Cathars' Crusade

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Modern Beyond Horizons Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planar Constructed Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Cathars' Crusade


Whenever a creature enters under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control.

hyalopterouslemur on Share your hidden gems

2 weeks ago

So I've been thinking about pet cards, and ones that have unique abilities.

I'll start with one: March of Souls. Slightly more expensive than most wipes, yes, but it's useful in token decks.

Allow me to explain: You get to reuse all your death and entry triggers all at once. Doubling effects also apply if you have any, but also, with an anthem or two (or just Cathars' Crusade) you now have the biggest creatures on the battlefield.

If you're playing black, there's another cool effect: Grave Pact and friends trigger after everyone creates their spirits, so your opponents have to sacrifice them immediately after creating them.

Quicksilver on Grandma's Cookies

3 weeks ago

They need to get a VR tabletop version of MTG yesterday, because hearing the TONK of a shovel as it beats your opponent would be a hilarious way to win. I imagine the rabbit-babies were rather tumbled and very hungry; they were fed and put to bed? No love for Prime Speaker Zegana? I imagine Cathars' Crusade might be a bit too mana heavy as well?

Moepzilla on Katilda WIDE boi

3 weeks ago

Thank you for your suggestions DreadKhan!

Although I don't have most of these cards on hand I do have quite a lot of similar ones lying around, I will definitly try some of your strategies out. I especially like Metastatic Evangel as in this deck it is pretty much a cheaper Cathars' Crusade. I purposefully kept the number of lands in this deck low as with most starterhands I can get my commander out in T2, and I can quickly ramp mana from there. I have noticed the low number of lands has made this deck more vunerable to aggro decks and removal spells so I tried adding a couple of cards capable of protecting my commander, although I have not yet found a solution for the early game turns.

In general I should get more wipes as I definitly lack them currently. These suggestions are more then welcome so please tell me if you can think of anything else.

Crow_Umbra on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

4 weeks ago

No prob Craeter, I read the first sentence of your comment a bit too quickly, but after peeping your deck, your comment makes more sense in that context. If you want to go in a more Legend focused route, Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge could be fun draw engine & Menace anthem in your deck. I've really enjoyed the Treasure support I currently run in this deck, it feels consistent enough without overshadowing some of the other aspects.

Rain of Riches was something I had on my radar for Prosper for a minute. When I first put Prosper together, I expected it to be a niche Rakdos commander, and not a large part of its design identity in the following years lol.

Anointed Procession is cool, I just haven't picked up a copy yet. At the time that I bough Mondrak, it was cheaper than Anointed Procession. Cathars' Crusade is good, but it's something that I didn't like after playing it in a different deck a few times. The irl game actions of tracking counters across a growing board was kind of tiresome for me. All that being said, it's still a great card especially in a counters focused deck, it's just not my cup of tea.

Looking forward to how your deck develops.

Craeter on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

4 weeks ago

Crow_Umbra Yeah everything you're saying makes sense, I see you've heavily researched and play-tested the deck. I'm just theory crafting and wanted to try to put my own unique spin on Isshin. I think Legendary heavy perms and Treasures could be a viable alternative strategy. Also forgot to mention Rain of Riches seems pretty good, for 1 Treasure per turn you can draw and cast a lesser spell for free. I'm sure you've considered Anointed Procession as well since it's a pretty staple white token doubler. And Cathars' Crusade can also go nuts with the token buffs. Once I eventually try out the deck for real I'm sure I'll have a better idea of how to properly optimize it. Appreciate you.

RufusTheGrufus on Anikthea's Enchanting Recycling Plant [Primer]

2 months ago

jsnrice, thank you for the suggestions and for checking out the deck!

Living Plane is definitely an interesting suggestion. When initially tinkering with this deck I did consider running this card. Ultimately I opted not to run it however because it does not synergize with my main game plan(s) for this build (see the Introduction tab); and because I'm trying to curate a specific gameplay experience for this deck so that it doesn't feel overly oppressive or debilitating to play against. This is why I've also personally opted to not play really cool cards such as Out of Time (can permanently remove opponent's commanders from the game if turned into a creature with Anikthea), or things like Legion Loyalty, Starlight Spectacular,Cathars' Crusade (strong effects that lead to really convoluted and drawn out turns).

That being said, Living Plane (and Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite) is a really cool option for Anikthea builds leaning harder into go-wide and resource denial strategies; and I'll add it to the maybeboard for consideration!

AstroAA on Edh options

3 months ago

I run a Adeline, Resplendent Cathar tribal humans/anthems deck that can get out of control very quickly. If you're in a four-person pod, Adeline makes three tokens a turn. If you stack anthems like Cathars' Crusade, all creatures you control permanently get +3/+3, including the tokens that just ETB'd off of her effect, making you go from 7 power on board (Adeline + three tokens) to 19 power on board (7 from Adeline, 12 from 3 4/4 tokens).

The only problem with the deck is it's mono-white, however I honestly genuinely enjoy building in mono-white. It's a challenge due to all your mana ramp being weird like Tithe or Land Tax, and all your card draw options giving opponents benefits like Secret Rendezvous or Cut a Deal. Either way, I enjoy the challenge. Since Adeline, Resplendent Cathar is mono-white, you have a fairly wide range of prison/stax options if you really wanted to go that route to control the board. Smokestack is a great option since you're constantly generating tokens and can just pay for it with them.

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