Archivist of Oghma

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Archivist of Oghma

Creature — Halfling Cleric


Whenever an opponent searches their library, you gain 1 life and draw a card.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

3 months ago

am3ience : Doesn't look like Guerric has been on in over a year so his list is a little outdated. He also made some budget choices. Depending on the power level of your pod you may want to look at stronger support. I've been playing Giada semi-regularly since release and my list has evolved over time:

There a few notable angels in the year since this list:

Inspiring Overseer - while it released the same time as Giada, Guerric didn't include it. When you're going for a blink theme and Sword of Hearth and Home is out then you can essentially gain life and draw an extra card once per turn.

Guardian of Ghirapur - if you have any ETB effect angels then this one can help immensely. Or if you picked up Throne of Eldraine then you can reset it, leaving 4 white up on opponents turns which is typically the magic number for protection.

Metropolis Reformer - It's a cheap angel at 2W, has vigilance as a keyword, provides us hexproof from targeted spells and semi-lifegain from blocks or a Blasphemous Act

Firemane Commando - While it's a 4 drop it provides much needed draw off attacks which you should be doing every turn.

Roaming Throne - Not technically an angel but it doubles all the triggers. If you check my list I have categories of Angel Triggers. Anything with the keywords "At, When, or Whenever" will be doubled. Unfortunately it doesn't double Giada herself as that's a replacement effect but it can still get out of hand very quickly.

Wojek Investigator - Also a cheap angel at 2W with vigilance and usually a free clue every turn I'd consider it a strict upgrade over Angelic Sleuth. However, if you need more card draw support I'd personally pick Esper Sentinel, Archivist of Oghma or The One Ring.

I didn't add Aurelia's Vindicator or Merchant of Truth because their abilities don't justify the mana cost.

If you like Aurelia's Vindicator ability I'd recommend Angel of Serenity as the Disguise cost and ability is the same as Serenity but you don't have to jump through hoops of turning it face up. Also, you can target it with an Ephemerate or Teleportation Circle to get more than one usage out if it.

Profet93 on Play EDH they said, it will be fun they said

4 months ago

Karn, the Great Creator > Kataki - One sided null rod with ability to animate artifacts and recur some of yours.

Mother of Runes - Protection

Mentor of the Meek - Draw. Don't necessarily need but I don't see a lot of draw in your list.

Land Tax - Lands/"Draw"

Darksteel Mutation > Mandate - Commander removal

Archivist of Oghma - Draw

Mangara, the Diplomat - Bit expensive but potentially worth it depending on meta

Aura of Silence - Fits perfectly into the deck

Generous Gift - Sometimes permanents just need to go away.

NV_1980 on Angel tribal EDH

4 months ago

Fun Angel-tribal deck! I like how you've gone all in with this strategy :) I have some suggestions but I'm not sure how much you want to spend on this, so just let me know if I'm going over the top.

Let's start with your mana. Right now, you've got 31 lands and one ramp-artifact. This is really on the low side, consdering the average amount of mana you need to spend for most of your creatures. I'd really recommend some mana-rocks like Arcane Signet, Caged Sun, Gilded Lotus, Pearl Medallion and definitely Sol Ring. Some more ramp like Archaeomancer's Map, Land Tax and Weathered Wayfarer. Lastly, I know it's expensive, but if you can get a cheap Urza's Incubator somewhere, go for it; would be awesome in here. Any of these suggestions (and there are cheaper alternatives to most) would increase the speed of your deck.

Next, let's talk opportunities this deck offers to draw additional cards. You've got five options, of which three are repeatable (because they're permanents :)). Some additional ideas on this: Archivist of Oghma, Endless Atlas, Mind's Eye and Smuggler's Share. Like with the stuff mentioned for mana, all of these would increase your deck's pacing.

To strengthen your angelic forces, you could consider Adarkar Valkyrie (which is awesome at resurrecting any Angels you lost during combat or even better, an opponent's creature lost in battle!), Angelic Arbiter (cast or attack, your opponents must choose), Battle Angels of Tyr (expensive card but insanely powerful balance-bringers in case you're behind with card-draw, mana or life) and Platinum Angel (as long as it's got indestructible and hexproof, opponents will have a very hard time snatching victory from you).

In case you're looking for more ideas, here's my Angel tribal deck, enjoy!

Profet93 on S U P E R F R ! E N D S (Djeru)

6 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Reprieve - Counterspell cantrip

Moat - If budget / proxies allow

Cloud Key/Semblance Anvil - Ramp

Land Tax - Ensure land drops

How are you doing on draw? Options to draw include Alms Collector and Archivist of Oghma

Teferi's Protection - Super protection

Smothering Tithe - Ramp

Azoth2099 on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens

9 months ago


Hey man! Good to hear from you, nice job refining this list so far!

Yeah, Avacyn, Angel of Hope is stupid expensive lol, she probably always will be just because of how awesome she is. Proxy it in the meantime? Hell, I'd proxy an Ancient Copper Dragon too, they both win games.

Concerning Burning-Rune Demon: This card tends to get cut from a lot of decks that aren't running winning lines for it. Personally, my Kaalia of the Vast list also includes Dockside Extortionist, Corpse Dance & Disciple of the Vault, which enables Burning-Rune Demon to grab Razaketh, the Foulblooded & Reanimate to enable either a same-turn win or a next-turn win by generating infinite Treasures (and infinite Life via Children of Korlis) and nuking the board. It's also really good in Reanimator lists that are running the aforementioned pieces, as well as cards like Animate Dead, Necromancy, Buried Alive, Victimize & Karmic Guide to accelerate sheer board value if you don't want to run combos like that. If you apply it creatively, it essentially acts as an uncounterable Intuition in the deck, but for no mana cost & at Sorcery speed. Not the worst...

Concerning catching Ws: the #1 thing that's going to snag you wins here is making sure that you capitalize on the Commander's value as quickly as possible, as well as making sure that your deck doesn't necessarily need it's Commander on the field to dominate. You need more ramp and card draw, simply. I'd add the following ASAP:

Ramp: Culling the Weak, Dark Ritual, Burnt Offering, Cabal Ritual, Pyretic Ritual, Desperate Ritual, Seething Song, Talisman of Indulgence, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Conviction, Fellwar Stone Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff, & Deep Gnome Terramancer

Draw/Tutors: Archivist of Oghma, Moon-Blessed Cleric, Tectonic Reformation, Diabolic Intent, Gamble, Grim Tutor, Idyllic Tutor, Steelshaper's Gift & Sarkhan's Triumph.

Also, I know you've stated that you are trying to stay withing certain budget constraints, but Demonic Tutor, Vampiric Tutor & Enlightened Tutor have seen recent reprints, and are cheaper right now than they will be in the future. Just something to consider.

All of these will help you get on and stay on! Let me know what you think.

Azoth2099 on [KFC] Kaalia Friended Chickens

10 months ago


Keeping budget in mind, here are some cheap recs for increased consistency:

Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff, Monologue Tax, Dark Tutelage, Archivist of Oghma, Deep Gnome Terramancer, Hoarding Broodlord, Hellkite Tyrant, Diabolic Intent, Diabolic Tutor, Gamble, & Insidious Dreams.

I have more, but I'll stop here unless you want me to keep going lol.

Azoth2099 on Oloro Esper Lifegain EDH

10 months ago


Hey man!

Oloro, Ageless Ascetic is one of those Commanders I've always suspected could be busted, but never extensively brewed. That being said, I still gathered some data on him...

Firstly, you need more Mana sources. Being a 6-drop is a big deal nowadays, & you're gonna need way more Rocks & possibly a few Rituals as well if you want to get him out on time. I'd recommend running 10+ Rocks - all of your Guild Signets and Talismans plus a few more, and a handful of Instant-speed Rituals like Dark Ritual & Cabal Ritual. You'll need as much Mana available to draw cards with, which we'll get to in this next paragraph.

Secondly, I'd recommend some low-cost Lifegain Spells that will scale with the activity of both you & your opponents like Archivist of Oghma, Blood Artist, Deathgreeter, Leonin Elder, Soul Warden, Soul's Attendant, Profane Memento, Ashes of the Abhorrent & Spectrum Sentinel. All of these will draw you a bunch of cards as long as your Commander is on the field. Prism Ring & Tablet of the Guilds would likely do a lot of work here as well. Sedgemoor Witch could be a great value engine here, too. Things that allow you to devote your floating Mana to your Commander's triggered ability without having to necessarily pay Mana for each Lifegain trigger OR wait for your own upkeep to draw cards are solid gold here.

Thirdly, once you resolve your chunky 6-drop Commander, you need to protect it! Your entire deck engine relies too heavily on Oloro, Ageless Ascetic's presence to allow him to be easily removed. Lightning Greaves & Swiftfoot Boots are non-negotiable imo. Along with a few ways to Tutor them up, like Steelshaper's Gift & Enlightened Tutor.

It might end up being quite a bit faster than a typical midrange deck, though, as you'll be drawing a ton of cards per turn cycle on your way to your combo win.


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