Orochi Hatchery

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Orochi Hatchery


Orochi Hatchery enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it.

, : Put a 1/1 green Snake creature token into play for each charge counter on Orochi Hatchery.

EDH 1 / 0
Burst of Energy feature for thopter

DreadKhan on my wife

1 year ago

Have you thought about an Aura or two in here to help your couple consistently survive combat? I like Unquestioned Authority more than a little in a deck like this, but I also like Holy Mantle, both are budget too fwiw.

I like Blighted Woodland in a deck like this, but there is also Krosan Verge, and Verge can actually find you two dual lands if they have the Plains/Forest typing, I checked and in your colours there are Arctic Treeline, Radiant Grove, and Scattered Groves that you could add. All should be cheap, and while none are as good as Temple Garden, I find a budget deck can run a few ETB tapped lands and not lose, especially if they are duals. Wood Elves is another relatively cheap ramp creature that can find either an untapped Forest if you need mana that turn, or a dual if you don't need the mana right away. There aren't a ton of cheap ways to fetch non-basic Forests, but they aren't bad. I think you might consider Crop Rotation to dig out one of these ramp lands, but if you added Temple of the False God to your list (I would add a 35th land for it if you add it) you can use Crop Rotation like a Sol Ring when you draw it later, either way it can help get your Commander out.

I am very confident that you should run Sylvan Offering, it even got a LotR reprint, so it's incredibly cheap right now. Another card that is usually pretty bad but is probably pretty good in here is Orochi Hatchery, each turn you can make a bunch of tokens for your couple to buff. Silverwing Squadron is pretty cool, it makes decent tokens and can be a large evasive attacker. It's probably not completely on flavor, but Nacatl War-Pride can make quite a few tokens, and you can stack the triggers from War-Pride and your Commander so that you first make the tokens and then give each a counter, it can be a better Ezuri's Predation. Not sure if you should run Predation or not, it's a heap of mana but Selesnya decks are often good at ramping, you should lose nearly nothing to Predation if you've been buffing your board, but you get a 4/4 for each weenie your opponent's have, and if you somehow haven't buffed your Commander they only have 3 power. I'm not sure if it's really a great card or not without cards that can put it on top of your deck for next turn, but Entreat the Angels can make quite a few Angels sometimes, which can make for fun/memorable games. It's pretty bad if you only get 1 Angel, but if you're getting 3 or more it's not a bad card.

It's a bit higher budget than you want at this point (it used to be really cheap for a long time, so I bought some and wondered why everyone else was sleeping), but Blossoming Bogbeast would be bonkers in here, if you swing with your power couple, Bogbeast and 3 other creatures each of them gets +6/+6 (and most get a +1/+/1 counter) and Trample, your creatures don't need to be very big for that to be very scary, if you've got 10 creatures attacking with Bogbeast you get +12/+12. It's less explosive than a Craterhoof Behemoth (an expensive staple), but it can be bigger and better (while coming down sooner), and it's not an ETB so you can use it again, so I think if you wanted to upgrade it'd be worth looking at.

carpecanum on Kassssssssseto, Orochi Archmage

1 year ago

Serpent Generator was always pretty weak. You might get better use out of Orochi Hatchery.

VampireCJ on Clysm

1 year ago

Thank you so much for getting back to me. I was just wanting the old version and copied it to my own list so I don't lose it again. I am so happy because I spent about 3 hours going through my cache webpages hoping to find it again. I have already bought Orochi Hatchery as well as like almost 30 cards for this deck and find it to be changed so I was a little worried that I would be out some money. I have also playtested this deck on this website and by turn 6 I had all 33 lands on the field and by turn 10 I had the Hatchery on the field with 140 charge counters putting out 140 snakes a turn. I then had a Hydra out with 360 power/toughness by turn 12. I was very happy with the build and look forward to having it physically. I am very pleased with your build and hope you find time to make more decks on here that I can use. I don't know if you play IRL, but I look forward to some day playing against you. I have another deck from another user that I spent 3 years making physical for myself and just finished it last week and tried it out this last Friday and I had won the game in turn 4. I am going to give you that link if you wanna take a peek at that too. Thank you again and happy gaming to you.


VampireCJ on Hydra Tribal Jumpscare

1 year ago

Hello, I was in the middle of making this deck and then saw it was updated today on 6/4/2023 and was wondering if you have the previous version still? I am talking about the one that had Orochi Hatchery in it.

DreadKhan on tBZ_Garna-Bloodfist

2 years ago

I suspect cards like Rite of the Raging Storm would probably work in here, you'd either get in for 5 each turn or get a card, and nobody else can swing at you with the tokens/changelings. Since you can also use Goblin Bombardment after a creature has dealt damage, you can kill any creature before combat actually ends, so you'd still get the card even if they let the creatures hit them. Any token generator that would ever be worth using is probably good in here too, even Orochi Hatchery could draw a lot of cards if people have to block. The best way to force people to block would be any kind of power buff that is global, I like Berserkers' Onslaught in Red, double damage also works well with any other buffs you can add. I guess there is stuff like Judith, the Scourge Diva too. The effect is pretty clunky, but with your Commander Captive Audience looks a lot better, those tokens are much more valuable, and it still usually a death sentence for one player.

Zulaport Cutthroat is a great Aristocrat to look at, I usually don't bother with it but at your budget maybe Butcher of Malakir can be a real nuisance, as can Ogre Slumlord if you're losing lots of non-tokens. If you find yourself running more wipes/removal, Sangromancer can generate a lot of life.

Not sure if they're within your budget, but Fire Covenant and Phyrexian Purge can both clear a ton of other people's stuff. Make an Example might be the best sorcery speed removal effect ever printed, it's non-targeted and uses sacrifice, but you choose the piles that die so you always hit what you need to hit with it. Ashes to Ashes/Reckless Spite can clear a couple bodies. In Rakdos I feel like you want some of the following, Feed the Swarm, Chaos Warp and Wild Magic Surge to deal with awkward permanent types.

KongMing on Zaxara, the Exemplary | X Gon' Give It to Ya

2 years ago

So Deekah, Fractal Theorist might be a good way to 'double up' on the big X spells you cast, and also gives you some unblockable for your big hydra tokens at instant speed.

Geometric Nexus falls into a similar vein.

Finally, Orochi Hatchery might make a good mana dump if you don't end up spending it.

duchessCretina on Contamination locked

2 years ago

I don't think you have an issue on how to end the game because you can reliably drain the opponent each turn with Contamination's trigger + Blood Artist/Bastion of Remembrance.

I think, however, that maybe Ensnaring Bridge is missing to make the prison full circle.

The deck reminds me of Big Red/Dragon Stompy with Contamination being the "Blood Moon".

Maybe, just maybe, Karn, the Great Creator could occupy 4 slots in the maindeck to tutor for Trinisphere, Chalice of the Void and Ensnaring Bridge.

And maybe even tutor for Wurmcoil Engine or another alt-wincon or a token-generator like Orochi Hatchery or Retrofitter Foundry... not to mention the wide toolbox variety Liquimetal Coating, Mycosynth Lattice, Pithing Needle, Relic of Progenitus, Tormod's Crypt, Executioner's Capsule, Sphere of Annihilation, etc.

Maybe some Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth can help since Ancient Tomb hurts over time.

monkeyofficeboy on Ezuri, Claw in Progress

3 years ago


So a first pass at changing this deck just from things I had on hand. The following cards were removed:

Wistful Selkie

Thelonite Hermit

Experiment One

Patagia Viper

Elvish Visionary

Great Oak Guardian

Arbor Colossus

Loaming Shaman

Noble Quarry

Broodbirth Viper

Illusory Ambusher

Caller of the Claw

Kaseto, Orochi Archmage

All of these creatures were dropped to help reinforce the +1/+1 theme that the deck has. All of these creatures tend to lean more toward a Token theme, which might have helped with powering Ezuri up, but that's about it.

Scytheclaw Not enough effect and doesnt reinforce the Counters theme.

Orochi Hatchery Has counters, but leans into the Tokens subtheme the orginal deck had, so off it goes.

Caller of the Pack It's a big beater. Doesnt help Ezuri build Counters, and again leans into the Tokens subtheme.

Snakeform Too little effect and is token based again.

Sword of Vengeance A cool bit of kit, and will be going into something else, but doesn't help the theme here.

Vivid Grove Too little effect for its slot. Replaced with a dual land.

Vivid Creek Same as above.

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