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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A



Destroy all creatures.

Foretell [[symbol:1] (During your turn, you may pay and exile this card from your hand face down. Cast it on a later turn for its foretell cost.)

IHATENAMES on Angelic Spiritual Soul Sisters

6 months ago

A few things.

1st off. I think a soul sisters deck and angel deck are not compatible. Soul sisters make and want as many lifegain triggers as possible. Maximizing cards like Voice of the Blessed . Angels i believe want to maintain x life above your starting life and gain in chunks of 5 for probably the best angel Resplendent Angel. These seem simular but that creates tough choices in deck design.

Book of Exalted Deeds with creature lands is a combo with Mutavault some decks just can't beat this.

I think you want the card draw off of Shelter but I personally think that card sux. You would likely be better with a green splash for just Collected Company or run a cheaper protection spell like Brave the Elements or a better card draw engine Welcoming Vampire perhaps.

Speaker of the Heavens is a suprise op card i have a angel deck on mtga for historic and it is a great agro card angels needed.

You are light in 1 key piece of any deck. Interaction.

March of Otherworldly Light is a favorite of mine.

Path to Exile could be decent

Dawn Charm niche counterspell/ protect a creature

Surge of Salvation protection vs opposing aggro

I'd suggest looking at another decks sideboard to help build a better one Check out decks like modern d&t or soul sister or angels and see what you want. But be sure to cover a few things.

Graveyard hate like Soul-Guide Lantern Something to fight control many different approachesCavern of Souls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Artifact/enchantment hate Disenchant

And something for decks that you think you need more help with and expect to face. Perhaps a boardwipe for decks that go wide Doomskar or any other archetype/problem that needs fixing.

BrokkenDays on Any cheap mana permanent with …

8 months ago

Caerwyn Yeah sorry for that, I didn't even did a proper link format, I just copied where I built my deck without thinking, I'll change that, especially since I did some tweaks on it. Well like I said I never played with other people in paper except with my brother when I was a kid and of course never in a "tournament" setting, even if I lose it will be good fun to be able to be able to play in paper, going to another city (where the store is) and meeting new people, having fun, etc and playing outside of Arena is more important to me in this, also it's mistakes that make us learn right? So all in all should be good fun nonetheless. People also run here in my country elf and goblin decks to swarm the field, I've seen them asking for a goblin, elf, etc deck in the comments on sites selling cards and places like that, which I have a response to, either or both Doomskar and Ghostly Prison counters, and I found out that Authority of the Consuls counters Emrakul or whatever other card using Sneak Attack or Show and Tell, Emrakul is immune to colored spells, not permanents, which Authority is, so it will enter tapped, can't attack to use annihilator and gets sac'ed (using Sneak Attack), even if using multiple Emrakuls won't matter if I have just one Authority in play. Also, I think Historic in Arena is somewhat equal to what you said to me, because there is a lot of goblin decks, elf decks, loop decks (Vito and opponent losing life) etc, so to some extent it will be somewhat like that. I am also going to be running Pyroblast, so if they use any of these cards they will have to exile a blue card from their hand having less cards in hand and I just counter it with Pyroblast since it can counter any blue card, if they use another Force of Will or similar it will be just less cards in their hand and/or an Island on the field for them so less plays to make. I of course am no expert and no one can prepare for and counter every deck there is, I also have no idea what decks people will use, so again at least it will be good fun overall, it's also cheap to enter this event on this store especifically, so we'll see, I'll post here when I'm ready and after I go there, thanks a lot for the feedback!

seshiro_of_the_orochi, jethstriker, sergiodelrio Thanks too for the feedbacks and card tips! And yeah I found out that Authority counters Emrakul using Sneak Attack or Show and Tell and cards like that, which is great since I already run it :p

Here is my current deck I will use BTW: Sanctum of All Deck

legendofa on Any cheap mana permanent with …

8 months ago

Yeah, it's good to get out and play in person if you can. Stay safe, meet good people, and enjoy it.

First thought is, as long as there's no proxy limit, use the original dual lands. Tundra, Taiga, and all the rest have all the upside of the shocklands with none of the downside. If you can, the fetchlands (Wooded Foothills, Windswept Heath, etc.) will give you more consistency and precision in your land base as well.

Basically, proxy up the best possible version of the card you have. Another couple of switches could be Idyllic Tutor -> Enlightened Tutor, or Doomskar -> Supreme Verdict, and even these could probably be improved. The goal is to go as fast and hard as possible. If you want to stick with the Shrine core, then maximize the support and land base. Find ways to play two or three Shrines each turn. Skim through the Legacy meta and pull ideas from there. If everyone's allowed to proxy everything, then you have free reign to go wild.

Above all, have fun!

Khytaria on Cube 400 Cards

10 months ago


itsbuzzi on

11 months ago

1) You totally need some type of draw engine. Most of the time you'll want to go land pass and have instant speed interaction. It hurts from the aggro side if you don't need to cast any interaction and instead draw some more cards. Memory Deluge is kind of the best one at the moment at instant speed because you can cast it twice. 4 may be too many, I'd try 3.

2) The Wanderer is also a great interaction piece. It's removal at instant speed and leaves behind a body. If they attack with something small enough you can flash it in and make a blocker thus holding off against aggro. The removal set also can gain life which can be important. I'd put in maybe 3 of these as well. The instant speed is the key with her.

3) 3 board wipes sound good as well. You don't have a sideboard so you can move a few things there. Some Silence and Syncopate can move there as they seem not as strong as other pieces you can play.

4) For lands I usually use this site: http:// With your current deck it looks like it should be about 25.

5) I don't play much control but if you have draw spells I wouldn't run 4 copies of Teferi. You may be able to run more Shark as you can cycle them away. The thought behind 3 Teferi is you will get to late game and draw him.

6) The sorcery speed is what hurts that card. You are looking for more instant speed interaction.

From all this I would remove: 4x Silence and 4x Syncopate and put in 3x Memory Deluge, 3x The Wandering Emperor, 1x Doomskar, 1x Deserted Beach and my personal idea is swap 1x Censor, 1x Make Disappear and 1x March of Otherworldly Light for 3x Disallow. Can be cast with Lotus and can counter abilities as well. You can put the removed cards in the sideboard.

jdogz32 on Remand of the Second Sun

1 year ago

Just want to say I absolutely hate these decks. Absolutely no fun to play against. That being said I see alot of them run Doomskar and Wavebreak Hippocamp hope this helps.

IHATENAMES on Ruin Ghost + Retreat to Coralheim landfall combo

1 year ago

I would suggest more ways to find the combo. Think Opt maybe tweak a few cards to appear as uw control and suprise them game 1 with the combo.

Ideas for digging on a budget:

Supreme Will Censor Opt Omen of the Sea Remand Serum Visions

Ideas to protect the combo pieces

Blacksmith's Skill Slip Out the Back Spell Pierce

I see no sideboard so here are a few ideas:

Spreading Seas for tron

Deafening Silence combo

Mystical Dispute or in general, more counterspells

Rebuild bounce artifacts like urza saga tokens

A boardwipe like Wrath of God doesn't have to be that. Best is Supreme Verdict but there are plenty in white. Doomskar is one of the cheaper ones.


alot of what I am suggesting is instant and sorcery. It could allow a Thing in the Ice  Flip plan B

Or you have alot of walls in the list maybe make them swing with High Alert as a plan B

Or less combo but more general mill which gets a little more expensive like Fractured Sanity Tasha's Hideous Laughter Fraying Sanity Maddening Cacophony

Note Fraying Sanity Maddening Cacophony should mill your opp out when kicked.

jek22 on Sword of the Realms

1 year ago

I feel my blood pressure spike every time I look over a deck you build. As far as what to cut, I think I remember you saying mono-white sacrifice and board wipe tribal so my recommendations are with that in mind. I'd cut the following: Liquimetal Torque . I'm not sure what you'd want to turn into artifacts, you don't have anything that cares about when an artifact you control is put into the graveyard, and you have plenty of removal that I don't think you'd need to turn other people's permanents into artifacts.
Doomskar . This one I can see why you wouldn't want to cut it. Board wipe at instant speed. But it is the only Foretell card in the deck so once you exile it everyone will know there's a board wipe incoming. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben . It's symmetric, it's staxxy, doesn't really fit your theme I think. Spirited Companion or Wall of Omens . They do the same thing, one of them is just a defender. Soul's Attendant . Just a Soul Warden that costs $2 more. The Fall of Lord Konda  Flip . It's removal, but it feels underwhelming, and it's second ability conflicts with Helm of Possession. Oketra's Monument . I feel like every time I build a mono deck, I always end up cutting the monument. That might just be me though. Altar of Dementia . It's an amazing sac outlet, but idk if you want to go for milling out your opponents or self mill.

I'm not sure what else you could cut. I hope that helps a little bit lol

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