Moss Viper

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Moss Viper

Creature — Snake


Balaam__ on Snake…? Snaaaaaaaaaaake!!

8 months ago

Thanks for posting Altoman. There’s certainly a viable iteration of this deck where Viridian Longbow would be fantastic, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a good fit here. Moss Viper is the only Deathtouch creature, and with only 4 copies of each (creature, artifact) it isn’t a guaranteed play each game.

This one’s built around combo’ing off with Tangle Asp and protecting the lead up to that interaction. I’ll maybeboard Viridian Longbow though, just in case someone likes the basic idea on display here but wants to take it more in that direction, they’ll be aware of it. Thanks again.

ThatTroutThing on infect/deathtouch

2 years ago

First thing I'd suggest is cutting a lot of creatures, and maybe changing your commander. 45 creatures is a lot, especially considering the fact that you have virtually no removal except for your deathtouch keywords. You have several one mana drops that are just 1/1s and dont provide nearly as much value or potential as a kill spell or board wipe would. If you refine your creature base, and add instants and sorceries that ramp and kill, you'd probably have a better chance for more consistent games. Maybe add some creatures that generate value off of other creatures, like Beast Whisperer. They will help you keep up card advantage and keep your hand fueled for more plays. To make room, remove your cards like Tajuru Blightblade, Moss Viper, and Typhoid Rats. Thieves' Guild Enforcer can also go, they don't provide much utility for your gameplan, despite being a powerful card in some scenarios. The same goes for your commander. Other than having deathtouch and being able to recur Contagion Engine, they don't have much, if any, synergy with poison counters, which look like your main wincon. All in all, my suggestions narrow down to these three things:

-Focus on the goal of your deck. Look for cards that can either drop lots of poison or proliferate and prioritize them.

-Cut low-value cards. Cards that have zero or low synergy levels and don't generate value can be easily cut from your deck. If all of your cards get good value in your deck, that's better than flooding the board with low-value cards that barely contribute.

-Add ramp and removal. You need to be able to ramp into big spells and card draw to get your engine going quick and outpace your opponents. On the other hand, you also need to be able to reign your opponents in if they start getting ahead.

Caran_Lyg on Beef Ptomaine

3 years ago

I failed to mention the last time I commented on your deck, you really need 24 lands? I was looking at each of the cards in your deck and sideboard, you can get away with 21-22 lands even without flipping Malakir Rebirth  Flip. Maybe more removal like Bloodchief's Thirst or a 1-drop creature like Moss Viper ?

DanMcSharp on Deathtouch, Trample, & Poison Counters

3 years ago

Hey there, I used to play a lot with your friend Raging Regisaur back then. Glad to see you're doing much better than Rotting Regisaur btw, not sure what happened to him.

Anyway, that's an interesting take on the poison counter deck. It's a clever idea to use Rune of Might and Setessan Training to get through blockers with deathtouch. Actually I don't want to nitpick too much but an enchanted Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire would actually do 1 damage to the blocking creature and 2 damage to face because of the +1 attack. This means that it would work nicely with any 1/1 deathtouch creature, not just with Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire as you seem to imply.

Speaking of 1/1 creatures, this is a deck that ideally wants to win quickly by throwing as many deathtouch creatures at your opponent as possible to reach that 10 poison counter with Fynn, the Fangbearer asap, and just a quick look at your curve tells me that you would benefit a lot from having more 1 drops. You should definitely run 4 Foulmire Knight and probably even some extra Moss Viper . It would also improve your chances of having a target for your enchantments on turn 2, just in case.

I don't think you want too many Chevill, Bane of Monsters since he's legendary, and while Nighthawk Scavenger can be a powerhouse in the right decks, it's not really at home here since it's expensive, slow, and the amount of damage it deals should be mostly irrelevant. Vengeful Reaper in comparison seems like a great call to get that surprise finishing blow, I would run more than 1.

I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with Garruk's Uprising since you already have the trample plan covered and giving trample to 1 power creature doesn't do anything for you. If you want card advantage, you might as well just run Call of the Death-Dweller instead to bring back 2 creatures from the graveyard, especially since giving one of them menace can be a big deal. Then if you get to enchant that creature it would really become a nightmare to block.

For your sideboard, running 4 Heroic Intervention under any circumstances will always be too many, it's too situational on top of taxing your mana. If you want boardwipe protection you might as well just remove like 2 of them in favor of more recursion spells again like Call of the Death-Dweller .

Another card you might want to consider is Binding the Old Gods because it's an amazing card already even in decks that ignore the 3rd chapter, but for you it could make your Toski, Bearer of Secrets even more annoying to manage.

Hopefully these are useful, cheers!

RambIe on New deck

3 years ago

think about it,
if i cast Triumph of the Hordes
then swing Moss Viper at you
you block the little 2/2 with Ghalta, Primal Hunger
your still getting 3 poison counters

take cards like Questing Beast & Bow of Nylea with cards like Brawn & Primal Rage
while Fynn, the Fangbearer is on the board how difficult would it be to prevent the poison
no matter what is attacking you

Murphy77 on Simic standard

4 years ago

It is generally a good idea to choose cards that best work in your planned deck and stick with multiples of those cards. Having singles of good cards really does nothing because you will have a small chance of drawing them.

Looking at your deck, 2 strategies stand out - being able to add to the attack power of creatures and being able to attack with unblockable creatures.

Yes, using the effect of Phase Dolphin, or Mistford River Turtle to get in some attacks that can't be blocked can be a great strategy. The problem is the cmc of cards in your combinations and the amount of time that you need to set up combos. I would tend to stick with Phase Dolphin to allow unblockable attacks by Lorescale Coatl and Thieving Otter.

You then need to speed up your card draw and play speed of your deck. Growth Spiral will work to get extra draws and thin down your deck, increasing your chances of drawing the cards that you want. Primal Empathy can build on creature power or card-draw. Keep Safe gives you some protection from your opponent's spells, but also helps with a bit of card draw.

I would want Moss Viper for early creature presence and Maraleaf Pixie for early mana-ramp.

For me, the cherry on the top of this delight would be Hydra's Growth which will give you ridiculously large attacking creatures, very quickly.

That is 9 core cards. 4 of each and a land-base built to support them, should give you a very strong deck.

Ninokun on

4 years ago

Moss Viper! I forgot.

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