Scattered Groves

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Scattered Groves

Land — Forest Plains

(: Add or .)

Scattered Groves enters the battlefield tapped.

Cycling (, Discard this card: Draw a card.)

Mofogigas on A Pimp Named Sliver Overlord

11 months ago

If your going to abuse Mana Echoes then I don't think you need as much cost reduction. There are only 8 slivers in your deck that benefit from having there cost reduced by two. I think the first card I'd cut would be Urza's Incubator. Also I would consider Farseek instead of Fellwar Stone or Darksteel Ingot, which I would cut both. Farseek is in the same vein as Nature's Lore and Three Visits which ramps you the same amount of mana as those potentially removable mana rocks would while also filtering land out of your deck. On the matter of your mana base, I don't see a reason to run Prairie Stream, Smoldering Marsh or Sunken Hollow since they are almost guaranteed to enter tapped anyway because of the lands you run. If you must play the ones with multiple land types the cycle with cycling would work better since you can discard them for something else if you no longer need the mana, Scattered Groves, Sheltered Thicket, Fetid Pools, Irrigated Farmland, and Canyon Slough.

DreadKhan on my wife

1 year ago

Have you thought about an Aura or two in here to help your couple consistently survive combat? I like Unquestioned Authority more than a little in a deck like this, but I also like Holy Mantle, both are budget too fwiw.

I like Blighted Woodland in a deck like this, but there is also Krosan Verge, and Verge can actually find you two dual lands if they have the Plains/Forest typing, I checked and in your colours there are Arctic Treeline, Radiant Grove, and Scattered Groves that you could add. All should be cheap, and while none are as good as Temple Garden, I find a budget deck can run a few ETB tapped lands and not lose, especially if they are duals. Wood Elves is another relatively cheap ramp creature that can find either an untapped Forest if you need mana that turn, or a dual if you don't need the mana right away. There aren't a ton of cheap ways to fetch non-basic Forests, but they aren't bad. I think you might consider Crop Rotation to dig out one of these ramp lands, but if you added Temple of the False God to your list (I would add a 35th land for it if you add it) you can use Crop Rotation like a Sol Ring when you draw it later, either way it can help get your Commander out.

I am very confident that you should run Sylvan Offering, it even got a LotR reprint, so it's incredibly cheap right now. Another card that is usually pretty bad but is probably pretty good in here is Orochi Hatchery, each turn you can make a bunch of tokens for your couple to buff. Silverwing Squadron is pretty cool, it makes decent tokens and can be a large evasive attacker. It's probably not completely on flavor, but Nacatl War-Pride can make quite a few tokens, and you can stack the triggers from War-Pride and your Commander so that you first make the tokens and then give each a counter, it can be a better Ezuri's Predation. Not sure if you should run Predation or not, it's a heap of mana but Selesnya decks are often good at ramping, you should lose nearly nothing to Predation if you've been buffing your board, but you get a 4/4 for each weenie your opponent's have, and if you somehow haven't buffed your Commander they only have 3 power. I'm not sure if it's really a great card or not without cards that can put it on top of your deck for next turn, but Entreat the Angels can make quite a few Angels sometimes, which can make for fun/memorable games. It's pretty bad if you only get 1 Angel, but if you're getting 3 or more it's not a bad card.

It's a bit higher budget than you want at this point (it used to be really cheap for a long time, so I bought some and wondered why everyone else was sleeping), but Blossoming Bogbeast would be bonkers in here, if you swing with your power couple, Bogbeast and 3 other creatures each of them gets +6/+6 (and most get a +1/+/1 counter) and Trample, your creatures don't need to be very big for that to be very scary, if you've got 10 creatures attacking with Bogbeast you get +12/+12. It's less explosive than a Craterhoof Behemoth (an expensive staple), but it can be bigger and better (while coming down sooner), and it's not an ETB so you can use it again, so I think if you wanted to upgrade it'd be worth looking at.

Fluggleshmuggits on Cube Eternal

2 years ago

Changelog 12/10/22

Original Dual lands are in
2 color man lands are in
upgrades in every color and almost every guild pair



Orange+ on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

Hi, H-E-N-R-Y

Cool deck you've got going here :)

I have made a Sythis deck myself, but to be honest, Im not completely into what people usually play with Sythis. I could however provide some initial thoughts I have based on your decklist.

First of I would recommend that you structure your deck with categories. I know a lot of people on tappedout doesnt use them, but they are very useful when building decks or providing feedback.

You play a lot of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but as a two color deck containing green, Im not sure if you need to. Some of them might be handy, like Path of Ancestry and Temple of Plenty which gives scry. But I dont think you need the rest, and could swap them out with lands that dont enter tapped (like just basics). The lands are: Arctic Treeline, Blossoming Sands, Graypelt Refuge, Path of Ancestry, Scattered Groves, Selesnya Guildgate, Selesnya Sanctuary, Temple of Plenty, Thriving Grove, Vivid Grove, and Vivid Meadow

I've tried to play Crystal Chimes myself, and didnt like it that much. If I were you, I would probably take out both the chimes and the Cloud Key. They seem slow. Cards like the chimes and Resurgent Belief are very telegraphed, meaning your opponents will know what you can do before you do them, this is often quite a disadvantage.

Otherwise I think your composition is pretty nice with lots of good cards. But it might get better if you cut some of the larger mana cost cards. If you get to draw a lot from your commander, you might as well play a lot of cards. And if that is the case, mana is what is holding you back. I think cards like Celestial Mantle, Eldrazi Conscription, Epic Proportions, Gigantiform, Indrik Umbra, Martyr's Bond, and Prodigious Growth are a bit too mana expensive. (However, if you treat some of these as wincon, you should keep those)

As I mentioned, Im not quite sure what is common to play with Sythis, but as you have many spells with mana cost 3 or less, you could try Sun Titan. Otherwise, enchantment recursion is really nice in these kinds of decks (against bordwipes and such). Cards like Replenish, Retether, and Brilliant Restoration.

Finally, as mentioned by others commenters, I think removal is really important. I think Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are natural fits, but if you want play more enchatments, you could also try Journey to Nowhere, Borrowed Time, or Oblivion Ring. My deck Riders on the Storm has a removal category if you want to take another look.

Petamine666 on Lovely

2 years ago

Okay dann hier erstmal alle Karten die ich gefunden habe, die was sein könnten:

Jukai Naturalist ist geil, wenn möglichst alle Entchantsments mindestens 1 farbloses kosten. Turn 1 könnte man dann theorethisch noch für taplands nutzen.

Kami of Transience wird genau wie Jukai Visionary und Generous Visitor momentan im Standard in Runes gespielt. wächst schnell und ist super nervig, weil er immer wieder aus dem Graveyard zurück kommt. Allerdings wären mit Ihm, Generous Visitor und Archin of Sun's Grace schon 12 Karten drin, die selber keine Entchantments sind, aber nur durch Entchantments triggern, das würde das Deck deutlich unkonsistenter machen..

God-Favored General zwar selber auch kein Entchantment, aber produziert immerhin welche und könnte so im lategame weiter trigger auslösen. Allerdings musst du ihn erstmal getappt bekommen und mit 1/1 ist er ziemlich mickrig und stirbt quasi an allem, also vermutlich eher Nichts :/

Setessan Champion Der ist dafür Bombe! Gibt es auch auf Arena, soweit ich weiß. Gleichzeitig Drawengine und wachsende Kreatur in einem. Leider leider selber kein Entchantment.

Season of Growth wäre nett, wenn du mehr Auren spielen würdest, aber ich glaube in die Richtung soll das Deck nicht gehen, oder? Falls doch ist Sentinel's Eyes ne Aura, die du wieder verwerten kannst. Manakosten beißen sich aber mit Jukai Naturalist.

Was auch noch sehr viel versprechend aussieht, ist Kruphix's Insight. Mit genug Entchantments einfach ein 3-Mana Draw three. Aber natürlich auch ab und zu weniger, vorallem wenn du viele Archons, Visitors, Kamis und Champions spielst.

Wie wäre es mit Sigil of the Empty Throne? Ist nur 1 Mana teurer als der Archon, schwerer zu removen, macht dickere Tokens und ist selbst ein Entchantment. Gibt es übrigens auch auf Arena.

Mana Bloom sieht auch interessant aus. Du brauchst den Ramp zwar nicht, aber du könntest es theorethisch jeden Turn auf 0 spielen, einfach nur um jeden Turn nen Entchantment zu casten. Allerdings wären 2 auf der Starthand tendenziell schon game over, also am besten nur 1 mal rein, wenn überhaupt.

Dann noch banishing light tauschen gegen Touch the Spirit Realm macht das gleiche, für das gleiche Mana, hat aber noch ne andere Option, mit der du deine eigene Kreatur beschützen oder nen Token günstiger killen kannst.

Cuts: Shapers Santuary ab ins Sideboard, ist zu oft ne tote Karte. Destiny Spinner auch ins Sideboard, der Effekt ist auch zu selten gut fürs Maindeck.

First Iroan Games auch raus, viel zu langsam für dein Deck, das kann deutlich explosiver sein.

All that Glitters würde ich tatsächlich auch cutten. Es kann zwar ne sehr gefährliche Karte sein, aber wie fast alle Auren hat die Karte das Problem, dass wenn dein Gegner in Reaktion darauf nen Removal für die entsprechende Kreatur hat, du einfach 2v1 getauscht hast, ohne dass die Karte was getan hat. Außerdem bietet dir Michikos Reign of Truth den gleichen Effekt (wenn auch nur 2 Turns) ohne die gleichen Risiken zu haben und macht sogar am Ende noch ne Kreatur.

Länder: Könntest Scattered Groves als tapland spielen, das kannst du im Lategame immerhin noch cyclen, wenn du keine Länder mehr brauchst. Wenn dir das die 1,50 wert ist, dann go. Fortified Village kommt potenziell untapped, vorallem mit scattered groves als anderes dualland, da es auch die subtypes hat, und kostet quasi nichts, also aufjedenfall mit bestellen.

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