Hi, Last_Laugh here. I've been playing MTG off and on since I was 14 (back around the time Mirage came out... God I'm getting old).

I started off as a casual kitchen table player playing multiplayer with 6+ people and 60 card decks. OMG these games took FOREVER! (3 hours was a short game)

I quit for several years, came back briefly for Torment, left again, and then came back around the end of Time Spiral and have been actively playing since then.

I played Standard from Alara up until Return to Ravnica rotated out (screw Standard Rotation!) but now only play EDH. Animar and Marchesa are my favorite Commanders.


Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Added Layers of Protection - Tymna & Sidar

Spanisshin Inquisisshin

Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Bipedal Beastmode (Éowyn Human Tribal)

Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Rienne's Kaleidoscope - Multicolor/Legends Matter

Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Badonkadonk Brigade - Ikra / Sidar

"Twisted Tails" - Nashi's Rat Mischief


Muldrotha's Madhouse ⫷Primer⫸

Prossh's Dastardly Bastard Children - Group Slug

Animar, Gaea's Hemorrhoid ⫷PRIMER⫸

Sisay's Hombres -Hatebears

Edgar's Dega Vampires

Little Rey of Ishine (Reyhan/Ishai)


"Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

The Calm Before The Swarm -Mazirek/Vrestin Insects (Rule 0)


Boot Scootin' Booger - Felix Five Boots

"The Devil's Invoice" - Vihaan Treasuristocrats

Ghired's Parrots: "Stop Copying Me, Squawk"

Highest Tapped Out Rank: 3rd

Highest Helper Rank: 1st (Twice: 2018 and 2019)

KibaAlpha says... #1

Hey man. Thanks for your defence and support on Toxic Feminism. It really is appreciated. A little Deja Vu there as with the Teysa deck. lol. Anyway thanks again pal. See you around and take care.

Side note, not sure why but I can’t reference your name in posts it just displays the actual card titled Last Laugh.

July 26, 2024 6:58 p.m.

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Said on How Many Rat …...


Caerwyn thanks for chiming in! That card is almost singlehandedly why I'm asking this question. I actually traded for one recently, added it, and saw it twice... but 20 rat colony seems just slightly too low to reliably trigger it.

I only hit 2 rat colony in I'm guessing 8 triggers (which to be fair is a super low sample size) and I ended up cutting it (at least temporarily) for Vren, the Relentless and Persistent Marshstalker out of Bloomburrow. I've also been cutting a lot of similar effects (Winota from Isshin, Azorius Boromir from Eowyn, etc.) from other decks because I'm constantly burying needed interaction on the bottom of my library.

July 25, 2024 2:08 p.m.

Said on How Many Rat …...


"Twisted Tails" - Nashi's Rat Mischief

I've owned rats for about 15 years now and actually used to breed them for pets but I've somehow never built a rats deck so I had to remedy that. I recently built a Sultai Rat Colony deck with Nashi, Moon's Legacy at the helm. I run 20x Rat Colony currently but I've never built around any of these effects like Slime Against Humanity etc. so I'm just after some opinions on an ideal # (bonus points if you can figure out cuts in the event I need more rat colonies).

Other suggestions, upvotes, or feedback (or whatever) are always welcome of course, thanks in advance!

July 25, 2024 10:41 a.m.

Said on The Sixth Doctor...


Hey, just a heads up, but you have several cards that work with Romana but not The Sixth Doctor due to rules technicalities. Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and won't trigger any of your token doublers like Adrix & Nev, Doubling Season, Ojer Taq, Mondrak, etc. It's rule 111.12 if you feel like checking (or check my deck's description, link below).

You're after effects that copy The Sixth Doctor's trigger (copy specifically, not 'trigger an additional time'), copy spells, or copy his tokens after the fact. Lithoform Engine, Esika's Chariot, Second Harvest, Errant, Street Artist, Strionic Resonator, Battle for Bretagard, and City of Death are all options that work here.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. I personally run Peri Brown as my companion and have an emphasis on flash/untap enablers, but the decks function more or less the same. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

July 25, 2024 2:02 a.m.

Said on Toxic Feminism...


CommanderMeanderer the fact that you are comfortable calling Toxic Masculinity by name while referring to Toxic Feminism as the "Female Equivalent" speaks volumes about an underlying bias you may want to address. The fact that this deck and his Teysa's Double D's deck have gotten so much backlash is sad... find a more impactful way to support your cause (because fighting a MTG deck name on a random site isn't it unless you're just virtue signaling).

Also, (and it's not the point) this deck was featured because Kiba has purchased/used Feature Tokens as a way of supporting this site so people like you and I can keep using it like mooches.

July 21, 2024 2:11 a.m.

Hey, just a heads up, but your token doublers like Doubling Season, Adrix & Nev, Ojer Taq, and Mondrak will work when Romana makes tokens but not when The Sixth Doctor does. Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell (6th Dr, Lithoform Engine, etc.) aren't "created" and won't trigger those cards. Rule 111.12 which is in my deck's description (link below).

You're after effects that Copy the Dr's trigger, copy his tokens after the fact, or that copy spells. Battle for Bretagard, Esika's Chariot, Rhys the Redeemed, Second Harvest, Strionic Resonator, Twinning Staff are all good options that you don't already run.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas (and rule 111.12). Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

July 21, 2024 1:50 a.m.

Said on Why Bant we …...


Hey, just a heads up, but your token doublers like Doubling Season, Annointed Procession, Vorinclex, Mondrak, and Adrix & Nev only work when Romana makes tokens but not when your Doctor (or Lithoform Engine etc.) does. Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't "created" and won't trigger those effects. Rule 111.12 (check my deck's description, link below).

You're after effects that Copy your Dr's. triggered ability, Copy his tokens after the fact, or that copy spells. Battle for Bretagard, Esika's Chariot, Rhys the Redeemed, Second Harvest, Strionic Resonator, City of Death, Twinning Staff, Errant, Street Artist, and Lithoform Engine are all good options here.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

July 21, 2024 1:37 a.m.

Said on eh what's up …...


Hey, just a heads up, but Adrix and Nev (and any other effects that care about a token being created don't work with The Sixth Doctor. Tokens that are the result of copying a permanent spell aren't created and won't trigger those sorts of effects (rule 111.12 which is in my deck's description. Link below). Esika's Chariot is a good way to copy your existing tokens though.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

July 21, 2024 1:21 a.m.

Assuming you had like 48 cards left in your library, your odds of hitting a bolt were only 1 in 12 so the fact you whiffed on 14 isn't too far off statistically.

July 17, 2024 3:30 p.m.

She should've been a bat or a rat.

July 11, 2024 7:41 p.m.

Said on GarrianHeretic...


Hey, I'm not sure what message you sent me but it's just loading a blank message. Copy/paste it wherever with my name linked (don't forget the underscore) and I'll get back to you.

July 9, 2024 8:48 p.m.


Commander / EDH - Counters, Commander / EDH - Sacrifice, Commander / EDH - Dethrone

MTG Decks

Bipedal Beastmode (Éowyn Human Tribal)

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh


"Twisted Tails" - Nashi's Rat Mischief

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh

SCORE: 1 | 185 VIEWS

Dopplegangbangers - Historic Flash Convoke Copies

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh


Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh


Added Layers of Protection - Tymna & Sidar

Commander / EDH* Last_Laugh


Marisi the Pimp - (Combat) Trickin' Hoes

Commander / EDH* Last_Laugh


Every Masochist Needs a Marchesa to Love Them

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh

SCORE: 201 | 122 COMMENTS | 21784 VIEWS | IN 55 FOLDERS

Spanisshin Inquisisshin

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh


Finished Decks 24
Prototype Decks 3
Drafts 0
Playing since Mirage
Points 570
Avg. deck rating 47.15
T/O Rank 21
Helper Rank 3
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Standard, Standard Brawl, Historic, Pioneer, Modern, Pauper, Legacy, Pauper EDH, Pre-release, Arena, Casual
Cards suggested / good suggestions 3857 / 1787
Venues Game Grid
Cards Added/Fixed 1
Joined 7 years