Gold Myr

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gold Myr

Artifact Creature — Myr

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dnthymamai on Urza's Iron Alliance

3 months ago

Nice artifact deck!

I would suggest you think about some of these cards:

  • Super winning condition: Masterful Replication! Its second mode can turn all your artifacts (pesky 1/1 fliers and artifact lands included) into your best creature. That can be a Construct that Urza makes (or Bronze Guardian, etc). This way all of your "useless" artifacts can turn into death machines of extreme power or double strike. Plus, you can also save your whole board when the enemy casts Wrath of God by turning every one of your creatures into a Darksteel Citadel if you are lucky to have it on board.

multimedia on Urza’s legion

1 year ago

Hey, good start on a budget with what you have so far. Command Tower is a budget staple land for multicolored Commander decks and Arcane Signet is a budget staple mana rock.

Ramos, Dragon Engine can only be played in a five color deck using it as Commander or another five color Commander. It's activated ability has all five mana symbols and those symbols count toward it's color identity. Urza's color identity is only three colors Esper (black, white, blue). Because Urza doesn't have red and green that's why Ramos can't be played with Urza as Commander.

If you want aggro with Urza lets look at the beginning of the mana curve first, cards spots of 0-3 CMC only then we can look at the higher end of the mana curve. The first changes to consider is to remove all the nonartifact creatures and then later determine if they are worth a spot in your deck because they have abilities that help artifacts or Urza. I think you'll find that you don't need any of these creatures because artifact creatures can take their places. If you want to be aggro with Urza then you want to utilize Urza's artifact creature affinity to cast Urza quicker. To do this consistently Urza wants 0-2 CMC artifact creatures and some 3 CMC artifact creatures more than the rest.

Some of these creatures may be added back in later, most likely not, but for now lets build the creature base with only artifact creatures. For making upgrades lets look at best cards here with Urza and build around them? Arcbound Ravager and Portal to Phyrexia are the two best cards here with Urza because they're artifacts and they're abilities are more powerful compared to most other cards here. Ravager brings the aggro, but if aggro doesn't do it and you need more reach to win the game then Portal can do that. Lets start with Ravager and what makes it better with Urza? Modular and you have some here, more one drops can help toward Urza's artifact creature affinity and Ravager.

Steel Overseer adds to the +1/+1 counter strategy, it's powerful but only for artifact creatures and if trying to be aggro it's a good reason to play very few nonartifact creatures. Silas Renn, Seeker Adept goes well with Arcbound Ravager since with Ravager you want to sac artifacts and Silas lets you cast an artifact from your graveyard. It's deathtouch combined with Urza's menace makes it a creature who opponent is not going to block and lose two or more creatures blocking it. Baleful Strix, Triarch Praetorian, Malcator's Watcher are two drop artifact creatures who fly and who draw when enter the battlefield (ETB) or dies.

Some artifacts here are worse than others.

Think about limiting the amount of nonartifact spells to just the better ones you have here?

Equipment that increases the equipped creature's power equal to the amount of artifacts you control really ups the aggro since then any little artifact creature can become huge which combined with menace can make it a great attacker. I see Silver Myr and it's good here since counts twice for Urza, artifact creature affinity and ramp. Consider adding more artifact creature mana dorks who can make colored mana?

The budget Signets can help for ramp as well as color fixing which is really needed because the manabase here is pretty much all basic lands. Arcane Signet is a staple budget mana rock for ramp in Commander. Chromatic Lantern is fine for color fixing, but you're going to want more than that.

Some nonartifact creatures at the beginning of the mana curve can really help aggro and Urza.

Losheel, Clockwork Scholar is powerful with artifact creatures when attacking is what you want to be doing especially Constructs. Your artifact creatures don't take damage in combat meaning that opponents will have a difficult time choosing to block since their blockers might die, but your creatures will be fine. Losheel is also repeatable draw, once on each players turn when an artifact creature ETB you draw this includes when a Construct is created by Urza if you didn't have an artifact creature ETB before your end step.

Sai, Master Thopterist can be a repeatable source of artifact creatures, Thopters, to be attackers or sac fodder. Emry, Lurker of the Loch is like Silas Renn, Seeker Adept more ways to cast artifacts from your graveyard is good with Arcbound Ravager and other sac outlets.

That's it for this comment, but if you're still interested I'll give advice about the high end of the mana curve here to take more advantage of aggro into mid game and Portal to Phyrexia late game as well as some budget land options for the manabase. Would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

TempestArmor on Adeline's Army

1 year ago

Looking good! At first I was worried that you have all these lords and just a single token producer, but then I saw that you're running a few good spot protection spells. I still think it's worth running a few others, like Cathar's Call, Cemetery Protector, and Defiler of Faith. Even cards like Haunted Library can put in lots of work!

The ramp is a bit fragile, Gold Myr is a bit of a hard sell to me. Maybe Wayfarer's Bauble and/or Keeper of the Accord? Definitely could use all the card draw you can get. I have a Tocasia's Welcome lying around that might fill in the gaps!

Overall, good effort. Focus on low-complexity, basic white combat fun stuff and you'll be golden!

--Love, Paul & Jon

xstonefirex on The Best Urza

1 year ago

Have a look at Gold Myr, Leaden Myr, Silver Myr, and Ornithopter of Paradise. They could be good alternatives for Azorius, Dimir and Orzhov Signets and since Urza has affinity for artifact creatures they can play double role of reducing Urza's cost and using them to get him out quicker.

You can check other ideas from my deck: Urza's Mechanical Army (Not budget)

king-saproling on Jor Kadeen 2022

1 year ago

Artifact mana dorks like Ornithopter of Paradise, Iron Myr, Gold Myr, Hedron Crawler, Manakin, Alloy Myr, Palladium Myr, Bronze Walrus, Foreboding Statue  Flip, Scuttlemutt, and Opaline Unicorn would be good here because they get Jor out faster, enable metalcraft, and benefit from Jor's ability.

Personally I would cut these and replace then with mana dorks: Thought Vessel, Wayfarer's Bauble, Mox Opal, Gilded Lotus, Arcane Signet, Boros Signet, Darksteel Ingot, Amber Prison

multimedia on

1 year ago

Hey, you're welcome.

If you wanted to a couple of lesser lands here could be upgraded within the budget?

Other options are to replace them for some less expensive utility lands?

These land options are lower priced ones, there's many others that are higher price that are better such as Inventors' Fair and City of Brass.

The Talismans in the sideboard could replace some of the Signets?

You're light here with low mana cost ramp and have a pretty high mana curve. More ramp could help gameplay. These are better ramp options specifically with Urza as Commander than the other Signets/mana rocks. The 2 drop artifact creature mana dorks can be helpful to cast Urza quicker since they count towards his artifact creature affinity and can make colored mana.

This is a ramp package to consider? It's 16 sources, most important 14 sources of low mana cost ramp with Urza, Monument and Tezz at high end. Thought Vessel is a good card, but it turns off discarding hand down to 7 cards which can fuel artifact reanimation. Solemn Simulacrum is another good card, but I think it's too much mana here since there's better 4 drops for power and/or help more Urza and Constructs. Sculpting Steel is excellent in multiplayer Commander and it can count towards ramp because it can become an artifact ramp source.

Max_Hammer on Shorikai go vroom

1 year ago

So, right now, Commander included, you've got 126 cards. Seeing as you're only 26 over the cap, this shouldn't be too bad.

This is a low mana cost deck with a lot of draw, you probably only need 34-36 lands if you're being generous. If I were you, I'd drop some of the slower lands, such as Temple of Enlightenment, Skybridge Towers, Prairie Stream, Azorius Chancery, Castle Ardenvale, Castle Vantress, or even Port Town.

You might also want to include more fetch lands, too. Flooded Strand, Fabled Passage, and Flood Plain all come with a pretty high price tag, but they're all good.

On the other side of the coin, Brokers Hideout, Obscura Storefront, Evolving Wilds, Terramorphic Expanse, Myriad Landscape, Esper Panorama, and Bant Panorama are all cheaper fetch lands that you could use.

Drawing mana late game can be a dead draw a lot of the time, so being able to remove that excess from your deck can be a really nice tool to have, so you can draw just what you want. Maybe take out cards that are fast, but not necessary such as, Skycloud Expanse, Sea of Clouds, Mishra's Factory, and Crawling Barrens.

Changing it to this (or a list of just 35 mana), should bring us down to 122 cards.

As for non-land ramp, you have a lot. I’m going to say you want to kick out Silver Myr, Gold Myr, Mind Stone, and Ornithopter of Paradise. Normally I’d say more, but for this specific deck that seems to love ramp, this seems more than fine.

118 left.

For the rest, I’d say Ondu Inversion  Flip, Access Denied, Tezzeret the Seeker, Tezzeret, Artifice Master, Phyrexian Metamorph, Cultivator's Caravan, Invoke Justice, and An Offer You Can't Refuse, all mostly because they’re too expensive.

That leaves you with 109

Okay, so, this decklist is surprisingly tight for being 30~ cards over and I don’t know where to kick the last 9 off. Maybe Artificer Class? Maybe some of the creatures/vehicles? Idunno, good luck.

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