Spell Blast

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Spell Blast


Counter target spell with converted mana cost/mana value X. (For example, if that spell's converted mana cost is , X is 5.)

Vash13 on List of EDH counterspells

4 years ago

Power Sink, Spell Blast, Dovin's Veto, and if were throwing creatures in there Brine Seer, Diplomatic Escort, Disciple of the Ring, Disruptive Pitmage, Ertai, Wizard Adept, and Mundungu are just a couple not to mention the plethora of sac to counter creatures, this list is a good start but maybe 100 or so cards short, thank you for starting this list tho +1 from me

supa_tim on Talrand of the free and home of the brave

4 years ago

I would drop:

  • Clairvoyance
  • Fleeting Distraction
  • Grip of the Roil
  • Obsessive Search
  • Radical Idea
  • Reach Through Depths
  • Spell Syphon
  • Twisted Image
  • Slip Through Space
  • Apprentice Wizard
  • Deranged Assistant
  • Hedron Crawler
  • Manakin
  • Sea Scryer
  • Prismatic Lens

One reason is that you have a lot of cards that do nothing but draw one card. Which is usually fine in 60 card 1v1 as they function as almost running fewer cards. This lets you draw into your business spells with more consistency. However, in EDH multiplayer, I feel like you want cards with more impact. I kept in cards that let you scry or let you decide card quality because those have more impact.

The other reason is that you really aren't accelerating into anything big, so why do you need a bunch of mana ramp cards? You definitely want to hit all your land drops, but your 2-for-1 and 3-for-1 draw spells should keep filling your hand with lands. You want more business spells that keep you in the game long enough to get Talrand into play and start beating down.

I know Talrand tempts you to play a bunch of cantrip spells to have a sort of combo finish. However, in my experience it is better to have a more solid lock down of the game and win with inevitability than just trying for an alpha strike. A few 2/2 flyers can go a long way.

I would go up to 36-38 lands to make sure you keep getting those land drops.

Then I would add a few more counters:

Then some more bounce (although you have most of the good ones in there already):

Then maybe a couple more recursion spells:

Just to give you some card advantage in other ways or to get back powerful spells that you were forced to use early.

Blue shenanigans can be hard to play. Sometimes you want to be aggressive with your countermagic and bounce to stall your opponents. Other times you want to hold back and wait until the more opportune time.

Hope this helps.

oliveoilonyaasscureshemorrhoid on

7 years ago

Jace's Sanctum or Iceberg? I think it will fit in with your ramp spells. Recall? Sphinx's Tutelage for another end game? Syncopate or Dissipate or Spell Blast or Power Sink? I think some more draw wouldn't hurt anything, consider these - Tolarian Winds? Windfall? Stroke of Genius? Prosperity? Read the Runes? Also, where the hell is Guile? That card makes me want to play Baral, even if it's a shittier Leyline of the Void or Rest in Peace. Hope this help <3

lagotripha on UWr Control on a Budget

8 years ago

I've just run three playtests on this and all three I had trouble casting spells due to the manabase and relative colour-intensity of the spells. You could drop a couple of plains for islands, and swap the Lightning Helix and Condemn with more stuff like Spell Blast, Wall of Omens for some Think Twice Whispers of the Muse or Murmurs from Beyond to try and stabilise that and run some Anger of the Gods or Roast. I prefer Spell Burst as my budget cryptic replacement, because of the increased earlygame coverage it offers. Dawn Charm could be useful in an 8 whack heavy meta, negating that big push, and hitting boros charm. Fractured Loyalty is budget and very playable, especially if you run Izzet Staticaster for tokenspam.

Epochalyptik on Kozilek Great Distortion counters morph …

8 years ago

Yes and yes. When cast as a face-down morph spell, a card has no converted mana cost. Kozilek, the Great Distortion's last ability for X=0 or Spell Blast for X=0 will counter a morph spell.

PistonGolem on Card creation challenge

8 years ago

Roxy, the Path Crosser

Legendary Creature - Rooster

Menace, Skulk

When this card successfully deals damage to an opponent, you get a 1/1 hen token with "when this creature dies, place a 0/1 egg token on the battlefield".


"Amidst the mage-fire and sword clashes, Roxy legendarily crossed the battlefield, scholars are still trying to figure out why to this date." - Ivib, mage scholar

Create a counterspell that is unique and has a flavor text that one would like to recite as he/she plays the couterspell, like 8th edition does Spell Blast...

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