Stone-Seeder Hierophant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stone-Seeder Hierophant

Creature — Human Druid

Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, untap Stone-Seeder Hierophant.

Tap: Untap target land.

king-saproling on Sultai Landfall

3 months ago

Looks like a solid list so far. Personally I would make these swaps:

Muldrotha, the Gravetide -> Kodama of the East Tree
Notion Thief -> Stone-Seeder Hierophant
Ramunap Excavator -> Awaken the Woods
Courser of Kruphix -> Tireless Provisioner
Doubling Season -> Spark Double
Roil Elemental -> Quantum Misalignment
Parallel Lives -> Irenicus's Vile Duplication
Crucible of Worlds -> Sakura-Tribe Scout
Harrow -> Elvish Rejuvenator
Roiling Regrowth -> Sporocyst
Cultivate -> Farhaven Elf
1x Island -> Field of the Dead
Meloku the Clouded Mirror -> Animist's Awakening
Trade Routes -> Genesis Wave
Life from the Loam -> Nissa, Resurgent Animist
Zuran Orb -> Squandered Resources

DreadKhan on Fear of The Deep

1 year ago

Here are a few ideas, maybe something will work for you?

One of my favorite cards in Tatyova is Oboro Breezecaller, this can easily be made mana positive, which makes it very easy to go infinite with Retreat to Coralhelm, or to just make mana for you (it helps if you can untap a land that taps for 2, be it Temple of the False God, Guildless Commons, Simic Growth Chamber, or Jungle Basin there are better lands but these untap fine. Another old favorite of mine is Soratami Mirror-Mage, this is also mana neutral at worst (1 mana per land to bounce), and you get to bounce a creature via it. For a bit more money (but you require Islands), you could try Flooded Shoreline, this card is bonkers if you can replay lands/count on hitting 2 Islands. Finally, Tatyova probably shouldn't leave home without Gush, even without Mystic Sanctuary shenanigans it's still a very strong draw spell.

I could be wrong, but I feel like Gretchen Titchwillow is a better card than Zimone? Both are decent fits, but it's very hard to combo off with Zimone in my experience as the lands enter tapped, Gretchen lets you use spare mana to ramp/draw cards at the same time. I think you could easily justify both if you wanted.

At the moment Crop Rotation is pretty cheap, it's a very good card in Tatyova, if you replace a land with a 2 mana land like Temple of the False God you actually ramp yourself (right away with Temple).

Stone-Seeder Hierophant is a really good version of Lotus Cobra if you have lands that tap for more than 1, but it's also another budget Lotus Cobra either way. This card is much better on a higher budget (with stuff like Ashaya, Soul of the Wild especially, or Lotus Field/Lotus Vale), but it should do work here too.

A few more budget fetchlands you could run include Bant Panorama, Terminal Moraine, and Warped Landscape, any of these enters untapped and can find whatever land you want if you have nothing better to do with your resources.

If you've got a lot of lands (and tend to put out some tokens, but not an infinite number), The Great Aurora offers a weird-but-useful board wipe option. As long as you've got a decent board (and run more lands), you'll get enough lands that you aren't hurt very much, spikier decks that are thin on lands get hurt badly, while decks with too many tokens just draw themselves to death.

As Tatyova decks tend to have a fair bit of mana, you might look at Curse of the Swine, and/or Mass Manipulation. Another bigger mana card that can do a huge amount of stuff (almost anything you need really) is Primal Command, I use that and Elixir of Immortality to recycle my graveyard, but I tend to end up in infinite loops pretty easily, so YMMV without strong discard outlets like Mind Over Matter.

If you want a high budget card that has ridiculous synergy, you might take a look at the aforementioned Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, this makes all your creatures into lands, meaning any non-token creature that ETBs will draw you a card, but it also forms various combos. It's hard to find a card that Tatyova wants more in my experience.

It was mentioned already, but 40 lands isn't exactly a ton in Tatyova, you've also got a lot of creatures that benefit from having extra lands in hand. At 40 lands you are at a real risk of missing your 5th land drop, let alone your 6th to draw a card. I run 45, and I often feel like I should run more (keep in mind, at 45 lands you still only 'expect' to have 3.2 lands, so if you have even 1 less than normal you almost certainly have to mulligan, 40 means even more mulligans). In my experience, many ramp spells that normally are worthwhile just aren't in Tatyova when you could just run a land instead (and not have to pay mana for your land drop).

Flarhoon13 on Dredgefall Windgrace (Land reanimation)

1 year ago

Lord Windgrace victory yesterday: Torment of Hailfire, x=21 copied with Wild Ricochet, so total x=42.

Turn 4 Stone-Seeder Hierophant, who untapped my lands from turn 5 Boundless Realms to cast World Shaper, making lots of clues via Tireless Tracker.

Turn sixish,God-Eternal Bontu sacrificed my lands, my clues and World Shaper (who immediately resurrected all my lands) and drew a buttload of cards. Stone-Seeder Hierophant untaps allowed me to meant also cast  In Garruk's Wake plus have mana leftover to sac clues and Constant Mists.

Rich used Selvala's Stampede to steal my World Shaper via Sepulchral Primordial after casting my In Garruk's Wake via Diluvian Primordial.

I cast Decimate to get World Shaper back in my graveyard for an amazing Golgari Grave-Troll fueled Twilight's Call. It resurrected God-Eternal Bontu who sacrificed my tapped lands, my clues and World Shaper again. God-Eternal Bontu drew me 25 cards, leaving mana up for Constant Mists to protect my commander alongside Thespian's Stage / Dark Depths combo via Ulvenwald Hydra. I untapped and ... you know the rest.

PrismMTG on All-Star Commanders #78 - Green Tribal

1 year ago

Alright, so. Right off the bat, sorry for this being a bit late, I thought I was gonna get to it the other day, and then I worked two 13 hour shifts in a row. But, im here now, so lets get started.

I can see that you chose to go more of a landfall route as apposed to the stompy route that I did. Respectable, I like it. However, I think that this deck struggles with some of the same things that my deck does, which is getting creatures through to hit face. It's why I have such a high priority on trample effects. Cards like Rhonas's Monument or Aggressive Mammoth are big hitters in my deck just because Ashaya, Soul of the Wild is often already around a 20/20, giving her trample is what brings it together to make her significantly more terrifying. Giant Ankheg is a favorite of mine for this purpose, it gives so much value.

A few big beaters I'm surprised you don't have are Ghalta, Primal Hunger because, lets be honest, shes basically a 12/12 trampler for 2, or cards like Worldspine Wurm or Moldgraf Monstrosity. Big, hard hitting creatures that you can easily power out pretty quickly. I would also consider Blackblade Reforged as a card, as it effectively doubles Ashaya's power and turns a scarily large creature into something terrifying.

Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar is a card that I really like in my deck. She's basically as big as Ashaya, so she is a good beaters, seeing as how she has trample, but personally, I prefer her in the gy. There are a bunch of sneaky ways to protect your creatures with Ashaya. I see you already have Quirion Ranger, but I suggest Multani as well as Scryb Ranger. Instead of protecting your creatures with Sylvan Safekeeper and having to sacrifice something else to do it, why not just bounce them to your hand and fizzle the effect? Then you get to play them out again and get another etb/landfall trigger for whatever you have on board that cares about that. This also works better against board wipes, as shroud doesn't help with that.

For landfall effects, Rampaging Baloths or Tireless Tracker are some cards I would consider, as they either make basically infinite 4/4s or they give you clues, which, after playing this deck a lot, that card advantage is very necessary, you can absolutely run out of cards very quickly. That's why I run Ulvenwald Mysteries and Rishkar's Expertise in my Ashaya deck. Ulvenwald gives you consistent clues and a chump blocker to boot, and Rishkar's, combined with Ashaya, or Multani or whoever else, draws you like, 20 cards and then lets you put something onto the battlefield.

For ramp/land effects you can go in a ton of different directions, what you do doesn't matter much, as everything is effective imo. I personally run Bootleggers' Stash and Zendikar Resurgent because you can ramp into them very quickly and they can both give you insane amounts of extra mana. Other cards like Augur of Autumn or Karametra's Acolyte are both good utility/ramp cards, as well as Stone-Seeder Hierophant.

Now, I really just have a few questions. Why are you running Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth? Isn't everything already a forest? That pick, I'm afraid I just don't understand, could you explain what I'm missing? And if you're going for a devotion style deck, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Gaea's Cradle are both amazing lands. Granted, idk what your budget is and Gaea's Cradle isn't exactly cheap lmao. Another thing, why are you running 45 lands? I understand that there is a landfall theme, but that seems extreme even to me, most landfall decks I've seen run around 38. I would reduce your land count imo and invest those slots into artifacts and instants that either pair well with your deck, or that protect your creatures.

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Perilous Forays: Definitely a card I need to slot in, I'm just wondering what it should be slot in for? There doesn't seem to be an easy answer, I'm wondered what your thoughts on it are.

Concordant Crossroads: Undoubtably a very powerful card, I'm just not sure if haste makes enough of a difference in this deck to justify slotting this in.

Crashing Drawbridge: If I am going to slot in haste, its going to be through Concordant Crossroads

Akroma's Memorial: Definitely an interesting suggestion and a possible card to help close out games. It being removed can be a problem though, and I'm wondering what would be swapped out for it

Null Brooch: Having lands into my graveyard is good, but its very hard to get useful creatures or spell backs from the graveyard and I'm not sure if my entire hand is a good trade for one noncreature spell

Stone-Seeder Hierophant: Definitely synergistic, but it works similar to Lotus Cobra, but slower

Animist's Awakening: A very risky card, its possible to hit almost nothing for a very large mana investment, cutting down on some risks has been a point of upgrading this list.

Kamahl's Druidic Vow: Same reasoning as above, but less likely to miss

Traverse the Outlands: Most of the time, it hits about 5-6, which is a decent 1-1 payoff, but it costs more than cards such as Roiling Regrowth and there are other cards I would rather play with 5 CMC

Boundless Realms: If a game goes long, you will probably have more cards on the field than you can search up with this. It's a powerful card, but it doesn't have the speed that this list runs.

Reshape the Earth: Powerful card, great for finding certain lands like Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, or Lotus Vale, but it is just too expensive CMC wise.

Pir's Whim: I will find a land card, but not everyone else will have an artifact/enchantment to sacrifice, especially in my pod. Its good, don't get me wrong, but there are more efficient cards imo.

Dryad's Revival: This is simply Timeless Witness, but Witness has a body that cards such as Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can use, or that I can sac to Greater Good, etc

nbarry223 on Viga-BOOM! (MH3 updates)

1 year ago

Regarding Wargate - If you are investing 4 mana into an Amulet of Vigor, you are generally better off investing in your threat (in my opinion) or just running Stone-Seeder Hierophant since it is essentially an upgraded Amulet of Vigor, letting you choose what to untap. The same can be said about finding a land. In most scenarios, if you are paying that much for a land, it is a bounce so you can go off. I will sometimes tutor for Elvish Reclaimer to achieve that, but I try not to need to.

One of my biggest issues with Wargate is that it is 3 different colored mana, which often means we are capable of getting to 5+ mana just as easily with our manabase, in which case, there's better things to do than overpay for a combo piece to get to our payoff cards. Wargate is definitely flexible enough, and I would probably consider it a lot more strongly if it was something like instead of .

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