Drown in Filth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Drown in Filth


Put the top four cards of your library into your graveyard, then target creature gets -1/-1 until end of turn for each land card in your graveyard.

jamochawoke on Uurg eats everything

8 months ago

This is a super fun little combo deck! But it can get shut down pretty easily. I'd suggest putting some key Commander pieces in that you're missing... and thankfully there's a TON of things that work with a land-based deck archetype like this in those colors.

First off, you need to complete your Cultivator combo with Splendid Reclamation for getting all those lands out of your own yard in a very big way (Cultivator probably becomes the biggest thing in your game at this point)!

Centaur Vinecrasher or Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar are superb alternate or additional beatsticks for Cultivator with tons of synergy with your commander that also dig themselves out of the graveyard after they get immediately removed like in my games!

Terravore is nice if you never hit Cultivator in your games (or it gets hated out).

Constant Mists basically you get eternal fog in a deck like this whenever you want if it doesn't get countered.

Entish Restoration, Dig Up, and Beseech the Queen for synergistic tutors.

Kagha, Shadow Archdruid, Elvish Reclaimer, Grisly Salvage, World Shaper, Circle of the Land Druid, Stinkweed Imp, Winding Way, Life from the Loam, Scapeshift, and Satyr Wayfinder for digging through the deck faster while also rotating lands. Life From the Loam is ESPECIALLY GOOD for its dredge ability in this deck so you can keep casting it. Scapeshift is the single most powerful cycler you could run but it's very $$$ and doesn't synergize completely with this deck (it's more for landfall decks, but it can still work with this too).

The utility lands Witch's Cottage, Mortuary Mire, Memorial to Folly can help get your creatures back out of the 'yard.

The utility lands Witch's Clinic, Rogue's Passage, Ghost Quarter, Strip Mine, Wasteland, Field of the Dead, Thespian's Stage, Restless Cottage, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Takenuma, Abandoned Mire would all help your deck's overall resilience and ability to deal with threats.

Either Abundance or Rishkar's Expertise could be a game-ending bomb for you. Rishkar's is great if your commander has enough power. You can draw a ton of your deck, likely hit a tutor you cast for free, then if your hand is flooded with lands you discard down to 7 putting all those lands in your 'yard making your commander even bigger! Abundance isn't as synergistic, but is basically a creature tutor spell for Cultivator Colossus if you decide to not run any other beaters or utility creatures.

Assassin's Trophy for instant-cast targeted removal of EVERYTHING.

Tear Asunder and Abrupt Decay are less-good Assassin's Trophy but at least Decay can't be countered.

Casualties of War for when you need to get rid of a lot of different pests that turn.

Return to Nature for instant-cast targeted removal of Enchantment/Artifact or Graveyard card.

Drown in Filth for a land-synergistic targeted removal that gets around indestructible.

Terror Tide for land-synergistic boardwipe that also gets around indestructible.

Nurgle's Conscription, Froghemoth, and Bojuka Bog for some enemy graveyard hate.

Rain of Filth for a MASSIVE spike in mana for that turn.

Worm Harvest for generating a TON of tokens off of the lands in your 'yard.

Titania, Protector of Argoth or Rampaging Baloths for much, much bigger tokens.

Gitrog, Horror of Zhava and The Gitrog Monster for super frog-land-pseudocycling synergy!

Brawn since you're putting things in your 'yard anyways you might as well give your commander and other beatsticks Trample for free! Trample has saved me so many times in games. No reason not to run it in this deck tbh.

Erinis, Gloom Stalker, Ayula's Influence, and Old Rutstein for more synergy with your commander's ability.

Life / Death for making an army out of your lands or pulling something out of your 'yard.

The planeswalkers Nissa of Shadowed Boughs and Vraska, Golgari Queen can give you alternate win-cons while also being synergistic with your commander.

If you don't need more combo stuff and just need another big beatstick alternate for the Colossus it's hard to go wrong with Yargle and Multani's power (plus the stained glass alt-art is sick!). But unfortunately it doesn't come with the cool yard recovery abilities of the other beatsticks I mentioned and doesn't have trample or evasion, but it does have more power than Emrakul!

rekkim on Ritual Mill

2 years ago

V2.0: Shifted aim toward answers from threats. Tokens aren't anything to worry about before turn seven, anyway.

Armored Skaab: Down by one.

Blex, Vexing Pest  Flip: Cut. Buffing the tokens to speed up lethal is counterintuitive to much of the rest of the deck's intention to stall. Rarely, if ever find reason to use the back side, and life is valuable to this deck only so far as delays are concerned. Once you're stable, you don't need to fish so desperately for pieces.

Boneyard Wurm: Down by one.

Combine Guildmage, Swarm Guildmage: See: Blex.

Lotleth Giant: I really like this because it dodges blockers, but it's never decisive like a seven-drop ought to be. Dropped.

Decisive Denial: Dropped. Couldn't justify its use when creature-based iterations can be used to keep the effect and fuel other spells.

Drown in Filth: Dropped. Part of the issue is the mana requirement. It's hard to reliably draw all three colors in the first two turns, so a lot of my starts were awkward with this. It could also fizzle early on by not having enough of the right thing in my graveyard.

Spider Spawning: Reduced by two. Slow, and the deck is pretty heavy on recursion. Despite issues with the tap requirement, Vilespawn Spider is a body, on or off the field, and anything in the way of attackers or pumping spells is important.

Spiketail Hatchling: Added four copies. Might look for one I like with a mana cost to make the tax a greater burden. Or maybe something with lower CMC and no flying.

Winds of Rebuke: Added three copies.

Spore Frog: Added four copies.

Svogthos, the Restless Tomb: Added another copy. Realized somewhere down the line that it plays really well with Crop Sigil to return two creatures to play.

Deadbridge Chant: Added one copy. Still not wholly sold on this, but it makes sprinting against other stall decks much more viable. Valid target for Winds of Rebuke, if you happen to need to reset with elixir.

Land: Reduced prominence of black and green for blue.

RebelGenius on Compost Pile (Help Wanted)

2 years ago

Oh this deck is right up my alley.

I think Stitcher's Supplier is a must in any graveyard deck, and if you have something to sac it like Bone Shards or Village Rites it can fill the yard extremely quickly.

I like Bone Shards more than Drown in Filth because it acts as another way to discard Stinkweed Imp and is a plain destroy that isn't reliant on other things.

Also, I really like Takenuma, Abandoned Mire in decks like these (gotta add it to mine) and Boseiju, Who Endures is always good.

TheoryCrafter on 92 Land Gitrog

2 years ago

Have you considered Field of the Dead? With so Many different named lands in your deck you're bound to get a lotta 2/2 zombie creature tokens--Especially if you use Thespian's Stage and/or Vesuva to copy it.This could especially come into use if your opponent finds a way to prevent you from casting The Giteog Monster.

Also, I noticed that while you have a lot of lands you can retrieve from the graveyard, you don't have anything that benefits directly with having lands in your graveyard. That's why I suggest Drown in Filth for indestructible creatures and Worm Harvest for extra creature tokens. I hope this help.

Happy Hunting!

marciothehero on Ravnica Cube v12

3 years ago


Simic Charm -> Quandrix Command

Immolating Gyre -> Draconic Intervention

Lightning Helix -> Rip Apart

Launch the Fleet -> Venerable Warsinger

Shifting Ceratops -> Battle Mammoth

Shrine of Loyal Legions -> Mimic Vat

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord -> Daemogoth Woe-Eater

Polukranos, Unchained -> Daemogoth Titan

Mindwrack Demon -> Rank Officer

Winding Way -> Brawn

Abrupt Decay -> Drown in Filth

Grapple with the Past -> Llanowar Mentor

Archetype of Courage -> Selfless Squire

Unburial Rites -> Incarnation Technique

Stealth Mission -> Benthic Biomancer

Thrummingbird - > Fuel for the Cause

Assure / Assemble -> Selesnya Charm

Knight of Autumn -> Battle for Bretagard

Druid's Deliverance -> Pest Infestation

Wilt-Leaf Liege -> Glare of Subdual

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge -> Veyran, Voice of Duality

Legion Warboss -> Laelia, the Blade Reforged

Ral, Storm Conduit -> Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

Experiment One -> Gyre Sage

Jadelight Ranger -> Managorger Hydra

Merfolk Branchwalker -> Incubation Druid

Sweet-Gum Recluse -> Forgotten Ancient

Sharktocrab -> Zegana, Utopian Speaker

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath -> Prime Speaker Zegana

Roalesk, Apex Hybrid -> Tanazir Quandrix

Herald of Secret Streams -> Deepglow Skate

Nightpack Ambusher -> Arachnogenesis

Life / Death -> Tivash, Gloom Summoner

Cry of the Carnarium -> Essence Pulse

Filter Lands -> Thriving Lands + 5 Color Lands

Falta G para balancear


Quandrix Command , Draconic Intervention , Rip Apart , Venerable Warsinger , Daemogoth Woe-Eater , Daemogoth Titan , Incarnation Technique , Pest Infestation , Veyran, Voice of Duality , Laelia, the Blade Reforged , Tivash, Gloom Summoner , Essence Pulse

Balaam__ on Pay the Troll Toll - Golgari Counters

3 years ago

Drown in Filth might be worth considering

smilodex on Ishkanah, Grafwidow Commander COMBO Deck

3 years ago

Thanks for your comment. I am very happy about such comments, as it is difficult to keep an eye on every possible combination with over a thousand commanders, especially with such a commander like Ishkanah, which you don't meet in your LGS every day. Thanks to your comment, I can see more of the potential of Ishkanah. I you want to tune up your deck, I have some recommendations for that:

I would exchange:

I would play as many cool utility lands with a sacrifice effect and as many fetch lands as possible because they're needed for Delirium and have also great potential with the MVP in every graveyard deck Life from the Loam:

Carddraw or Cardadvantage:

Other good finishers/ combo pieces:

Well, I'm sure that you already know what other options there are to tune up the deck. If you want to win consitenly I would add more ways to produce infinte mana like Nim Deathmantle + Priest of Gix + Ashnod's Altar or Magus of the Coffers + Staff of Domination OR another unigue and complicated way to filter infinite colorless mana with Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth is together with Mirage Mirror and a Swamp...

To make the whole thing more consistent you have play all green and black tutors, play fast mana like the Moxes, Mana Crypt/-Vault, Manadorks (Elvish Mystic/Elves of Deep Shadow/Llanowar Elves etc. and pack some premium removal in the deck to raise the power level. If you're interested we can brew a fringe competetive list together.

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