Orzhov Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Orzhov Signet


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legendofa on 22a - Mardu - I'm Batman! Vorthos Reskin

7 months ago

Huh, that's weird. Anyway, Orzhov Signet (Two-Face's Coin) and Rakdos Signet (Joker's Calling Card) are missing the in the cost, and Rakdos Signet got part of Mind Stone.

legendofa on 22a - Mardu - I'm Batman! Vorthos Reskin

7 months ago

I don't want to spoil the fun, but...

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This is great theming.

NV_1980 on Queen Marchesa: War Profiteering

7 months ago

All hail the Queen! Disrupt Decorum is an excellent disruptor of opposing board-states (and life-totals :)). You've added very little in terms of ramp/rocks. Doesn't that make the deck comparatively slow in your meta (it would definitely be so in mine)? Your average mana value for cards is low, but you could probably still do more from earlier game-phases on if you included at least stuff like Boros Signet, Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet and Sol Ring.

Crow_Umbra on Solphim

7 months ago

I think at face value, Caesar, Legion's Emperor will end up using a lot of the same tech that Isshin, Two Heavens as One does. You could probably use more of the token generators that Isshin would, if you want to check out the Isshin token theme EDHREC page.

In looking at your list, I do have a few suggestions, if you're open to them:

  • I think you could probably drop down to at most 38 lands, or 36 at the least.

  • It seems a little counter-intuitive, but I'd recommend replacing some of those land slots with mana rocks like Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, Orzhov Signet and the others in color in that cycle, or Talisman of Indulgence and the others in this cycle (Talismans of Conviction and Hierarchy). Replacing some land slots can help you ramp out some rocks in your early turns, and reduces your likelihood of mana flooding.

  • Some of these land slots could also be swapped out for more creature token generation. Some of my personal favorites from playing Isshin: Anim Pakal, Thousandth Moon, Hammers of Moradin, Hanweir Garrison  Meld, Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin, and Mardu Ascendancy. I think your deck could benefit from a few more token producers that can get set up before Caesar hits the field, and also takes pressure off him being one of your primary token producers.

  • If you have the budget for it, I'd recommend adding a decent board protection package from stuff like Reconnaissance, Dolmen Gate, Teferi's Protection, Clever Concealment, and Iroas, God of Victory. The more you can protect your board, the more you can maintain momentum down the stretch. In case you're unfamiliar with Reconnaissance, this EDHREC article explains how you can use it as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem to pull your creatures out of combat, after the damage step.

  • Lastly, I'd recommend swapping out some of your creatures that are north of 5 cmc for some of the stuff listed above. Between swapping land slots, and swapping a couple of higher cmc creatures, I think could help the deck be a bit more cohesive.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Down to discuss more if you're up for it. Best of luck

NV_1980 on The Rapture Chronicles

9 months ago

Isshin, Two Heavens as One would be very useful in here. I'd also really, really recommend you add many more rocks in here, to speed up Kaalia's appearance. Examples would be Arcane Signet, Orzhov Signet, Rakdos Signet, Boros Signet, Talisman of Conviction, Talisman of Indulgence and Talisman of Hierarchy. Another great card to consider would be Reconnaissance. Allows you to have Kaalia retreat from an attack if someone decides to block her (and you still benefit from her trigger).

Azoth2099 on Anikthea, Hand of Erebos is Graverobbing

10 months ago


OK here we go lol

Creature cuts: Archon of Sun's Grace, Composer of Spring, Courser of Kruphix, Doomwake Giant, Dryad of the Ilysian Grove, Nessian Wanderer, Nyx Weaver

Artifact cuts: Mesmeric Orb, Whip of Erebos

Enchantment cuts: Battle for Bretagard, Boon of the Spirit Realm, Cast Out, Exploration, Familiar Ground

Sorcery cuts: Extinguish All Hope, Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, Skyshroud Claim

Instant cuts: None! Add things like Veil of Summer & Silence, though

I'd recommend that you replace all of those lands ramp spells that cost more than 2 with more mana rocks instead! Your guild signets (Selesnya Signet, Orzhov Signet & Golgari Signet) & talismans (Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Resilience & Talisman of Unity) are all better options since this isn't a Landfall deck.

Crow_Umbra on Isshin, Two Combats as One

10 months ago

Hi there! Have you had a chance to play the deck at all irl yet? I was also wondering what's the general focus you wanted to take your Isshin deck? Given his wording, he can do a lot with attack triggers, and from looking at your deck it looks like you're trying a bit of everything that he's capable of. If you're open to them, I have some suggestions:

  • Your mana curve is pretty top heavy, and without much ramp/mana acceleration beyond Sol Ring, Aracane Signet, Sword of the Animist, Capt Lannery Storm, Chromatic Lantern, Smothering Tithe, & Goldspan Dragon. If you wanted to speed up your play a bit, I'd recommend getting in a few more 2 mana rocks like Orzhov Signet & Talisman of Conviction, & some of the others in Mardu colors.

  • If you wanted to lean more into a token creature generation route, I'd recommend adding in Myrel and Brimaz, which are already in your Maybeboard, & maybed swapping them with Pathrazer of Ulamog & maybe one of your other high CMC creatures. I think trimming some of your higher CMC creatures ties in a bit to my suggestion from my bullet above.

  • Ankle Shanker could be a potential swap for Blade Historian, mostly because the death touch & first strike combo will make your board difficult to block.

  • I'd recommend cutting Cunning Rhetoric and swapping it with Rising of the Day or Fervor. Cunning Rhetoric was a card I cut fairly early on from my Isshin deck, and found the Haste anthems to be a lot more helpful for starting my aggro swings faster. Cunning Rhetoric is also in a kinda awkward spot where you kinda want to dissuade attacks, but it's not really enough of a deterrent; at least it wasn't in my meta.

  • I think you could swap Planar Cleansing for another board protection effect like Clever Concealment. Isshin really benefits from maintaining as much aggro momentum as possible, so it helps to keep your board as intact as possible. Additionally, Planar Cleansing is very single-color heavy for a 3 color deck.

  • On the topic of board protection, I'd highly recommend adding in Reconnaissance, as it's one of the best cards for any Isshin deck. The wording on Reconnaissance acts as a pseudo-Vigilance anthem, and can save your creatures from combat. This article from EDHREC better elaborates on the timing and how it works. This would really round out your board protection you already have with Dolmen Gate & Iroas.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. Would be happy to offer additional suggestions or ideas if you would like them. Best of luck with your deck, Isshin is a lot of fun!

Crow_Umbra on Raine Death upon Your Enemies

11 months ago

Commissar Severina Raine is pretty cool. I was super excited to add her in my Isshin deck when she was spoiled last year. A few quick ideas:

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