Rings of Brighthearth

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rings of Brighthearth


Whenever you activate an ability, if it isn't a mana ability, you may pay . If you do, copy that ability. You may choose new targets for the copy.

Profet93 on Hangry Boi Needs a Snack

3 months ago

Cloud key/artifact cost reducer + Sensei's + mystic forge = Infinite draw

Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice = Hard lock. Both are helpful in their own right.

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key =

Metalworker (2 artifacts in hand) + rings + voltaic =

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Basalt + Rings + 2 mana = . Add top to make it infinite draw

Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp

Profet93 on Eldrazi 2.0

3 months ago

FYI, Library of Alexandria is banned. Not sure if ur group is okay with it, just wanted to let you know. Also, colorless decks are notorious for combos.

Cloud key/artifact cost reducer + Sensei's + mystic forge = Infinite draw

Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice = Hard lock. Both are helpful in their own right.

Everflowing Chalice (4 counters) + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key (manifold wont work) =

Metal worker (2 artifacts in hand) + rings + voltaic =

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Basalt + Rings + 2 mana = . Add top to make it infinite draw

Scorched ruin + rings + Deserted Temple =

Blinkmoth Well + Blinkmoth Urn = One sided ramp

Phyrexia's Core - Sac outlet to prevent theft, exile and to remove The One Ring if it gets out of hand.

Gidgetimer on Build a Deck with Me …

4 months ago

An important part of deckbuilding that I haven't seen you mention in either of these first two articles and that is especially important in this once since it is based from a combo is metainformation. This is not to say information about the meta that you will be playing the deck into (though that is important too), but information about the game in general.

One example would be existing archetypes or general categories of decks. With a mono-blue blink combo and wanting to add colors metainformation informs us that a established archetype is Bant Blink. It is tried and true and has a proven depth of field for support of blink. You subvert this by going Dimir, which I appreciate.

Another consideration is known synergies with cards you are already running.

By no means do you have to follow all metainformation. And you also don't need to worry about missing something and therefore stress about knowing all the info. But just being generally aware of what is possible and proven will allow you to make informed deckbuilding decisions.

Profet93 on I BEG YOUR F@CKING PARDON??!!! - Razaketh

5 months ago


Phyrexian tribute and gate to phyrexia were the main 2. The other options available are much more higher in CMC and I don't believe would be worth it. Should you still have issues with artifacts and enchantments after adding the above, then it might be potentially worth looking into.

Rings of Brighthearth is the enabler for them. It doubles your commander, if you add fetches it acts as ramp (urborg allowing you to keep them for later + shuffle effect). Some combos include Everflowing chalice (4x counter) + Rings + Voltaic Key = . I would recommend this combo only if you added more mana rocks.

My favorite, Rings + Deserted Temple + cabal coffers + swamps (urborg to make less) = . Temple is great for untapping your mass mana producing lands and can act as a political tool as well.

Not saying to add but worth noting - Zulaport Cutthroat/Blood Artist + Reassembling Skeleton + Carnival of Souls + Ashnod's Altar. Artist and cutthroat are decent at helping you regain the life you lose in general.

Imp's Mischief - Can "counter" counterspells and redirect targeted removal draw and extra turns! Such a versatile card for only 2 mana.

Dismember - Cheap instant speed removal

Syphon Mind - Draw 3, each opponent discards one.

Phyrexian Arena - Consistent draw

I can try to provide you with cuts as well, lmk!

indieinside on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

5 months ago

All is Dust and infinite mana with Rings of Brighthearth combos are already in my colorless deck. So, that's a no go. All of the other cards cost to much to cast. I just don't know. Bubbling Muck is totally going in. If I do add some of this stuff I am not sure what to cut. Profet93

Profet93 on Uncle Istvan and the Shadow Crew

5 months ago


Rise of the Dark Realms - Alt wincon, expensive but powerful.

All is Dust - Board wipe that hits enchantments (and some artifacts).

Neither of the above 2 are needed. While the deck is low to the ground, my fear is that in the mid-late game, after one wipe, it is hard to rebuild. That's where rise comes in handy for mass recursion and all is dust when someone either tries to pillowfort their way to safety or just outvalue you. Thoughts on that?

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse - Deathtouch + Useful with all the drawing. Speaking of drawing, Peer into the Abyss might be useful given you can't always get combat damage. Not to mention since your deck is low to the ground, you should be able to cast a lot of your hand and with reliquary tower + spellbook, not discard it. Lastly, both of them combo with each other for an alt wincon.

Speaking of alt wincon, have you thought of adding Rings of Brighthearth + some more fetches? Rings + fetches = ramp. More fetches = Use bojuka bog at instant speed. Moreover, you can "save" fetches with urborg out. Lastly, Rings + Coffers + Lots of swamps (Urborg makes it less) = . Rings also simply double's your commander's ability.

Bubbling Muck - Symmetrical with urborg but extremely powerful.

I can attempt to provide other suggestions + cuts should you wish. Looking forward to your response.

SufferFromEDHD Disdain for cabalstronghold is the exact word I would use. A lot of people try to add it in their decks thinking it's ramps but the amount of basic swamps needed to make it into a ramp piece simply made it unviable for most decks. The only decks it should have a place in are budget mono black decks that don't run coffers and use mostly basic swamps with little non-basic lands.

I love corpse dance, best with a sac outlet which I don't see in this deck. Hatred is amazing (my Sidisi deck used to be Xiahou dun, I run corspe dance still, but not hatred). Hatred is a difficult card to use because 1) You hold up 5 mana 2) Life is additional cost to cast - so counterspells are your worst enemy. I wouldn't run it without some form of counterspell protection such as Conqueror's Flail. Very solid suggestions though, as always.

Profet93 on Hold your colour

6 months ago


Buried Ruin - Recursion

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Basalt Monolith + Forsaken monument =

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul = Good synergy. Hourglass helps with recursion from a vandablast.

Maybe a Vedalken Orrery/Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter/Skittering Cicada for flash so you don't overextend as easily? Colorless decks almost always have high cmc and lots of artifacts so any opponent worth their salt after a few games should recognize this and adjust their plan. This helps keep them guessing. Not necessary but nice to have.

Rings of Brighthearth + Basalt Monolith + 2 mana = + top = Cast your entire deck

Rings + Voltaic Key (swap out manifold) + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Metalworker + Rings + Voltaic key =

Card Draw - Colorless doesn't have too much, you already run both kozileks which is great. Commander is a value engine which is nice. You could add a Staff of Nin for more but IMO it's not needed. How do you feel your card situation is?

Removal - Colorless has expensive removal options, you have all the good ones. Everything seems solid.

Mana Curve - A bit high but understandable for a colorless deck, especially with your commander. You could add more ramp should you feel you need. I usually recommend the most ramp in Kozilek commander decks because your commander is a draw source but here I'm unsure. Your ramp seems sufficient, how do you feel?

Profet93 on Karn Mono

6 months ago


Voltaic Key + Rings of Brighthearth + everflowing chalice (4 counters) =

Forsaken Monument + Basalt =

Rings + Basalt + 2 mana = + top = Draw and cast your deck

Mystic forge + Top + artifact cost reducer = Draw your deck

Metalworker + Voltaic + Rings =

Mycosynth Lattice + Karn Creator = Hard Lock

Sanctum of Ugin - Tutor

Gerrard's Hourglass Pendant + Emrakul, the Promised End = Fun times

Mystic forge + aetherflux + top + artifact cost reducer = Kill everyone

Cursed Totem has anti-synergy with 8 of your creatures, how has it been working for you?

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