Roalesk, Apex Hybrid
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Roalesk, Apex Hybrid

Legendary Creature — Human Mutant

Flying, trample

When this enters the battlefield, put two +1/+1 counters on another target creature you control.

When this dies, proliferate, then proliferate again. (Choose any number of permanents and/or players, then give each another counter of each kind already there. Then do it again.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Venomous Vines
Bramblefort Fink
Glintwing Invoker
Scuttling Sentinel
Raucous Entertainer
Unruly Krasis

Tic12 on One Hundred and One Counters

1 year ago

Update 1 (more Creature Power):

Out:Stag Beetle, Thrive, Smell Fear, Decisive Denial

In:Evolution Sage, Roalesk, Apex Hybrid, Benevolent Hydra, Genesis Hydra

Update 2 (better Card Draw):

Out:Towashi Guide-Bot

In:Bred for the Hunt

Update 3 (Mana Base):

Out:Tangled Islet

In:Flooded Grove

mlequesne on Nightmare Syphilis Elemental

2 years ago

Hi there friend, love your deck <3 it's allways nice to see some infect going around. I have a similar deck, with a bit more instant pump. I know it's not mutable but this guy here has been my hero many times: Roalesk, Apex Hybrid.

I also have some land suggestions: Pendelhaven, Minamo, School at Water's Edge and Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers.

See you!

Coward_Token on Innistrad: Midnight Hunt. A Good …

2 years ago

Gleeock: I know right? I'm holding out on the hope that Crimson Bond will feature some new Werewolves too.

Dennick, Pious Apprentice: Spirtual sucessor to Roalesk, Apex Hybrid in commiting suicide by legend rule for fun and profit. Cast one copy of his card, then later cast another copy to send it straight to the graveyard, ready to be Disturbed.

Butcher the Lineage: I like how the art makes it look like she's scratched the man on the painting bloody

Florian, Voldaren Scion: Looks like an Insolent Neonate that cleaned up his act. One weakness of impulsive draw is that you risk exiling something you can't play this turn; digging nicely reduces this risk. Has an obvious place in the 99 of Prosper, Tome-Bound.

Firmament Sage: I wonder how much this effect would have to be nerfed in order to be white. Just "Whenever night becomes day"?

Sunstreak Phoenix: Like Dragons, I don't feel Phoenixes are appropriate for this plane. At least it's a heron.

Hallowed Respite: Neat tweak off Flicker. Dunno what the deal with the nonlegendary clause is tho.

raefgall on Infect & Proliferate

2 years ago

This looks like it could definitely be scary once it gets going. Very dedicated to its theme.

From a general construction sense, it could probably use a few less lands, a bit more ramp and card draw, and a few less cards on the top end (the mana curve leans high).

Some good mana staples that would help and fit the theme: Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Commander's Sphere, Fellwar Stone, Everflowing Chalice, Astral Cornucopia, Solemn Simulacrum, Fertilid, Gyre Sage, Rishkar, Peema Renegade, Incubation Druid, Rampant Growth

Since your goal is to get poison counters on ASAP (so that proliferate matters), stuff like Ichor Rats and Plague Stinger would be good additions. Grafted Exoskeleton and Phyresis can make it so some of your other creatures can contribute to the poison damage count. Viridian Corrupter and Relic Putrescence both give you a way to give poison counters while also serving as artifact removal of a sort.

For cards to potentially remove, there are a few that fit the theme, but may be harder to get the benefit from. Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Second Chance don't do too much for you. Door of Destinies doesn't really have a good tribe to name.

There is a sort of sacrifice sub-theme going on that doesn't feel like it fully pans out. The Arcbound creatures are on the expensive side and you don't have a ton of artifact creatures to move the counters onto. Plus, if they hit for regular damage, they're not going to contribute to your infect plan. Throne of Geth and Plaguemaw Beast give repeatable proliferate, but you don't have a ton of things that you want to sacrifice, or ways to get things back from the graveyard to recur them. Martyr for the Cause and Roalesk, Apex Hybrid are only really good if you get exactly Plaguemaw Beast.

Sticky_Paws on ~Psycho Math~

2 years ago

Thank you both for your help! I will take these updates into strong consideration.

For Roalesk, Apex Hybrid I had thought of using Esix triggers to purposely hit the Legendary rule, and killing off multiples of him at once to proc the death proliferate. Does this tactic work?

multimedia on ~Psycho Math~

2 years ago

Hey, interesting strategy on a budget using Saproling tokens from Fugus to trigger Esix.

Sol Ring and Arcane Signet are two budget staple mana rocks for Commander. Sol could replace Commander's Sphere and Arcane could replace Fractal Harness.

Fugus need spore counters to make Saps; more repeatable proliferate from Evolution Sage can help just by playing a land. Landfall also from Tireless Provisioner can trigger Esix just by playing a land. It's ramp with treasures and treasures are tokens.

Neoform is sac any two drop creature to tutor for and cheat Biovisionary onto the battlefield or sac a four drop and tutor for Mycoloth. Scatter the Seeds can create three Sap tokens at one time for Biovisionary + Esix and all creatures as well as creature tokens you control can help to cast Scatter with convoke.

Beast Within, Rapid Hybridization, Pongify are instant removal spells that create a token creature after destroying. They can be used against an opponent or destroy your own permanent to trigger Esix.

Timeless Witness can recur any card; it's a budget creature to make a copy of and when it's in your graveyard you can choose to embalm it to create a token of Witness. Card recursion is one area your deck currently lacks.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago


Budget -2 Plains +2 Forest +1 Gemstone Mine -1 Temple of Silence -1 Zagoth Crystal +1 Astral Cornucopia -1 Gyre Sage +1 Fynn, the Fangbearer -1 (3 total) more Plains for a Blight Mamba . I think we are good w/ 38 lands.

Non-Budget Not sure what to cut in this section, but if yo' wallet is feelin' like a pimp, go on brush yo' shoulders off. Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider Once you add the fetches + shocks, Become Immense becomes...immensely better. Usually will cast for G.

Personal Choices - Prairie Stream - Sunken Hollow + Vivid Grove + Vivid Creek Prairie and sunken will come into play tapped most of the time anyway, so might as well make rainbow colors and get some counters back on them late game.
-1 Render Silent (casting cost is prohibitive). +1 Fuel for the Cause -1 Fathom Mage +1 Steady Progress . Fathom Mage seems iffy for card draw. Steady progress feels more stable, instant speed, and proliferates. -1 Despark +1 Inexorable Tide . Ups your CMC aka mana value by a bit, but I'd rather go the proactive than reactive game plan. -1 Lazav, the Multifarious . He will appear as one of your infecty boiz from the yard, but at that point you're already behind, and he has no forms of evasion. Maybe +1 Sword of Truth and Justice instead. (It's slow) -1 Supreme Verdict (prohibitive casting cost, you're probably the one with the most valuable creatures). +1 Contentious Plan for more draw and more dirty HIV. -1 Phyrexian Juggernaut . Too slow, probably a dead card in your hand, chances of it not getting blocked are small. I imagine best-case scenario is that it goes unblocked and you pump it, but 'bout Roalesk, Apex Hybrid . Ain't nobody gonna attack you when they get proliferate juices on their shirt.

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Contagion Engine + Magistrate's Scepter . Take all the turns. 7 mana + a boardstate is a steep setup, but do you want to be a winner, or a JANK-ASS BISS?

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Strionic Resonator . Seems kinda win-more. But meh. Idk.

Let's f* with Hop -1 Generous Gift +1 Teferi's Protection . I am a terrible human being.

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. -1 Ancient Tomb . You'll take a heavy amount of damage, and your color requirements are strong. I'd replace with +1 Inkmoth Nexus

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

nlabelle on Atraxa(infect)

3 years ago

This whatcha boi be thinkin' to improve dat' dirty poison build. CMDR next to Atraxa (on the input section) will make her appear as the commander rather than as a creature.

Non-Budget Show

Personal Choices Show

But wait, do you want to make the deck WORSE? Show

I'm not really sure if these are good or not. So this section is useless. Show

Let's f* with Hop Show

I most definitely could be wrong in this section. Show

Aight baby gurl, bedtime. May your infectious love for infect cause infectious hate upon you. Love, Jake Stremers

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