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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Each player returns a creature he or she controls to its owner's hand.

Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago


Ohh yeah man, Crystal Shard is great here for sure. As many economically feasible ways to reset Chun-Li as possible is a must here, certainly. Unsummon, Vapor Snag, Fading Hope, Rescue, Curfew, Chain of Vapor, Alchemist's Retrieval, Unsubstantiate, Familiar's Ruse, Geistwave, Call to Heel, Snapback & of course Capsize (so much utility here) are all worth a thought here imo, seeing as how they are also instants that can easily be recurred via the Commander's ability.

Other less synergistic synergies like Vedalken Mastermind, Waterfront Bouncer, Trusted advisors, Shrieking Drake, Faerie Impostor, Seal of Removal, Turbulent Dreams, Aether Spellbomb, Otawara, Soaring City & Sanctum of Eternity could potentially help the deck push through to victory as well!

And then there's Intuition, which is obviously just insane lol.

Azoth2099 on Chun - li countless tokens

1 year ago


Wow, not sure how I managed to misread Nexus of Fate like that smh, thank you for that correction haha. That's what I get for trying to Magic while sleepy.

Now that I'm rested, let's try to suggest things again...fingers crossed lol.

A really great one that comes to mind is Evacuation. Continuously wiping the board of creatures AND giving you a way to consistently recast Chun-Li for more value is super good. Curfew would be another great way to do this if you're trying to keep the curve low. Filter Out seems like a great way for this deck to consistently control the board very heavily, too. Since this is essentially a graveyard deck, Mesmeric Orb, Windfall, Brain Freeze & Tolarian Winds are all worth considering for sure. Chain of Vapor is ridiculous here too, considering the sheer multi-utility with the Commander imho.

Being dependent on Combat, I'd say Reconnaissance is potentially an auto-include. Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar pulls weight here too, with it's baby cousin Cunning Evasion slotting in for 1 less mana if that matters.

Sorry if I goofed again with these further suggestions!

RiotRunner789 on How to kill a resolved …

2 years ago

Curfew doesn't target. Curse of Chains is technically multicolored. But my favorite is Serrated Arrows, though obviously not the best option.

fastzero on Mono-Blue FLASH Faeries

2 years ago

K4nkato Thanks for the suggestion! Great card. Maybe i can run +3/+2 Curfew and cut some Disrupt or/and Into the Roil. I will try out. But i have to be careful cuz this deck NEEDS the " draw a card " effects to be effective.

K4nkato on Mono-Blue FLASH Faeries

2 years ago

Perhaps you should try Curfew? Works at flash speed.

Nathanael97 on Faerly Odd Wizards

2 years ago

If you're building a sideboard in Grixis for the current meta, I highly recommend bringing at least 3 (if not 4) Leyline of the Void. Another option I've liked for faeries (bear in mind I haven't played it in a few years) is Curfew. It can really mess with cards like Murktide Regent, reanimator decks in general, as well as the rhinos from Crashing Footfalls. It also obviously rebuys Faerie ETBs and combos especially well with Spellstutter Sprite since it is instant. As you're in Grixis, bringing some amount of Kolaghan's Command is probably a reasonable choice. Comes in super clutch in most grindy matchups.

I love the list!

sergiodelrio on Taxes Hold 'em

3 years ago

aggro_jack thanks for having a look at the deck!

The whole engine of the deck revolves around bouncing lands so that opponent is stuck at one or two lands max and can't play the game. So while Curfew looks effective at first, it doesn't really push them back enough and ideally, due to the land bounce, they won't even have a fat creature with big auras out to begin with.

For the same reason Rhystic Study is an absolute powerhouse and most important key card in this deck. It will draw a card for literally each spell the opponent plays, because they can't afford the tax. Or, if they choose to keep mana open to pay the tax, they won't be able to cast a lot of spells.

In order for that strategy to work tho, I can't put too many cards in that do not cause the opponent to bounce or sac a land.

Also, as I stated before, I don't want this to be 'just another faeries/ninja deck'

aggro_jack on Taxes Hold 'em

3 years ago

Hello!! I really like the deck but can i suggest some few things? 1) Curfew is probably better than AEther Tradewinds because allows you to bounce creature (usually one really big with a lot of enchantments on it) with hexproof (boogle) 2) Spellstutter Sprite can't have an home if you play 4 or more faeries (and you play 8 at least), and if you play Spellstutter Sprite you have to play 4 Ninja of the Deep Hours to support them 3)if you play 4 ninjas you could definitely cut 2 Rhystic Study

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