Staff of Domination

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Staff of Domination


: Untap Staff of Domination.

, : You gain 1 life.

, : Untap target creature.

, : Tap target creature.

, : Draw a card.

DreadKhan on Budget BG Elves

1 month ago

Any reason you don't run at least a single Staff of Domination? It's pretty easy to get Priest of Titania to tap for enough to go infinite, at which point you should win on the spot. You can also use Elvish Archdruid as numbers 5+, the nice thing about using Staff like this is that you don't really need anything else for the combo to work if you already run Priest and/or Archdruid.

Maybe Collected Companyfoil is another card that might be a good x1 or x2? I run x2 in my Elves list, it often feels decent. Haha, then I saw your comment about budget and I realized that one of the decks from your link actually uses x4 Coco mainboard, the issue is that the card still isn't cheap in all likelihood. I don't know if you need a full 4 (iirc I put two in the sideboard to bring in vs fast aggro decks, along with deathtouch blockers, it's a weird sideboard), I had 27 'hits' for Coco and I was happy with it's consistency (as a x2), I think with your much higher hit rate you'd enjoy it even more.

TimelessLove on Krenko's Goblin Meat Market

2 months ago

Here are a few cards I think you should consider:

Umbral Mantle, it's basically a cheaper Sword of the Paruns

Staff of Domination, it's also Sword of the Paruns but with a side of High Market and Skullclamp

Pashalik Mons, it plays like a Goblin Sharpshooter

Hordeling Outburst offers 3 goblins for 3 mana, better than Goblin Rally at 4 goblins for 5 mana, Goblin War Party even offers 3 goblins for 4 mana with a modular alternative.

Heraldic Banner and Patriar's Seal, colored mana ramp with a side of +1/+0 or untap respectively.

Quest for the Goblin Lord, a cheap and easy way to get +2/+0 on all your creatures. It helps the deck win even when you don't manage infinite.

Goblin Recruiter, tutor for goblins is terrific for the deck and stacks the top of your library letting you add Muxus, Goblin Grandee, you could play Goblin Recruiter and put 7 Goblins on top of your library, draw Muxus and either play him normally or cheat him with Warren Instigator or Goblin Lackey to cheat the top 6 Goblins on your library.

Mirage Mirror, it's more of what you want in the deck.

SufferFromEDHD on Tsabo Tavoc Havoc

5 months ago

Thanks for stopping in prophet of profits.

I too love Tsabo. I think the high CMC scares people away but there is no denying that this is a powerful card well before the power creep.

Extra activations = Patriar's Seal, Puppet Strings, Magewright's Stone + Staff of Domination

No you are right Spreading Plague is necessary.

Crystal Chimes Urza was the "enchantment block" after all haha! Good eye. Definitely useful.

I would statistically get better mileage out of both Jet and Ruby and I will be updating the deck to be more efficient based off your observation. That said... Heartless Summoning is a pet card of mine. I love that permaSol Ring. It turns 3 drops into 1 drop weenies and it turns 4 drops into hate bears! Tsabo 6/3 @ feels good.

Belfore on Marwyn Elfs

5 months ago

Well you seem to be lacking in flying defense. You could also use some recursion since your token production is only 8 cards I would personally drop the Arboreal Alliance since you are not producing that many tokens. And I know it is a way to use all the mana you can produce but you need some more reusable uses for the mana.

I spent most of this weekend testing your deck against some of mine which are also go wide strategies. And what I kept running into was that your ability to get damage through was struggling. I think you need to get some more sources of trample or bypassing defenders. Another problem I was having was you would be top decking to quickly.I felt it just kept running out of steam.

I personally would drop Arbor Elf for Argothian Elder. It may cost more mana but it would let you untap Nykthos without Yavimaya in play, drop Quirion Ranger for Seeker of Skybreak just a bit less hassle for untapping a creature. even though she gets an interesting trick when you have Ashaya out. I would also drop Woodland Bellower for the Skyshroud Poacher just because it is easier to reuse. Elvish Guidance can have its uses but I think Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip is still a bit more useful, for your mana outlet I would absolutely keep Staff of Domination over Thousand-Year Elixir. I am surprised you dropped both Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Jagged-Scar Archers since those were your only real answers to flying maybe consider Raking Canopy or Gravity Well to help against flying heavy decks. Mobilize and Vitalize are a little too weak for the card slots I think. I think a couple of more useful options would actually be Taunting Elf, Nemesis Mask, and/or Tempting Licid of those 3 taunting elf is weakest. But what those would allow you to do is get your pumped up elves through with minimal losses and minimal investment for the finishing blow.

I do have more thoughts if you want but as always feedback on what you are aiming for always helps (EG: Going tall, going wide, elf ball, kill through combat, or focusing on I win effects (I don't like I win effects))

turkinaa on Elsa but She Can't Let it Go

6 months ago

Might I suggest a Ghostly Prison (or maybe also a Teferi's Moat for some more pillow fort protection.

Other ways to get taps in are Thassa's Ire, Puppet Strings, Staff of Domination, and some tricks with an Isochron Scepter. Some cards to use with the Scepter would be Psychic Puppetry and Twiddle as well as many of the ones you have already in your deck list. If you used Dream's Grip you can entwine with the Scepter (as well as kick cards).

TheJesterAmongFools on Batman and Robin

11 months ago

Great Job, love the concept! Some of my thoughts: So Goggles of Night feel like they would be better fitted for "Bat-Sonar Lenses" like in the Dark Knight but I guess from the games that is what detective mode is, "Utility Belt" seems like a Sonic Screwdriver would fit well or maybe the Staff of Domination something that does a lot of things, Chromatic Lantern we can re-flavor as the "Bat-trey", Kusari-Gama seems like it would make for a "Grappling hook" analogue swinging in and taking out multiple foes. Just my thoughts!

ActualSnorlax on They're Ugly and They're Proud

1 year ago

I like the decklist, I recommend Staff of Domination and Umbral Mantle. These two cards and a couple other cards with similar effects allow Krenko, Mob Boss to go infinite with Skirk Prospector on the field, making infinite goblins, mana, etbs, and sacrifice triggers.

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