Authority of the Consuls

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Authority of the Consuls


Creatures your opponents control enter the battlefield tapped.

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under an opponents control, you gain 1 life.

MartinEMcArthur on Can Zur, Eternal Schemer’s ability …

1 month ago

Let’s say I have Zur out already, and then I play Authority of the Consuls. An opponent targets the enchantment with Return to Nature. If I play Zur’s ability to turn the enchantment into a hexproof creature in response to that, would Return to Nature fizzle out?

Caran_Lyg on Angel lifegain feast festival

4 months ago

Another suggestion is for your sideboard. Angel of Jubilation for any decks that want to use life as a cost like Phyrexian Mana, Archangel of Tithes + Authority of the Consuls for aggressive decks, Chancellor of the Annex offers a free counter spell unless they pay 1 additional mana, Giver of Runes protection for a single creature against colorless or whatever color you choose, Disenchant for artifacts and enchantments and finally, Rest in Peace for decks that want to mess with their graveyard such as reanimator decks.

indieinside on Grumpy Old Man Syndrome

4 months ago

Profet93... I'm not really a fan on the double sided merge cards. As for Sun Titan, I have a combo with him in another deck. Because he is a deck staple in that one I am not interested in adding him here. Karn, the Great Creator seams right up the alley. I need help with card draw.

I am thinking about swapping out two lands for Authority of the Consuls and Trouble in Pairs.

But I need card draw. But I don't know how much.

wallisface on Esper Priest

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • Gather Specimens costs far too much mana to be viable, the game’s not lasting long enough to cast it.

  • Similarly, Panharmonicon is far too late-game to be helpful. It’ll either serve as a “win more” card (unhelpful), or lose you the game (by having to take a turn-off to cast it).

  • Sygg, River Cutthroat feels too cute to be good here - you want to be focusing all your attention on enacting your gameplan and this card feels like its not helping with that. I’d put Authority of the Consuls and Soul Warden in the same bucket.

  • a lot if decks i’ve seen trying this strategy use both Hunted Phantasm and Illness in the Ranks to great effect.

  • as mentioned above, Eldrazi Displacer will serve you better than your current flicker effects. Also, while it’d only target your own stuff, Ephemerate would be strong here.

BrokkenDays on Any cheap mana permanent with …

8 months ago

Caerwyn Yeah sorry for that, I didn't even did a proper link format, I just copied where I built my deck without thinking, I'll change that, especially since I did some tweaks on it. Well like I said I never played with other people in paper except with my brother when I was a kid and of course never in a "tournament" setting, even if I lose it will be good fun to be able to be able to play in paper, going to another city (where the store is) and meeting new people, having fun, etc and playing outside of Arena is more important to me in this, also it's mistakes that make us learn right? So all in all should be good fun nonetheless. People also run here in my country elf and goblin decks to swarm the field, I've seen them asking for a goblin, elf, etc deck in the comments on sites selling cards and places like that, which I have a response to, either or both Doomskar and Ghostly Prison counters, and I found out that Authority of the Consuls counters Emrakul or whatever other card using Sneak Attack or Show and Tell, Emrakul is immune to colored spells, not permanents, which Authority is, so it will enter tapped, can't attack to use annihilator and gets sac'ed (using Sneak Attack), even if using multiple Emrakuls won't matter if I have just one Authority in play. Also, I think Historic in Arena is somewhat equal to what you said to me, because there is a lot of goblin decks, elf decks, loop decks (Vito and opponent losing life) etc, so to some extent it will be somewhat like that. I am also going to be running Pyroblast, so if they use any of these cards they will have to exile a blue card from their hand having less cards in hand and I just counter it with Pyroblast since it can counter any blue card, if they use another Force of Will or similar it will be just less cards in their hand and/or an Island on the field for them so less plays to make. I of course am no expert and no one can prepare for and counter every deck there is, I also have no idea what decks people will use, so again at least it will be good fun overall, it's also cheap to enter this event on this store especifically, so we'll see, I'll post here when I'm ready and after I go there, thanks a lot for the feedback!

seshiro_of_the_orochi, jethstriker, sergiodelrio Thanks too for the feedbacks and card tips! And yeah I found out that Authority counters Emrakul using Sneak Attack or Show and Tell and cards like that, which is great since I already run it :p

Here is my current deck I will use BTW: Sanctum of All Deck

Last_Laugh on Marisi's Goad Club

10 months ago

Bothersome Quasit and Bedlam allow you to goad unimpeded. Bedlam is a bit ballsy and has the potential to backfire but the quasit is worth its weight in gold here.

Vengeful Ancestor is a stud here.

Beloved Chaplain, Soltari Foot Soldier, Soltari Champion, Soltari Visionary, Spirit en-Dal, Spirit Mantle, and Champion of Lambholt will ensure you get through in combat to goad someone.

Authority of the Consuls in addition to Urabrask makes it so every hastey boy isn't sent your way and makes it impossible for your opponents to play fresh ungoaded blockers.

I've also had really good results out of 'deals combat damage to an opponent' effects due to a lack of blockers once a goad chain gets going. Stuff like Aerial Extortionist, Ancient Gold Dragon, and Scepter of Celebration.

A pet card of mine that's hilariously effective here is Kusari-Gama. It'll get your big boys through or wipe their board. Equip it to Soltari Guerrillas to ensure no one can block ANY of your creatures without immediate retaliation.

Anyways, feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Last_Laugh on Your favorite, wait this works! …

11 months ago

I'm not much of a combo player... so synergy it is!

Soltari Guerrillas + Kusari-Gama says "block ANY of my attackers... I dare ya!"

Archangel of Thune + Authority of the Consuls is a disgusting combination of cards to have out together.

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