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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
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Magus of the Coffers
Creature — Human Wizard
(2), Tap: Add (Black) to your mana pool for each Swamp you control.
8netherwind8 on Toshiro, The Black Swordsman
8 months ago
Profet93 There ya go. Updated Toshiro's side of things, giving him much more longevity (rez) & speed (draw).
Threw in a Bolas's Citadel for my altered Sensei's to boot (Aetherflux Reservoir when needed). And left the Magus of the Coffers + Yahenni, Undying Partisan (for infinite sac-rez with Corpse Dance) in the sideboard for now.
This created a 33+ card sub-out for the deck swap, now going from Goodstuffs/Theft to Tribal/Theft, and boosting the overall flavor of the theme. "Guts & Griffith, the Eternal Struggle" =D
KongMing on Teenybones steels ur tings >:)
1 year ago
How about Magus of the Coffers to build up more mana? Also, Thieving Amalgam has high CMC, but a great payoff for this kind of stealy deck.
DreadKhan on Maralen's Merry-Go-Round of Death
1 year ago
Have you thought about using an Emergence Zone? Casting Maralen on the end step before your turn sounds amazing, you tutor first and can grab your Opposition Agent! Teferi's Puzzle Box is pretty interesting with Maralen out, especially if you can skip your draw step somehow (I like Necropotence). In a meta where people love Najeela and Winota I don't think I'd want to go without Make an Example in mono-Black, this removal will always hit the most important thing on each opponent's board, and if they choose poorly they'll lose more. I wonder if Necromantic Selection is more impactful/hits the table sooner than In Garruk's Wake? If you're really far behind keeping your board is probably a lot worse than stealing the best creature you wiped. I'm also not sure if Decree of Pain is better than Wake, it's modal (with both modes being potentially relevant), and it's a tad cheaper, the sheer card advantage is probably better in a cEDH deck with more fast mana though. Any reason you're not on Lightning Greaves? I find this is a reasonable choice in a deck that cares about it's Commander, I guess you're still open to Instants, but if you can't give Maralen Flash somehow it seems good, maybe I'm missing something?
Are you skipping staples like Mana Crypt and Mana Vault because they are too pricey? If you still want playable ramp in mono-Black, there are a few options that you aren't running yet. I think your average MV is high enough to look at Dream Devourer, this makes your spells easier to cast, and even if you lose the Devourer you can still cast the spell. I'm not sure it really fits, but if you need to cast big value stuff then Magus of the Coffers is good help, and it tends to impact the board sooner than Nirkana Revenant fwiw. Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth isn't ramp but it works with lots of Black cards that care about swamps. Cabal Ritual is a bigger Dark Ritual, especially if you've Milled yourself a bit.
I think I liked this deck so much it inspired me to look at my copy of Maralen, and I think I've thought of a deck for her at last, I think it'll be my sweaty try-hard win con in my Sisay, Weatherlight Captain deck, thanks for the inspiration, hope some of my ideas are helpful!
Tur on Hidden Power - Mono-Color - …
1 year ago
Hello everyone! This will be a forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please upvote the post or provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.
The powerful cards I plan on discussing are mono-color cards which are strong with big mana in commander.
I will provide one card per mono-color identity. These cards will not include x-spells nor multi-color identity spells. (I.e. no Torment of Hailfire nor Zacama, Primal Calamity)
It is obvious that big mana is a huge part of semi-competitive play. Whether it is from ramping through creatures, artifacts, enchantments, instants, sorceries, or lands. Big mana is pretty fun. Mana doubling effects from lands are especially useful. In this article, I'll be focusing on mana doubling from lands, but other ways to generate big mana are always possible
Here are some common big mana effects for each mono-color identity:
- White (W) : Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens
- Blue (U) : Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens, High Tide
- Black (B) : Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens, Crypt Ghast, Nirkana Revenant, Cabal Coffers, Magus of the Coffers
- Red (R) : Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Might
- Green (G) : Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, Extraplanar Lens, Mana Reflection, Zendikar Resurgent, Nyxbloom Ancient, Vernal Bloom
This is not an all inclusive list as Mana Flare, Heartbeat of Spring, Keeper of Progenitus, Sword of Feast and Famine, et cetera would work just as well. In each mono-color identity the artifacts Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, and Extraplanar Lens can be used, however the black and green color identities have an advantage for mono-color double mana effects. Furthermore, green contains cards such as Seedborn Muse, Awakening, and Wilderness Reclamation which allow for more interactions.
Well, let us begin in WUBRG order!
White: Sacred Mesa
This card is relatively unused. According to EDHREC, Sacred Mesa is played in 1511/849227 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. You'd be surpized how powerful this card is with double mana. Imagine making some number of pegasus at instant speed as either blockers or attackers for your next turn. (The upkeep cost can be paid by making a summoning sick pegasus during your turn.) Not to mention power and toughness buffing effects are ideal with Sacred Mesa, examples include Dictate of Heliod, Cathars' Crusade, Caged Sun, or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.
It is often compared to Luminarch Ascension because they have similar effects. Yes, it makes a 4/4 angel instead of a 1/1 pegasus.
However, Luminarch Ascension has many downsides:
- You have to have four quest counters to use the ability. (That is, you have to not lose life during an opponents turn four times.) This creates a huge target on your life total and you'll see it surely chip away.
- Bounce effects, such as Cyclonic Rift really mess it up. Welcome back to square one!
- Common cards, such as Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider prevent quest counters from even occurring. Vampire Hexmage or Hex Parasite are also options to remove the counters.
Sacred Mesa is way more versatile and does not have such downsides. Not to mention is it only three mana, ideal for Sun Titan recursion.
Blue: Compulsion
It is very rare to see this wonderful card. According to EDHREC, Compulsion is played in 1000/945324 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. Having an activated draw ability with very little downside on a blue enchantment is insane. Ideal when paired with Teferi's Ageless Insight or Thought Reflection. There are a few cards which have a similar effect, such as Triskaidekaphile or Kefnet the Mindful without having to discard a card, but having a two mana activation is much more versatile. I suppose that an argument could be made with Training Grounds, but that is too much just to make the Kefnet the Mindful ability more cost effective. Furthermore, discarding a specific card like Echo of Eons, Wonder, or a shuffle Eldrazi such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth has some nice synergy. (In fact, it should be played in most bant enchantress decks, such as the commander Tuvasa the Sunlit. Replenish for life!)
Black: Chainer, Dementia Master
This is a wonderful card, but a little pricey compared to the previous two cards. According to EDHREC, Chainer, Dementia Master is played in 6344/983251 (1%) decklists and is approximately ten dollars. Yes, we all know that you can abuse Chainer, Dementia Master with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Kokusho, the Evening Star with sacrifice outlets such as Phyrexian Altar. Suppose we don't want to abuse this card into the ground is it still just good card? Yes. We can fill up or graveyard with Buried Alive or Entomb and get back a creature card, or we can grab a creature card from an opponents graveyard. It can also be used to interrupt graveyard combos, such as Aristocrats by using the ability on an opponents Butcher Ghoul with the undying trigger on the stack.
An extremely powerful and undervalued card. According to EDHREC, Scourge of Kher Ridges is played in 1005/912333 (0%) decklists and is under three dollars. If you're able to untap with Sourge of Kher Ridges and double mana, your opponents are going to have a rough time. As you can put multiple activations on the stack, it provides you with a very high on-board presence. Even within a response to removal. I've heard players complain that Scourge of Kher Ridges dies too quick to removal and my answer is "from your opponents perspective it needs to die before you're able to untap". Ideal with lifelink (and deathtouch) equipment such as Basilisk Collar or Shadowspear.
Green: Kamahl, Fist of Krosa
Typically unseen in play. According to EDHREC, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is played in 4786/880991 (1%) decklists and is approximately five dollars. It is odd how unused Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is compared to Ezuri, Renegade Leader when they basically have the same effect. Overrun as an activated ability which is stackable multiple times. I agree that Ezuri, Renegade Leader is better in elf tribal decks, however Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is great in most big mana decks. Ideal for wide aggro. Tall aggro will gain the benefit of trample. If you don't have extra creatures you can animate your lands as 1/1 attackers, correction 7/7 attackers. (Pretty interesting because these attackers get around Cyclonic Rift, they're lands.) You can also get some payback by animating your opponents lands in response to a creature board wipe. (From that reasoning it can be paired with cards such as Ascendant Evincar and Crovax, Ascendant Hero to destroy opponents lands through animation.)
All in all, these are relatively unused cards which have a lot hidden power with big mana. If your deck is mono-colored and designed for big mana spells or abilities, think about giving these cards a chance. See if they work well for you and your playgroup.
Dormin53 on help w/ my Gisa Arcade
2 years ago
I don't know if you're budget conscious but below are some recommendations.
Noxious Ghoul to replace Magus of the Coffers Same CMC but turns into a one sided board wipe at instant speed with a sac outlet. Also I'd add Cabal Coffers to maintain the same effect as Magus of the Coffers while not being a creature.
Zombie Master to replace Maralen of the Mornsong. Master has more synergy and tribal type then Maralen. particularly if you add Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in place of a basic land.
Shepherd of Rot to replace Tattered Mummy. The effect is repeatable and on demand but it does hit yourself. You can use it as leverage to keep someone from board wiping or to force to do something "or else" haha Also if you're playing aggro this just applies even more pressure.
Ashnod's Altar may be a better choice over Phyrexian Altar. You're mono so you don't need the color fixing but doubling colorless mana may be more beneficial. Or you could run both for the best of both worlds.
Skullclamp is a must an any token deck. Especially good with Gravecrawler.
I don't have direct replacements but Jet Medallion and Coat of Arms.
Dictate of Erebos in addition or rather then Grave Pact for the flash protentional.
Then lastly two creatures you could consider but I have no replacement in mind are Josu Vess, Lich Knight and Diregraf Colossus.
Hope you find some of these suggestions helpful :) and yes I get the tokens pun :P
LittleMy on Tribal Vampires Help Wanted
2 years ago
I saw another comment say this, but stressing it, Phyrexian Arena can be replaced (and same with Greed). For an enchantment that can be removed, same cost as Necropotence which you have included and doesn't generate nearly the same amount of value? Personally, I'd rather slot in a card like Sign in Blood or Night's Whisper, or for doing double duty, Castle Locthwain (and considering you're Mono Black, having it come in untapped shouldn't be an issue) These also are more on demand, situational impulse draws for when you really need them.
I'm a huge fan of mana doublers, and I personally don't like Extraplanar Lens. While I understand the upside, I can't get past the exiling a land. I think that's too much of a downside. On the flip side, two mana doublers I like, Crypt Ghast and Magus of the Coffers, do double duty as blockers/attackers, and all for more mana, and you keep a land. I see you have Nyx Lotus in your maybe board as well, and I'd even say slot this in over Extraplanar Lens.
While Adaptive Automaton and Metallic Mimic both are decent anthems, they don't offer possible utility like other cards can. Considering you're running a lot of vampires, I'd recommend slotting in two other cards for them. Veinwitch Coven brings back cards from the dead when you gain life, which seems often. Return combo pieces, big threats, or mana helpers. And if you are still concerned about card draw, Champion of Dusk.
You already have a lot of tutors, Brainspoil might be pushing it, unless there's a combo that I am not seeing. To be more dynamic, I'd recommend Go for the Throat or Doom Blade depending on your meta. Having cheap removal at instant speed can be the difference in a game.
Charcoal Diamond I'd highly recommend switching out for Arcane Signet as this does not come in to play tapped and can be used immediately.
Door of Destinies or Coat of Arms I'd also highly recommend. They're fantastic tribal anthems and I'd argue puts in more work than Herald's Horn. I say that because I like the philosophy of, "the best healing is damage" or "more damage, less dead" (and also Coat of Arms with a full board and constant threat replacement with Veinwitch Coven is terrifying)
Hope this helps!
Reznor31 on Tinybones, card thief
3 years ago
Oh! Umbral Mantle + Magus of the Coffers is a way to go infinite mana so you can just nuke anyone that has 0 cards in hand at any given instant with tiny bones.
Cloak and Dagger can help keep Tiny bones protected too.
multimedia on Can I see your...?
3 years ago
Hey, Nightmare Shepherd is a good budget card with Gonti because he's your Commander. When Gonti dies you choose to send him to your graveyard instead of back to the Command Zone. This triggers Shepperd to exile Gonti, but since Gonti is changing yet another zone then when you exile him you can choose to then put Gonti into the Command Zone. When this happens you get a 1/1 legendary Gonti token that triggers his ETB ability when it's created and Gonti goes back to the Command Zone. This interaction is repeatable as long as you can cast Gonti from the Command Zone.
Magus of the Coffers + Sword of the Paruns is a budget way to make infinite black mana if you control at least six Swamps. Use this combo with any sac outlet such as Viscera Seer to infinite cast Gonti from the Command Zone to exile all your opponent libraries or exile tons of opponents cards and cast them all. Bubbling Muck can help to make black mana to assemble this combo.
Strionic Resonator can copy Gonti triggered ability. Profane Tutor is a new budget tutor and Infernal Grasp is new instant creature removal. Morbid Opportunist once on each player's turn cares about any other creature who dies to draw.
Good luck with your deck.
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