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Format | Legality |
1v1 Commander | Legal |
Archenemy | Legal |
Canadian Highlander | Legal |
Casual | Legal |
Commander / EDH | Legal |
Commander: Rule 0 | Legal |
Custom | Legal |
Duel Commander | Legal |
Highlander | Legal |
Legacy | Legal |
Leviathan | Legal |
Limited | Legal |
Oathbreaker | Legal |
Planar Constructed | Legal |
Planechase | Legal |
Premodern | Legal |
Quest Magic | Legal |
Vanguard | Legal |
Vintage | Legal |
Choose target instant or sorcery spell that targets only a single permanent or player. Copy that spell for each other permanent or player the spell could target. Each copy targets a different one of those permanents and players.

Rhadamanthus on How does priority work with …
6 months ago
vic: Sorry, I thought you were still asking about normal fight effects, not Arena's specific behavior. But now it seems like we need to clarify what happens when you make a copy of a spell or ability.
Making a copy of a spell or ability on the stack creates an exact copy that accounts for any choices made during the casting process, including modes, targets, distribution of counters/damage and other such things. This is why every spell/ability copying effect will allow you to choose new targets for the copies (Doublecast, Illusionist's Bracers, etc.) or will tell you something specific about what to do with the targets for the copies (Radiate, Ink-Treader Nephilim, etc.), otherwise copy effects wouldn't be half as useful or interesting. There are no Ink-Treader style effects in the game that can copy a spell/ability with more than one target, meaning you would be using an effect that allows you to choose new targets for the copies. Your opponent wouldn't get a say in it.
To the bigger question you might be asking about what happens when different players need to make choices about something simultaneously: first the active player makes their choices and then the non-active player makes their choices. If there are more than 2 players in the game, then it starts with the active player and goes around the table in turn order. But if your Ink-Treader Nephilim makes a bunch of copies of something, you're the only one who will be making decisions for the order that the copies go onto the stack because you control them all.
Profet93 on
Imodane’s Flames
1 year ago
Bro I can't believe I'm talking to that_dude33, that dude is famous! All jokes aside....
Radiate for shits and giggles? Nice vindicate or removal spell you got there, pal.
freezerboy on Is a color changing strategy …
2 years ago
I'll take a look at the deck. I've found that the color changing keywords are pretty challenging to search because of all the color overlap with things like "white" giving you lots of token generation abilities etc, so any decks that have a list are helpful. If only there was a primer of all the cards...
I also agree that a win condition seems challenging. Commander damage is possible, and so are things like Radiate+Artificial Evolution+Ral, Storm Conduit, which should give a copy for every permanent on the battlefield dealing a lot of damage. I have a feelings that there are other ways to leverage the targeting situation, like maybe storm or something like that.
freezerboy on
Color Fight Party
2 years ago
ThatWeirdPerson - Boil was in the deck, and I originally had a lot more land destruction like that, but with the current EDH format, land specific destruction cards may be less useful than I expected. Stench of Evil and the like are also in the maybeboard, so if I get around to getting all the cards and can test it IRL, then we shall see. Sadly, Ral, Storm Conduit is the only current win condition in the game, if you get a permanent target and Radiate so for now it will stay unless the deck actually wins in another way.
legendofa - Thanks for the suggestions, and I like Crypt Angel so we shall see how that goes. There aren't a ton of creatures, but it does target specific colors and has protection so...who knows. Thada Adel, Acquisitor is an interesting idea and makes me wonder if I could leverage landwalking abilities in this deck way more to win games, so could end up being the only reliable win condition with the deck.
tylorlilley on
Parnesse Politics
2 years ago
I think Spelltwine doesn't work with your commander, because you are copying the cards and casting them instead of copying the spell. If that's right than Mizzix's Mastery and Arcane Bombardment also wouldn't work, sadly. Maybe they are good enough to keep anyway? Not sure. Cards with the Cipher mechanic are also so close to working but I don't think they do. This is actually kind of hard to brew around! Ugh, God-Eternal Kefnet wouldn't work either, ew.
Immolating Gyre and Volcanic Vision are really good boardwipes in a spells-y deck... as is Cyclonic Rift, which you definitely should still run. In fact, all the overload spells are pretty sweet here, since they only target things you don't control, so if you copy them opponent's can't even pay the 4 life to hit one of your things. Makes Vandalblast and friends possibly worth it.
Radiate is such a fun card that could do some real crazy things here! Shoutout to Radiant Performer as well.
Sublime Epiphany and Volcanic Offering Might not be good enough here.
I really like Narset's Reversal, Split Decision, and the demonstrate cards in this deck! Obviously Twinning Staff is fun here too.
It will be interesting to see if Lithoform Engine or Pyromancer's Goggles will be good enough here (I like Primal Amulet Flip). Maybe more spells that copy spells are better than these chunkier repeatable ones? Things like Galvanic Iteration or Reiterate if you like the buyback better. Or Increasing Vengeance for the beefier flashback. Hell, if its politics Bonus Round could be really fun. Chef's Kiss is a newer one that I forgot about
Maybe this is the kind of deck where Thrilling Encore shines?
Is Stunning Reversal here to try and copy and save other people with?? Seems like it may not be good enough when you have access to blue for card draw/protection anyway.
I've found the expertise cycle (Baral's Expertise, Yahenni's Expertise, maybe not Kari Zev's Expertise) to be really fun with spell copying, since they in turn let you cast more spells themselves.
I wish, as I always do, that Cloven Casting wasn't soooo bad. Or like, any of the cards with Replicate. Those would be so perfect. Maybe Shattering Spree is good enough but I think it isn't. Ugh, that makes me think about how you're definitely supposed to play storm cards in this deck. Are there any storm cards that aren't miserable? Mind's Desire maybe...
Is Charmbreaker Devils good enough?
Wild Ricochet is an oldie but maybe enough of a goodie here with the copying theme?
Harmonic Prodigy since your commander is a wizard isn't a terrible idea...
Humble Defector might be too cute.
Gotta have Rakdos Charm! Honestly there might be other charms that are worth it to like Crosis's Charm, but definitely Rakdos Charm.
Cruel Ultimatum is the ultimate chunky spell and you're even in the right colors for it!
Also Chaos Warp is still good enough as universal instant speed removal and kind of fun/politics-y as well
RambIe on What to do against Rakdos, …
3 years ago
play it out
he drops Rakdos, Lord of Riots, on your turn you play any Act of Treason effect move to combat and swing
A. He chump blocks killing off a lesser creature to the general
B. He big blocks killing his own general
C. He can't block he takes 6 general damage (yes you can loose to your own general) and you then utilize Rakdos, Lord of Riots to cast Zada, Hedron Grinder for plus what ever other creatures you want to unload in your hand
No matter how it plays out its good for you, now if you can consistently take his creatures swing them,then sacrifice it before the end of your turn you will be able to control the board state and easily take the win, this strategy is powerful no matter what deck your facing. be sure to include plenty of low cmc single target can trips to reload your hand, and toss some board wipe effects like Mob Rule,Insurrection, Radiate+ Any Act of Treason
Nysten on
Kazuul the Pillow-Forting Chaotic
3 years ago
Note to self: Share the Spoils for Outpost Siege // Thieves' Auction for Boompile // Feldon's Cane for Radiate // Mikokoro, Center of the Sea for Snow-Covered Mountain //
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