Skeleton Key

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skeleton Key

Artifact — Equipment

Equipped creature has skulk. (It can't be blocked by creatures with greater power.)

Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may draw a card. If you do, discard a card.


Headers13 on Doran, power of the nature

2 days ago

Skeleton Key and Slagwurm Armor are always useful and stay around with being equipment.

AstroAA on Choosing Equipment-based Card Draw in …

1 month ago

RiotRunner789, I do agree Mask of Memory is better because it's cheaper mana-wise and draws more than Rogue's Gloves. That might just be the winner.

plakjekaas, I've never seen that sword before. It seams neat, but personally I'm not a fan of exiling cards and then trying to play them, as if you don't end up playing them you can't play them after that turn. Not that it's a bad card, I just don't like those type of effects.

FormOverFunction, I ran Skeleton Key in my Brimaz, King of Oreskos deck for a bit, but don't really remember it all that much. Personally I think Mask of Memory is better in that regard as it's the same mana-wise and draws one additional card. Plus, with my commander being Giada, Font of Hope and a vast majority of the creatures in the deck being angels, it's likely I'll have the highest power on board.

Thank you three for your comments! I appreciate the input!

FormOverFunction on Choosing Equipment-based Card Draw in …

1 month ago

One of my all-time favorite cards is Skeleton Key, but I don’t know if you’re willing to bend a little on your request for just-plain card draw, rather than draw/discard. Your options open WAY up if you go that route.

wallisface on

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • 20 lands is extremely low considering how steep your mana curve is. I’d suggest going to at least 24.

  • you’ve got 11 cards that let you assign combat damage with toughness, and while you obviously want that effect, you’ve currently got such-high density of these cards that you’re bound to draw into multiple redundant copies. I’d drop the number of these effects down to 8-9 (ditching 2-3 of the enchants).

  • Glaring Aegis seems like a really bad card. You’ll almost never need the extra 3 toughness, and this just lets the opponent 2-for-1 you with a killspell.

  • Skeleton Key is cute, but imo not particularly strong. You never want to draw a second copy of it. I’d suggest running an absolute maximum of 2, if at all.

  • Fading Hope is almost always just giving you card disadvantage (the opponent still has all their cards, you just lost one).

  • I know i’ve just dismissed all your 1-mana cards as being bad, but I do think you need some actually playable 1-mana cards so that you can do something turn 1. Spell Pierce, Preordain, and Utopia Sprawl are all good options.

  • you really need more ways to interact with the opponent, your only viable option at the moment is Mana Leak… you need more options!

FormOverFunction on Unblockable artifact creature

5 months ago

If your creatures all have unblockable already then it might not be worth it, but I’m a staunch supporter of Skeleton Key.

Uberriffic on Pacifism Barrage!

11 months ago

Runed Arch, Skeleton Key, Floriferous Vinewall, Endoskeleton, and Wall of Shields(which doesn't say on the card, but has apparently been Errata'd to include Defender) could be worth considering to include in this deck.

Also, a niche combo you could pull off would be to include a Wickerwing Effigy and use it to cast your Tree of Perdition which would then come in with all of its abilties, but as a 1/1. Keep it alive for a turn cycle and decide who you like the least. Bonus points if you have a way to do it on the same turn, such as with Tyvar, Jubilant Brawler or your Crashing Drawbridge

FormOverFunction on Elves lovers...HELP!

1 year ago

Skeleton Key - skulk might help with your commander, ESPECIALLY when combined with menace, and I feel like folks forget that it fits in non-haunted-house decks so I wanted it listed too ;p Extinction - one of my favorite natural disasters for troublesome elf/horror/spirit decks. It’s only a one-time use but boy will it get some attention.

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