Pyxis of Pandemonium

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Pyxis of Pandemonium


T: Each player exiles the top card of his or her library face down.

7, T, Sacrifice Pyxis of Pandemonium: Each player turns face up all cards he or she owns exiled with Pyxis of Pandemonium, then puts all permanent cards among them onto the battlefield.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



Icbrgr on Lantern Control with Land Destruction

1 year ago

@legendofa I think it would still use shredder and friends... this is my regular skred red list that I run for reference for my thought process... it coincidentally has an artifact sub-theme because skred red is a very small shell to begin with....I imagine taking out some of the current cards and implementing 4x Lantern of Insight, 4x Codex Shredder and 4x Mishra's Bauble with maybe 1-2x Ghoulcaller's Bell/Pyxis of Pandemonium if there was room.... have some neat synergies with Galvanic Blast and such... id need to actually playtest it but from the hip is seems plausible.

Doorknobkid on The Modern Deck That Will Make You Lose Friends

2 years ago

wallisface Thank you for the feedback! I want to answer some of your suggestions.

  1. I didn't include Ensnaring Bridge because A: it goes over my budget and B: Ensnaring Bridge is easily prone to artifact destruction. With Fog spells I can avoid that with consistent spells that now can only be countered.

*Note: Thank you for the Ensnaring Bridge suggestion. I will add it to the Maybeboard along with Pyxis of Pandemonium.

  1. I have 2x Leyline of Sanctity for anti Thoughtseize and anti Burn. Yes, I know there is only 2 copies and you're not that likely to get them, but it does help if you get lucky and get them in hand. And you can just use the lantern combo to avoid drawing it later, since there is no white sources in the deck.

  2. I have 4 copies of Elixir of Immortality because it is meant to shuffle your OWN deck. Blessed Respite is meant to be toxic by shuffling your opponent's deck too to make the game last forever.

P.S. I will be releasing an actually competitive version of this deck very soon. It's definitely not budget, but it's really good and consistent.



hiddengibbons on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Pyxis of Pandemonium



: Each player exiles the top card of their library face down.

,: Sacrifice Pyxis of Pandemonium: Each player turns face up all cards they own exiled with Pyxis of Pandemonium, then puts all permanent cards among them onto the battlefield.

I like the name of the card and it does see some play in Lantern builds, but you almost have to build around it and it’s too susceptible to removal and other disruption to have a deck built around it as a central strategy. I think the decks you really want to use it against have too many answers.


hiddengibbons on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Pandemonium Bomb


: Each player exiles the top card of their library face down.

When ~ leaves the battlefield, Each player turns face up all cards they own exiled with ~, then puts all permanent cards among them onto the battlefield.

I fixed Pyxis of Pandemonium to make it playable

Make a Legendary Creature in the common rarity that isn’t vanilla

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