Well of Lost Dreams

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Well of Lost Dreams


Whenever you gain life, you may pay , where X is less than or equal to the amount of life you gained. If you do, draw X cards.

SufferFromEDHD on Heliod, Life Support System

3 weeks ago

Crackdownfoil mono white tech.

Well of Lost Dreams draw engine.

DemonDragonJ on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

What does everyone here think about Archivist? Four mana for a 1/1 creature with no protection is rather risky, but it requires no additional investment of mana, can be used as an instant, and can be used repeatedly, and benefits only its controller.

wallisface, what criteria should I use to search for those cards on Scryfall?

RiotRunner789, several of my decks could actually use Staff of Compleation, such as my Jenara, Asura of War EDH deck, my Marath, Will of the Wild *f-etch* EDH deck, and my Liesa, Shroud of Dusk EDH deck, all of which have sufficient amounts of lifegain to be able to pay the costs of the abilities of the staff and all of which could actually benefit from the proliferate ability. Unfortunately, my Liesa deck is the only deck of mine that can gain life reliably enough to justify the inclusion of Well of Lost Dreams, and I definitely like Idol of Oblivion, but the only deck of mine in which that card would be reliable is my Ghired, Conclave Exilefoil EDH deck, and I am not certain what card I would remove from that deck, to make room for the idol.

DarkKiridon, I am almost afraid to ask, but why do you dislike Otherworld Atlas?

RiotRunner789 on Is Staff of Completion a …

1 month ago

There's nothing wrong with liking a generic artifact you put into most of your decks. Without knowing your decks, I would take staff over bell because of the added versatility. It helps their the same mana value but beware the life loss from the staff can add up.

However, most decks would benefit from a synergistic draw source rather than a generic one-size-fits-all card. Such as adding Well of Lost Dreams in a life gain deck or Idol of Oblivion in a token deck.

A lot of this can also be meta dependent. Going with some generic cards will also tend to lower the power level of your decks (which can be a good thing).

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem ~{FOILED}~

3 months ago

RiotRunner789, you are 100% correct - the quest for perfection is never complete.

I just feel a certain way about some cards for no apparent reason, and Smuggler's Share is one of those cards I just feel iffy on. I don't really have a good reason as to why - I just don't really like it for whatever reason.

I thought about Well of Lost Dreams. Honestly I kind of like it more than Dawn of Hope as you could potentially pay 1:1 instead of 2:1. However it comes with the downside of being two more mana. Honestly though thinking about it I may end up swapping the two. You might've convinced me.

As for Court of Grace, I just don't vibe with the Monarch mechanic. I don't really have a good reason as to why, I just don't. I could consider it as you're right - protecting the Monarch title is easier with a bunch of fat flying angels. I'll consider it.

As for Reconnaissance, you might've just convinced me to put it into another deck I run, Adeline, Resplendent Cathar. I had been considering it for some time, but I completely forgot about the cleanup step after damage is dealt. I didn't even consider using it then, haha. Unsure about it for Giada, but definitely for Adeline.

RiotRunner789 on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem ~{FOILED}~

3 months ago

Because you mentioned card advantage, have you considered the following?

Smuggler's Share:Anytime an opponent draws an extra card is often. Plus, the random treasure every now and then.

Well of Lost Dreams: You have Dawn of Hope and the well is similiar but has a much higher ceiling. Big beater and mana open can easily net 4+ cards.

Court of Grace: On theme and keeping the monarch is easier with a bunch of fliers. Will at least replace itself and give evasive chump blockers.

An unrelated card to card advantage would also be Reconnaissance. It's purely for combat but allows you to swing with impunity with every creature every turn. Unfavorable block? Untap and back out. It also grants pseudo vigilance since you can untap and remove from combat after damage with zero downside.

Like the deck. Honestly looks good as is but alas, we are never finished tinkering.

austintayshus on Friendship is Magic

4 months ago

love lifegain!!

In my opinion, 31 lands might be a bit low, but if you've found that it works for the deck, stick with it.

Accomplished Alchemist could be strong in your deck

Well of Lost Dreams could draw you a lot of cards

Daxos, Blessed by the Sun for another Soul Warden effect.

king-saproling on millipede succer

4 months ago

Well of Lost Dreams seems good here

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