greyninja says... #1

Upvote party!

July 26, 2024 7:59 p.m.

Necramus says... #2

Crow_Umbra you and me both, brother man! I'm super excited for Bloomburrow. I think I may actually buy a couple boxes of this set because I love it so much.

I know it isn't Redwall, but it reminds me of it so much that I'm absolutely adoring the set. The 3 drop frog boi that lets you return another creature with cmc less to your hand is looking super interesting to me. I don't normally enjoy straight Simic, but that guy has caught my eye.

July 11, 2024 12:40 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #3

Lol all good, no worries! I was wracking my brain trying to remember if I had accidentally cycled it.

I'll likely end up publishing Bello after some more tinkering. Right now I'm leaning more towards artifacts and vehicles, and less on animating Enchantments/doing Enchantress stuff.

I'm also highly considering converting my newly built Satya, Aetherflux Genius deck into Zinnia, Valley's Voice. The two have some similarities, but the pacing of how they get their token copies is different enough that swap could be worth it.

Bloomburrow is the first set in a while where I've been excited by multiple commander options. Really excited to see more Raccoons, and am holding out hope for a cool Crow commander.

July 11, 2024 12:30 p.m.

Necramus says... #4

Crow_Umbra haha, yep. That was me! Sorry about that! Because we're friends, I get a notification when you post something new. So, I went to check it out XD

July 11, 2024 12:05 p.m.

Crow_Umbra says... #5

Lol were you the one that cycled my Bello deck yesterday? I thought I still had it set to private, until I saw that you liked it. I'm still tinkering with it, but what you saw is basically my first draft.

July 11, 2024 11:41 a.m.

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Roaming Throne has been an absolute haymaker for me for this deck!

Always happy to find a fae friend.

July 26, 2024 12:27 p.m.

Mirri's Guile - great card selection at the cheap rate we want to keep churning through the deck with the engine in the CZ.

Swift Reconfiguration - instant speed enchantment removal that also removes from combat.

All That Glitters - wins games.

Blind Obedience - plays to the game plan and offers an alternate win condition.

Kenrith's Transformation - Similar to making it a bug, we can turn our friends' commanders into something useless, and it gets us an extra draw.

Hallowed Haunting - a better win condition than Approach of the Second Sun for an enchantress deck, imo.

Privileged Position - pair with Greater Auramancy for some fun.

Sigil of the Empty Throne - also a better win con than Approach, imo.

Sythis was the very first deck I ever built in Selesnya and I absolutely love her! She's one of my favorite decks. Feel free to check mine out, if you'd like- Hand of Sythis

July 26, 2024 10:46 a.m.


Orcish Bowmasters

Grave Titan

Love the deck, man! Dropping a few of my favorite token generators to cash in on that lovely lady in the CZ!

July 22, 2024 11:10 p.m.

Love the SOAD reference! Great looking deck!

July 22, 2024 2:14 p.m.

Lok'tar ogar!

July 17, 2024 6:03 p.m.

Vessiliana absolutely! There's a Rebecca Guay art that I use that's way better looking that the art that TappedOut defaults to. Totally valid, though!! I recently discovered it for my Elminster deck, and it's put in work for me. So, just thought I'd suggest!! :)

July 17, 2024 8:47 a.m.

Hey, friend!

I'm curious what your thoughts on Mana Breach are for this deck. Helps break the parity of benefit that your commander provides your opponents, while allowing you to bounce things like Mystic Sanctuary so you can recycle your board wipes or tutors.

Just a thought! Love the deck =]

July 16, 2024 4:50 p.m.

Said on enrico81...


Thanks for the love on my Konrad and Korvold decks! Feel free to check out any of my others and add me as a friend, if you like my builds!!

July 16, 2024 11:48 a.m.

Said on Oh My Gizzard, …...


ZacKrell yes! It was in a much earlier iteration of the deck. I cut it to make things more efficient. The problem with it is, sometimes it's just a Howling Mine. I don't run that card for the same reason- it's just been power crept out for more generically efficient/better cards.

July 11, 2024 3:04 p.m.

Said on Necramus...


Crow_Umbra you and me both, brother man! I'm super excited for Bloomburrow. I think I may actually buy a couple boxes of this set because I love it so much.

I know it isn't Redwall, but it reminds me of it so much that I'm absolutely adoring the set. The 3 drop frog boi that lets you return another creature with cmc less to your hand is looking super interesting to me. I don't normally enjoy straight Simic, but that guy has caught my eye.

July 11, 2024 12:40 p.m.

ZacKrell valid and I totally get it! I ran Nicol Bolas Dragon God grixis in standard, as soon as WotS dropped. It totally turned into a mid-range super friends list where I used elderspell to sac all my own walkers to ult Dragon God. The only reason it was consistent is because it was standard and everything was 4 of. AS SOON as Fires of Invention came out, the deck turned into Grixis Fires.deck and dropped The Elderspell shenanigans.

Bolas is my favorite character in all of MTG. So, when I saw your list pop up on the front page, I got super excited and came to see if there was anything I could steal XD. I'm currently running Nekusar, the Mindrazer as my Grixis commander, but it came from the ashes of a Nicol Bolas, the Ravager  Flip deck. I leaned pretty hard into super friends and stax for that list. Feel free to check out my Nekusar build and see if you've got any suggestions for me :)

July 11, 2024 12:10 p.m.

Said on Necramus...


Crow_Umbra haha, yep. That was me! Sorry about that! Because we're friends, I get a notification when you post something new. So, I went to check it out XD

July 11, 2024 12:05 p.m.

Said on Ruhan Voltron...


Two-Handed Axe is super cool! I like some of the red additions. After looking at your equipment, I see why you said we have similar lists! Lol. Fireshrieker is intriguing to me. I run Grappling Hook, but this may be more desirable in my Sram list. Another consideration you've given me. So, here are a couple for you:

Dispatch has been one of my more recent additions that has really paid off in spades.

Imprisoned in the Moon and Darksteel Mutation have become some of my favorite Commander removal tools, if you ever find yourself looking for some more interaction.

Thanks again for the love on my Sram deck! I appreciate you! Feel free to check out any of my other decks and send me a friend request, if you feel like we've got some similar build styles! :)

July 11, 2024 12:04 p.m.

Said on Green Eggs and …...


shock7123 Fantastic suggestion! I should probably go out of my way to find one of these. So, this is a binder deck made out of things I had sitting in my trade binder from some previous decks I had taken apart. I haven't actually bought anything for it.

I probably should, though. Absolutely great suggestion, though! I appreciate you!

July 11, 2024 11:08 a.m.

There's no Elderspell!

Flavor fail! XD

July 9, 2024 5 p.m.


Commander / EDH - Stax, Commander / EDH - Control, Commander / EDH - Aristocrats, Commander / EDH - Enchantment

MTG Decks

Treebeard Speaks for the Trees

Commander / EDH Necramus


Oh My Gizzard, It's a Zombie Wizard (Nekusar)

Commander / EDH Necramus


Faerie Enchanting (Alela)

Commander / EDH Necramus


Gonna Need A (Myrkul)

Commander / EDH Necramus


How the Turns Tabled (Elminster)

Commander / EDH Necramus


Korvaldi- Sound of Sacrifice

Commander / EDH Necramus


Green Eggs and (Sram)

Commander / EDH Necramus


Killing with (Konrad)

Commander / EDH Necramus


Finished Decks 18
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Ice Age
Points 285
Avg. deck rating 16.21
T/O Rank 44
Helper Rank 35
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Suppressed formats Standard
Cards suggested / good suggestions 21 / 5
Joined 4 years