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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy all creatures.
They can't be regenerated.

OmegaAura113 on Ygra Consumes All

2 weeks ago

that1guyzfriend - yep, that's exactly what it's there for! A back-up board wipe basically. Still thinking of maybe one more board wipe to add in, might include Damnation

Elhoggerino on Blood Blatter Beast of Bhaal

3 months ago

I also don't really understand Fog or Spore Frog but I know you like politics so maybe they'll be fun in order to get favours from people. Loads of card draw which is nice but again I can see you running out of creatures to sac for Village Rites and Deadly Dispute type cards. You generally need to draw cards while behind and while behind you might be suffering from graveyard hate agaist your skeletons or other effects - just something to consider. Also Damnation might be something to consider switching for a different boardwioe if you are gonna put some regenerate creatures in (Toxic Deluge turns off regenerate aswell - but it's such a good card it's probably worth it)

In terms of cuts to make to make space for more dummies, Shadow in the Warp doesn't really fit much in the deck - you have so many cheap creatures that you'll probably be casting more than one a turn and it will rarely help that much - and the 2 damage is pretty insignificant compared to your other effects. I would favour Llanowar Elves type cards over Fertile Ground as again, creatures are what you want and they give you the oppurtunity to sac them if you need.

Some good cards to consider:

Victimize - brings back your Sakura-Tribe Elder type cards and is a sac outlet at the same time

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger - just great value aswell as triggering Bhaal. A good reanimator target aswell.

Recurring Nightmares - Reanimator + sac outlet + it doesn't die? This card's great.

Dread Wanderer? Not the best but helps you out in a pinch if you have a Village Rites and nothing else

Nether Traitor - I don't know why this isn't in there already

EquivocalVision on Shanghai Dawn - Obeka, Splitter of Seconds

3 months ago

Hey Crow_Umbra! Thank you for the feedback! Yeah. I'm still working out those types of kinks. The play testing I've done thus far has all just been via tappedout playtest system. But yeah. I'll probably add in other staples as I weed out the unnecessary sub-themes. There's just so much fun to be thrown in, it's hard. Lol. Didn't even try for Blasphemous Act or Damnation. Since it's not super creature heavy and mainly slants more towards enchantments, added creature boardwipes and spot removal sounds perfect. Because I won't be blocking with Obeka unless I have to. Enchantment removal is definitely something I'll look at. Maybe artifact removal too since my playgroup seems to slant more towards that than enchantments, but great suggestions. I'll need to eventually make room for some removal for sure. Counterspells have always been more defensively played for me as they're basically "remove target permanent" before they enter the battlefield, and give me a little more general application. But yeah. We'll see where it lands. If you've got any more suggestions, I'm all ears, and definitely check back! This thing's gonna evolve for years to come. Lol.

raspberryfish25 on The Kaalia Battalia

6 months ago

Hey, I really enjoy your Kaalia deck but, one thing I noticed, you don’t have a lot of ways to protect Kaalia while she is on the board. A few cards I run in my personal Kaalia deck to help with this are: Galadriel's Dismissal, Teferi's Protection, Mithril Coat, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Earnest Fellowship, Malakir Rebirth  Flip and, Sejiri Shelter  Flip.

Both Teferi’s Protection and Gladriel’s Dismissal basically do the same job of not just protecting Kaalia but your entire board from spot removal and mass removal. Gladriel’s Dismissal also has the two added bonuses of in a pinch just being able to protect Kaalia or using it on your opponent to remove all their blockers for a turn. Mithril Coat is more niche but, has protected Kaalia a few times from targeted removal spells. What I like about the coat is I can play it at instant speed so I can possibly bait an opponent into waisting one of their removal spells on Kaalia. Sephara, Sky’s Blade is a slightly worse Avacyn, Angel of Hope which you are already running. Earnest Fellowship is a card I find a lot of people sleep on. At first glance the enchantment does not look like it would do that much but with it out you’re giving Kaalia protection from the three most prominent removal colors. I have had this card in my Kaalia deck for years and I have lost count how many times an opponent has went to cast a removal spell on Kaalia only to realize that they can’t because Kaalia has protection from it. Lastly, both MDFCs should almost be an auto include because they only things they are replacing is a basic plains and swamp.

I see you run a lot more spot removal then I personally do in my Kaalia deck which is not a bad thing I have just found it is not as necessary. Instead, I focus more on mass removal because, I have found in most games getting rid of one or two cards on the battlefield does not help me when I am behind. However, resetting the board when the table has shut me down helps me out immensely allowing me to claw back into the game.

A few mass removal cards I would consider are Damn, Farewell, Crux of Fate, and Scourge of Kher Ridges. Damn is just an upgraded version of Damnation because it has the flexibility to be spot removal or mass removal. Farewell is arguably the best removal spell in the format because outside of Planeswalkers it can deal with anything making it so versatile plus as an added bonus it exiles instead of destroys. Crux of Fate is unique because your deck is already running a ton of dragons so why not possibly save your board of dragons while you clear everything else out of your way? Speaking of dragons, I stumbled upon Scourge of Kher Ridges awhile back and man has this card impressed me so much. You cheat it into play with Kaalia then for you get to do 2 damage to all creatures without flying! Best thing is you can activate the ability as soon as Scourge hits the table. As long as Scourge is out you are able to shut down all non-flying creatures. Plus 99% of the creatures in your deck have flying so you don’t have to worry about any of your creatures taking damage.

Sorry if this was a longer than normal post. Overall, I really like the direction you took your Kaalia deck.

Profet93 on S U P E R F R ! E N D S (Yawgmoth)

6 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

I would remove Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted as it's your weakest walker. If you are going to keep him, would you consider adding Peer into the Abyss for synergy?

Ugin, the Ineffable - It acts as ramp for more than 10% of your deck, provides creature fodder, draw, as well as potential artifact/enchantment removal which black desperately needs.

You do not have enough basics to reliably trigger cabal stronghold.

Nesting Grounds - Could this be helpful?

Damnation - Sometimes things just need to die

Profet93 on Lord Vader's Death Star

6 months ago

legendofa and Crow_Umbra, thank you kindly for your assistance and breaking things down.

Goldberserkerdragon, have you considered the following...

Urza's Incubator - Ramp

Imp's Mischief - Redirects targeted removal, draw and extra turns + can "counter" counterspells.

Unholy Grotto/Volrath's Stronghold - Recursion in your landbase. This can help you bypass commander tax when he inevitably gets targeted

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Color fixing

Shizo, Death's Storehouse - Fear, can be political as well.

Mystic Remora - Draw

Teferi's Protection - Protection for your 6 mana commander.

Damnation - I know you're a token deck but sometimes the board just needs to be wiped.

Lastly, given that kindred discovery is not a may ability, have you ever accidently decked yourself using it?

wallisface on

7 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • don’t include either of those sideboard cards into your deck, they’re bad.

  • Profane Tutor is much better than both Grim Tutor and Diabolic Tutor. I’d just run the Profane Tutor and ditch both of these other tutors entirely in favour of more early game interaction (killspells).

  • your land count of 28 seems good, especially as Cabal Coffers ”isn’t a land” and won’t be helping you at-all until you have 3 other lands in play anyway. However, you could replace some swamps with Troll of Khazad-dum, as they can act both as land-fetches early game, and large creatures late game.

  • if you’re planning on making big mana, Tainted Adversary is going to be a lot more useful than Gifted Aetherborn.

  • you never want to be paying more than 2 mana for a killspell. In that vein i’d recommend either Infernal Grasp, Bloodchief's Thirst, or Sheoldred's Edict instead of Murder.

  • I don’t think Hypnotic Specter is very useful - a lot of decks will already be empty handed by their own play-patterns before this thing swings. I’d swap it for one of the before-mentioned killspells (or Damnation),… if you really want a creature, maybe something like Tourach, Dread Cantor.

I think the biggest hurdle to this deck is that while you’re probably going to be able to play a land every turn, that’s still pretty slow ramp-wise, so you should be investing a lot more resources into ensuring you can slow the game down in those early turns (by killing your opponents threats) so that you can reliably do stuff with your big spells in the late game.

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