Nykthos Paragon

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Nykthos Paragon

Enchantment Creature — Human Soldier

Whenever you gain life, you may put that many +1/+1 counters on each creature you control. Do this only once each turn.

Last_Laugh on

5 months ago

You seem to be at 99 cards. Nykthos Paragon isn't a flyer but he is an enchantment that triggers Alela and Alela conveniently has lifelink built in. Even at her base 2 power (which with Voltron shenanigans won't be the case usually) it's 2x +1+1 counters on everyone, then 4 the next turn, then 8. This thing snowballs out of control fast.

Last_Laugh on Similar cards to Sigil of …

5 months ago

Scapegoat will get the job done. Bonus points for refilling your hand if a boardwipe you can't otherwise avoid happens.

Together Forever is an excellent option if you have a counter theme (Felidar Retreat, Anduril, Narsil Reforged, Archangel of Thune, Cathars' Crusade, Nykthos Paragon, Luminous Broodmoth, etc.)

Last_Laugh on Faeries wears boots and you gotta believe me

6 months ago

Court of Vantress deserves a spot. Copying something like Cathar's Crusade gets nuts and the monarchy is pretty easy to hold here so they're usually permanent token copies.

Zur the Enchanter has a massive toolbox of cards to look up here.

Fanatical Devotion let's you sac tokens to save actual creatures.

Vault of the Archangel is expensive to activate but you don't always need to. Just the unspoken threat of a potential activation effects combat in your favor and when you do activate it, it gains massive amounts of life. Hold up the mana into combat, be prepared to use it if needed, and if not play stuff on your post combat main phase.

Last, but definitely not least is Nykthos Paragon. It's an enchantment so it triggers Alela and Alela conveniently has lifelink built in. The low bar here is Alela at only 2 power puts 2x +1+1 counters on everyone, then 4 the next turn, then 8. It snowballs fast and turns even your 1/1's into game ending threats in no time.

Last_Laugh on Ne-Faerie-Ous

6 months ago

Upvoted for the name alone. I have several card draw suggestions for you that are very budget friendly but very impactful here.

Reconnaissance Mission/Bident of Thassa will draw a LOT of cards here. Plumb the Forbidden in response to boardwipes keeps your hand full (instant speed on this is honestly amazing). Breena, the Demagogue isn't a faerie, but it goes well with goad and those counters add up FAST. Robe of the Archmagi because Alela is a warlock.

One last card I'd suggest is dirt cheap and highly underrated here. Nykthos Paragon. It's conveniently an enchantment that triggers Alela and Alela conveniently has lifelink. The low bar for this is 2 counters on everyone, then 4 the next turn, then 8... and that's assuming Alela's power was starting at 2.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Last_Laugh on

6 months ago

Ok, I have several suggestions for you. I'll try to break it down by category and keep it budget friendly.

Card Draw (load up on this effect, it's one of the decks biggest strengths): Aerial Extortionist doubles as annoying removal while drawing cards. Breena, the Demagogue draws cards and beefs up your dudes quick. Starscream, Power Hungry  Flip because the monarchy is pretty easy to take back and hold here and he's an artifact so he comes with a buddy. Tegwyll, Duke of Splendor is an anthem effect for faeries that draws cards. Bident of Thassa/Reconnaissance Mission will draw a LOT of cards here. Plumb the Forbidden I typically use in response to boardwipes so I have a grip full of cards to redeploy. Tocasia's Welcome is self explanatory. Robe of the Archmagi since Alela is a warlock.

Buffs/Counters: Anduril, Narsil Reforged's 2x +1+1 counters on everyone is nuts here. Skyhunter Strike Force will give everyone +3+3 just for attacking all 3 opponents. Nykthos Paragon is conveniently an enchantment and Alelas has lifelink built in (this thing is deceptively disgusting here). Flowering of the White Tree is another good anthem effect here.

Vault of the Archangel is expensive to activate but you typically don't need to. This affects combat in your favor just with the unspoken threat of potential activation. Hold up mana, be committed to using it if needed, and cast stuff on your 2nd main if you didn't activate it.

Feel free to check out my list for more ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

Last_Laugh on

7 months ago

I've had really good results with a +1+1 counter subtheme. Anduril, Narsil Reforged, Shadrix Silverquill, Felidar Retreat, Archangel of Thune, Drana, Liberator of Malakir, and Nykthos Paragon (an enchantment and Alela conveniently has lifelink) are my go-wide +1+1 counters and Felisa, Fang of Silverquill / Breena, the Demagogue are my single target/support guys.

Reconnaissance is amazing here. Swing with EVERYONE safely, deal combat damage in most situations, and have every one of those creatures untapped by the end of combat.

Vault of the Archangel effects combat in your favor even if you don't activate it. Just the unspoken threat of potential activation makes people think twice and when it is activated, you'll gain huge chunks of life.

Feel free to check out my list for ideas. Upvotes on any of my decks are appreciated. Alela's Aerodynamics: A Crash Course

jarncards on Soldiers

7 months ago

Adeline, Resplendent Cathar might be a reasonable addition. she isn't a soldier but gives you extra fodder for you to buff and will hit like a truck. Also Mirror Entity and she will be good friends with the tokens she poops out.

Errand-Rider of Gondor, Resistance Squad, Spirited Companion, Loyal Warhound, Solemn Simulacrum, and Knight of the White Orchid are always reasonable additions. you need cards and mana to play them. they also love to be blinked and revived, which is what white does best.

Cosmic Intervention and Teferi's Protection are the s+ white cards. they go in every deck with white

You should run Skullclamp and Heirloom Blade. and Recruiter of the Guard. It is too good not to.

You have plenty of blink synergy already. Eerie Interlude, Ghostway, Semester's End are things you should strongly consider, the delayed return allows you to dodge wipes, although youll lose your tokens. Teleportation Circle might be reasonable to add. Planar Guide can also be used offensively too. And The Eternal Wanderer is outrageously strong. It does everything.

Cut Arm the Cathars its awful at 3 sorcery speed. Things like Akroma's Will exist and are 100x better. I'd honestly have you revise most of your instants and sorceries. You dont have enough draw to use spot removal like this without putting yourself at a disadvantage.

If you run baird, you should also consider Norn's Annex, Ghostly Prison, and Windborn Muse. as those effects stack, they get much much stronger.

Darien, King of Kjeldor is pretty silly, although he's expensive. with the soul sisters you run, you become very very hard to kill. Conclave Phalanx isn't great in my opinion without some blinking, but if you use something like Nykthos Paragon, its very silly Knight-Captain of Eos also can do a lot to make you invincible.

Flowering of the White Tree is an amazing anthem. probably the best in the game. Spear of Heliod is probably second if you keep mana up, just because it will likely turn offense to other players because of its awful ability.

Moonshaker Cavalry is probably an instant win if you play it

LANDS: This deck might actually be able to run Scorched Ruins.

You might as well add Daru Encampment, Forbidding Watchtower, and Memorial to Glory. Kjeldoran Outpost has synergy but has a major drawback.

I'll look at more low cost stuff later. most of my recommendations are like 5cmc+

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