armor, but Slagwurm Armor gives more of a buff. The minor upside to Accorder's Shield is that you can drop all of your mana on a spider and then cast Accorder's Shield same turn.

Darkshadow327 on LGS has Japanese Dark Ascension …

5 years ago

So I was able to visit my LGS earlier this evening and get 2 packs, this is what I got (you would be interested in this DiverDown):

Overall opening this pack was pretty cool. It was suspenseful too since I didn't know what most of the cards were (I did recognize a few by art).

Tobutron on B/G Spider/Scorpion (Prototype)

7 years ago


Thanks very much! I really appreciate the advice. I quite like the changes and will probably go through with them however, there are a few things that I may ask about.

I quite like Dead Weight. Seems to be more practical than Stab Wound. I guess I was enticed by the life loss bit a little too much

Sedge Scorpion may very well be the answer to my early game issues (tbh, I actually forgot about the existence of Sedge Scorpion) but as for Penumbra Spider, who should I swap out? Most likely either Sporecap Spider or Kessig Recluse?

For Vessel of Nascency, I can see how it pair up well with Ishkanah and I'll most likely swap out Duress or something with to put them in. As for Nyx Weaver...not too keen on that one. While I like how it speeds up Ishkanah's delirious and all, I feel I might end up cucking myself in the long run especially if I don't have a lot of Ishkanahs to play with.

I would definitely love to add Arachnogenesis in place of Terrifying Presence! But when I saw it's price I can do is probably 2. 3 if I somehow stumble upon a sweet, cheap deal.

XBlaze on Spells for a B/G Spider/Scorpion …

7 years ago

I would put in an Assault Formation and take out a Kessig Recluse. Try to ad the giant growths too, because a lot of people wouldn't be too sad to let one or two damage in, and they wouldn't want to lose a creature to the deathtouch, so it would be easy to do at least 4 or 5 damage quick with Deadly Recluse+Giant Growth. Maybe some Mutagenic Growths and Seal of Strengths as well? Those are both pretty inexpensive.

Venomorphosis on Exterminator Please, I have some spiders

7 years ago

this is sick!! I Kessig Recluse Blightwidow and Somberwald Spider Eaten by Spidersmy self... this is an awesome piece of art you have here...

Muumio on Spider tribal

7 years ago

Thanks! Oh there is really good suggestions for that deck. I think im going to look forward with Metallic Mimic Gaea's Anthem Cryptolith Rite and Swarmyard

My idea with Skysnare Spider and Sentinel Spider is on power. Those are powerful creatures to keep attackers away but I think Kessig Recluses keep them away better because deathtouch. Like those cheap Deadly Recluse is worked fine.

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