Underworld Dreams

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Underworld Dreams


Whenever an opponent draws a card, Underworld Dreams deals 1 damage to that player.

Coward_Token on Duskmourn

1 month ago

Like Classes, Rooms gives white some pseudo-card advantage. Naming the different parts "doors" is a bit confusing though.

Kaito: Sorry, I haven't been paying attention, but are there any other Ninjas in the set or is Kaito just pumping himself? Obviously good with Yuriko.

Zimone: Mirror Box + land flickering and you can have multiple Primos

Razorkin Needlehead: glad mono-red is getting more Underworld Dreams effects

Aminatou: Kinda wish the cost reduction was greater so that it would feel more exciting, but that's just my pushing ass whining. Drawing lands is going to feel kinda bad, but surveil 2 helps. Get a flash enabler so that you can miracle on other people's turns.

Demonic Counsel: Disproportionaly disappointed that it's not flavored as a rival to Valgavoth tempting a mortal

Unwanted Remake: Fixed Pongify, seems fair for the color

DreadKhan on Eye for Mischief

2 months ago

If you can get copies I feel like Exquisite Blood and Bloodchief Ascension would generate a ton of life with your Goading stuff, the risk of these cards is that you get targeted early, Goad helps offset this nicely I'd wager. It's a bit janky, but Elemental Mastery would be a nifty way to technically swing at each opponent while your Commander is out without risking anything of any value. Baeloth Barrityl, Entertainerfoil seems interesting if you can count on having lots of stuff Goaded, he also makes it hard for someone to stockpile weenies to Craterhoof you later (I checked and you can get other versions for cheaper, I just can't seem to link to them!). Professional Face-Breaker is a nice option if you think you can get in for damage.

I absolutely love Ghoulish Impetus in a deck that wants to see people swinging, makes a whole bunch of dead stuff surprisingly quickly if you pick your creatures well.

I think if you really want to run something like Spiteful Visions I'd consider something like Fate Unraveler or even Underworld Dreams, these reinforce the effect. Another card that'd be amazing with it would be Exquisite Blood that I mentioned earlier. Temple Bell or Humble Defector are some draw effects that might synergize with what you're doing, adding political draw effects.

Oh yeah, if you like to sow Chaos, I love how much you can do with Dauthi Embrace. If you like Varchild, maybe Varchild's War-Riders? I remember finding one of these in a store's binder and picking it up, it worked well in 1v1, but if you can goad them all they won't be a problem until late (when you're 1v1), at which point the card lets you sacrifice it.

I bet this deck is a blast to play!

000CBomb000 on Draw a Few Format?

4 months ago

I play Old School and in casual games we have a house rule that we draw two each turn, with no discarding required in the first turn only. It has several advantages:

  • dramatically reduces the likelihood of mana flood/screw.
  • it speeds up games, since you generally play a land and cast at least one spell per turn. Otherwise, with typical draw one, players tend to empty their hands quickly and the game slows down dramatically.
  • it decreases the effectiveness of control decks like The Deck, which aren't fun to play against anyway. It increases the effectiveness of Aggro styles, which are more fun. Creatures are really janky in Old School and they need as much help as they can get.
  • it reduces the advantage of Library of Alexandria, Braingeyser, and Jayemdae Tome, and reduces the disadvantage of Mind Twist, any of which can be nearly fatal in Old School matches.

There is even an Old School variant called "Gentleman's Rules" that bans Library and Mind Twist because they are so powerful in single-draw. In double draw, they are not a problem.

The only downsides:

  • cards that punish card draw get much stronger. Chains of Mephistopheles and Underworld Dreams become very strong, almost problematic. If enacted in a tournament, it would definitely change the meta (maybe that's good!). We would likely have to restrict these.
  • Sylvan Library becomes very strong, and may need to be restricted.

Some of those factors may be relevant to Commander. Definitely try it out!

legendofa on Reinvented wheel

8 months ago

One thought about Hullbreacher here is that it almost totally negates damage from Underworld Dreams and Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, and quickly gives Liliana's Caress and Waste Not nothing to do.

All these cards want the opponent to be continually drawing and discarding, which Hullbreacher shuts down. It works better as part of a lockdown prison or 8-rack deck alongside cards like Shrieking Affliction or The Rack.

It's still a viable card, and does good things with Sphinx's Tutelage and creates a lock with wheels in general, but I would move it to the sideboard or use it as part of a different deck. If nothing else, this deck should have a way to sacrifice it or get rid of it quickly when you have a bunch of the other payoff cards out.

DemonDragonJ on Should I Put Orcish Bowmasters …

1 year ago

I am contemplating putting Orcish Bowmasters into my Nekusar, the Mindrazer EDH deck, since their ability will be awesome in that deck, but I am not certain what card I should remove to make room for them.

The most logical card to replace is Kederekt Parasite, since that card requires that I control a red permanent in order for its ability to trigger; the bowmasters do have a higher mana cost and also do not trigger of the first card that each opponent draws each turn, but, in exchange for that, the bowmasters can strike any target and they also amass an army, which could become massive, if the deck plays properly. Theoretically, I could also replace Underworld Dreams, since that card is not a creature, and doing so would also reduce my deck’s mana curve, which is always nice, although the high monetary cost of the bowmasters is also a factor to consider, as well.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I put Orcish Bowmasters into my Nekusar deck?

Coward_Token on UB: LOTR

1 year ago

Yeah it feels like they added the templating that avoids making it a Chandra, Awakened Inferno emblem on legs and patted themselves on the back for their restraint. And this is coming from someone who usually complains about conservative card design.

Really, it could have just have been an Underworld Dreams on legs for two mana and it would have been fine.

eliakimras on Welcome to art class, time to draw. (Suggestions)

1 year ago

I'm at work, so I can't do a thoroughly search for you, but I believe you might get inspiration from Nekusar, the Mindrazer decks. His most effective builds are Windfall-like cards plus Megrim/Underworld Dreams effects with Waste Not out.

Also, run all 2-cmc untapped ramp you can get your hands on: it'll make your deck run smoothly as butter. Azorius Signet, Orzhov Signet, Talisman of Progress, Talisman of Hierarchy, Fellwar Stone.

If you're interested, I can give you more comprehensive advice once I get home. Your build might benefit from some tweaks.

nothingstar on

1 year ago

This is a good start, you have some really nice lifegain synergies going. It doesn't really seem like a card draw deck to me, though. It leans more towards the lifegain world of Aetherflux Reservoir than to the U/B world of card draw. There are a lot of black cards that exchange life for cards; if you want card draw, you should get a Graveborn Muse leave the Reservoir behind.

If you go the true lifegain route, you might add transmute effects for tutors, like Clutch of the Undercity or Dimir House Guard. And another good wincon could be Celestial Convergence + Solemnity. And Test of Endurance. Though those will require more counters/protection than you have right now.

I have learned from experience that strategies that ping your opponents for one or two life every turn get you killed very quickly, because they make you stand out even when you're doing very little. So things like Drana's Emissary are kinda dangerous.

In that same vein, Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose will draw hate. It's Sanguine Bond on a stick, and when people see half of the Sanguine Bond/Exquisite Blood combo, they shoot it immediately.

One final bit of overarching advice -- since this is a 3-color deck, I suggest staying away from cards that require a lot of one kind of mana. Particularly lots of black mana, like Underworld Dreams or Peer into the Abyss, since this deck is heavily U/W right now.

Okay, now some slightly more nitpicky things about card choices:

  • Since the Mages only seem to fetch mana rocks at this point, might you switch them out with myrs? Like Alloy Myr.

  • I'd replace Folio of Fancies with Temple Bell, personally, because I like having to spend less mana per draw.

  • Serra Avatar might be better than Celestial Force. But also I just really like Serra Avatar.

Again, this is quite good, just needs a bit of focusing towards the endgame. All the nitty-gritty of the mana curve and stuff you'll work out in playtesting, and what you have so far is workable.

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