Roiling Regrowth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Roiling Regrowth


Sacrifice a land. Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped. then shuffle your library.

DreadKhan on Shadow of the Dragon Queen

2 weeks ago

I think you should do something about your mana fixing, you have a reasonable 39 lands, but you don't have a great deal of mana fixing options (you do have Chromatic Lantern, but not The World Tree), in addition you don't run many land ramp spells (stuff like Nature's Lore or Untamed Wilds that can find lands are generally better than creatures that will die when people wipe the board to get rid of your Dragons, land ramp makes it easier to recover). In a deck with lots of Basics I like stuff like Kodama's Reach, Harrow, Roiling Regrowth, and Entish Restoration are all options that are really good at getting you to WUBRG (and Tiamat). I like Blighted Woodland, Myriad Landscape, and even Krosan Verge for fixing in a deck with lots of Basics, but note that Krosan Verge can fetch a non-Basic Forest and Plains, I like to find Murmuring Bosk and a typed Plains/Island or Plains/Mountain, so it can find 4 colours without a fancy/expensive Triome. If you run lots of Green land ramp spells you should probably not cut any Forests (even for duals that offer Green), I would cut non-Forest Basics instead since your deck will work better if it has access to Green mana. I have a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck that REALLY needs to have at least one Green source very early or it's dead, that deck runs 19 Green lands, and even though the deck is mostly Black spells the deck only runs 11 Black lands; my Green sources can find my Black ones for me, so I don't actually need to draw any Swamps in a normal game to have plenty of Swamps. Hope this helps/makes sense, making a great mana base is really hard to do.

I think recasting Tiamat is probably a useful enough thing that Netherborn Altar might be handy, as would similar effects. You can also use Capsize or Unsummon to return Tiamat to hand so you can get her trigger again (to recover from a wipe).

If you're really into Dragons you might like Crux of Fate, this can clear out non-Dragons, probably letting you alpha strike. You can also try Mandate of Abaddon and target a Dragon that is big enough to kill all the relevant blockers, yet small enough to not kill your important Dragons.

DreadKhan on Friendship is Magic

2 months ago

I'm also of the opinion that a few more lands would probably solid, 31 doesn't feel like very many, a few more would probably help with consistency (which may or may not be an issue for you).

It might not matter as much if you play vs other casual decks (you'll be less likely to be punished for running artifacts), but in Selesnya I feel like you don't want mana rocks, Green has access to some really good ramp effects, and they're often fairly affordable. For example, I think I'd switch out Arcane Signet for Rampant Growth, Commander Sphere for Kodama's Reach, Cluestone could go for Harrow (if people counter ramp spells I'd go with Roiling Regrowth instead), and Sol Ring could go for something like Wild Growth/Utopia Sprawl/Crop Rotation. If you go this route I would consider switching a few Plains for Forests, even if your deck ends up having a lot of White effects, Green ramp can find Plains for you.

When I try to build Casual decks, I still try to put removal in, but I try not to run stuff like Swords to Plowshares, and instead try to use less pushed options like Intrepid Hero, Avenger en-Dal, and Spurnmage Advocate. Each has it's own drawbacks, but the fact that you can't 'catch' (they aren't a 1 mana Instant) someone with these makes them fun in my experience. Spurnmage is a really powerful political card that can be helpful vs graveyard decks, and Avenger can technically gain you life if you have a big creature and just want the life, but it's also a deterrent. If you want a non-creature source of creature removal their is also Transmogrifying Wand, this is one of the best 'lower power' removal effects ever printed, it's good enough to make a big impact once resolved, but you need it to stick around to get full value over time. IMHO there's nothing wrong with running relatively little removal in a casual environment, but you'll probably win a few more games if you have some ways to slow down opponents that happened to draw well, so if that matters you might throw a few things in.

Not sure if you want actual jank, but Noble Purpose is an old favorite of mine that gains you tons of life if you're in combat, but most importantly it fully stacks with Lifelink.

m_tironi on

4 months ago

Woehrlebird, I delete decks often, so you should copy it if you are interested.

Ramp the is good with Lumra: Lotus Field Harrow Roiling Regrowth Springbloom Druid

Support for Lumra: Panharmonicon Amulet of Vigor

To help shuffle your graveyard back into your deck after you milled too much: Kozilek, Butcher of Truth Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre

The rest is optimized good stuff: landfall and cheating cards in with Apex Devastator, Ghalta, Stampede Tyrant and Last March of the Ents.

Also, Monogreen mass haste: Surrak and Goreclaw Concordant Crossroads

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Chasm and Depths Protection

5 months ago

Nice list, khuyler! A couple of suggestions that may be helpful:

You have no way to remove The One Ring should you ever need to when it accumulates too many burden counters. It may make sense to run Chaos Warp, Deglamer, and/or Demand Answers to give you an out if you're in a bind with The Precious, but if you don't have a pressing issue with The One Ring these cards are also very useful on their own.

With all of the landfall and ramp including Scapeshift it could be beneficial to add Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle as well as some additional mountains like Blood Crypt & Stomping Ground (maybe run proxies of Badlands & Taiga). This would allow you to deal a massive amount of damage when Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and a bunch of additional mountains come into play from Scapeshift, plus Valakut would enable additional landfall damage triggers whenever more mountain(s) ETB while it's out.

Overgrown Tomb and Bayou would be solid additions, too. Have you considered running any of the fetchlands?

Ignoble Hierarch is a great mana dork for Jund.

Crucible of Worlds and Zuran Orb synergize well with Lord Windgrace.

Harrow costs the same and is slightly better than Roiling Regrowth imo since the lands wouldn't enter tapped, though you could run both.

thefiresoflurve on KalaMAXXING

1 year ago

Entish Restoration from the new LTR set might be worth considering, as it's a direct upgrade to Roiling Regrowth. It sadly doesn't have the "as an additional cost to cast this" clause that Harrow does, so you'll sacrifice a land for each copy, but I think the rate is worthwhile. :)

DreadKhan on Korvold Sacrifice

1 year ago

There are lots of options to help fix your mana that have been printed, some of the handiest are those that can dig out a land, and lands that make more than 1 colour. Both are very useful, some effects can even dig out 2 or 3 colour lands, but these are pricier in most cases. Some budget options include Jund Panorama, Riveteers Overlook, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Mountain Valley, and Rocky Tar Pit (the last two can find non-Basic lands, this includes Woodland Chasm, Highland Forest, Sulfurous Mire), Cinder Glade, Smoldering Marsh). Blighted Woodland can find other land types if you have Green already, Myriad Landscape can find Green (or another colour), finding Green is usually important because of cards like Cultivate, and Kodama's Reach, these ramp you but can also find you a needed land type. There are also even better options (arguably) like Farseek, Nature's Lore and the pricier Three Visits, these can find non-Basic lands, making them very useful. I always liked Harrow, it can find 2 different colours of land if it's helpful, there is also the lesser Roiling Regrowth. Since your Commander is at 5 mana, you might even include stuff like Skyshroud Claim or Circuitous Route, there are more but they aren't as popular due to costing 4 mana (you can get stuck on 2 or 3 lands).

A pair of random cards that might work for you are Midnight Reaper and Grim Haruspex, both draw cards whenever your creatures die, and cost very little mana. Another couple randomly useful creatures Dockside Chef, Skullport Merchant, and Mayhem Devil, which are certainly gotten pricier but is still extremely good.

Happy deck building!

zapyourtumor on Thiccness tribal with a twist

1 year ago

Roiling Regrowth isn't actually an upgrade to Harrow because, while you don't have to sacrifice a land if it gets countered, the basic lands enter the battlefield tapped which is a much bigger drawback.

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